Purple Records

Purple Records
Parent company EMI
Founded 1971 (1971)-1979
Status Inactive
Country of origin  UK
Location London
Official website www.emimusic.com

Purple Records was a record label established in 1971 by Deep Purple's management. Their releases were distributed by EMI. The label was run until 1979. In 1997 Simon Robinson from RPM Records established a second label releasing rare and previously unissued recordings. EMI continues to use the original logo, Robinson designed a new logo for his label.

1971-1979 released artists

Deep Purple, Hard Stuff, Rupert Hine, Tony Ashton, The Bumbles, Silverhead, Jon Pertwee, Yvonne Elliman, Carol Hunter, Michael Des Barres, Tucky Buzzard, David Coverdale, Curtiss Maldoon, Gnasher, Elf, Marlon and Jon Lord.

See also

External links

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