The Qualifications frameworks in the European Higher Education Area(QF-EHEA) is a European qualifications framework for the European Higher Education Area.
QF-EHEA in Spain
See:[1] Access to higher education in Spain is at 18 years and 12 years are needed to study. The QF-EHEA in Spain is called MECES. The MECES have the same definitions and the same educational levels and the MECES estabecenen the following qualifications:
- Short cycle - MECES 1
- Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional.
- Técnico Superior de Artes Plásticas y Diseño.
- Técnico Deportivo Superior.
- First cycle - MECES 2
- Title of Graduado.
- Title of Graduado de las enseñanzas artÃsticas superiores.
- Second cycle - MECES 3
- Title of Máster universitario.
- Title of Máster en Enseñanzas ArtÃsticas.
- Third cycle - MECES 4
- Title of Doctor.
QF-EHEA in England and Northern Ireland
Access to higher education in England is at 17 years and 11 years old are needed to study. The QF-EHEA in England is called FHEQ.[2] The FHEQ have the same definitions, but it contain a one level more and the FHEQ estabecenen the following qualifications:[3]
- FHEQ Certificate (C)
- Higher National Certificates (HNC)
- Certificates of Higher Education (CertHE)
- Short cycle - FHEQ Intermediate (I)
- Diplomas of Higher Education (DipHE)
- Higher National Diplomas (HND)
- Foundation Degrees (e.g., FdA, FdSc)
- First cycle - FHEQ Honours (H)
- Bachelor's degrees with honours
- Bachelor's degrees (e.g., BA/BSc Hons)
- Second cycle - FHEQ Masters (M)
- Master's degrees (e.g., MPhil, MLitt, MRes, MA, MSc)
- Integrated master's degrees (e.g., MEng, MChem, MPhys, MPharm)
- Third cycle - FHEQ Doctoral (D)
- Doctoral degrees (e.g., PhD/DPhil (including new-route PhD), EdD, DBA, DClinPsy)
QF-EHEA in the Republic of Ireland
The national framework is called National Framework of Qualifications and the isn't specific for EHEA.
- Short cycle - NFQ 6
- Higher Certificate
- First cycle - NFQ 7-8
- Ordinary Bachelor's degree
- Honours Bachelor's Degree
- Higher Diploma
- Second cycle - NFQ 9
- Master's degree
- Postgraduate diploma
- Third cycle - NFQ 10
- Doctorate degree
- Higher doctorate