Qasem-e Anvar

Qāsem-e Anvār (Qāsim-i Anwār) (Persian: قاسم انوار) (born 1356 - died 1433) was an Iranian poet and Sufi. Qāsem-e Anwār wrote ḡazals, molammaʿs, and tuyuḡs in a simple Azeri Turkish.[1] He was a Safavid propagandist and was born in Sarab, Tabriz.[2]

Qasem-e Anar is the author of a popular Masnavi entitled Anis al-arifin (Mystics' Companion), an explanation of Sufi terminology, and also a divan of Sufi poetry.[3]

A well-known Sufi sheikh who had a large following in Herat, Qāsem-e Anvar was suspected of collaboration with an assailant who stabbed Shahrukh and was banished from Herat.[4]

Qasem-e Anvar also spent many years in Gilan and learnt the vernacular of the region and has even a ghazal in Gilaki.


Persian English translation
از هر طرفی چهره گشایی که منم

در هر صفتی جلوه‌گر آیی که منم
با اینهمه گهگاه غلط می‌افتم
نادان کس و بله روستایی که منم [5]

You show me your face everywhere I see

and you try to get any good attribute
so I sometimes make a mistake that's why
I am an ignorant person or maybe I'm rural


  1. H. Javadi and K. Burrill. Azeri Turkish Literature
  2. قاسم انوار و غزلی که بزبان گیلکی سروده ,مجله ارمغان , دوره بیست و ششم، تیر 1336 - شماره 4 , صفحه 179 , تصویر | پایگاه مجلات تخصصی نور
  3. Thackston, Wheeler McIntosh. 1994. A millennium of classical Persian poetry a guide to the reading & understanding of Persian poetry from the tenth to the twentieth century. Bethesda, Md: Ibex publishers. p. 69.
  4. Thackston, Wheeler McIntosh. 1994. p.69.

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