Qemal Karaosmani

Qemal (Bey) Karaosmani
Born 1875
Elbasan, Ottoman Albania
Died 1948
Kavajë, People's Socialist Republic of Albania
Nationality Ottoman, Albanian
Occupation Politician, civil clerk
Known for Participating in Albanian Declaration of Independence of 1912

Qemal bej Karaosmani (1875-1948)[1] was one of the signatories of the Albanian Declaration of Independence,[2] and an activist of Albanian education. He served as General Secretary of the Provisional Government of Albania.


Karaosmani was born in Elbasan, back then part of Manastir Vilayet of the Ottoman Empire, today's central Albania. He got his first studies in the Turkish school of his home town. Later he finished the high school and the graduate studies in Istambul where he got a degree for Political Sciences and Civic Administration.

During his studies in Istambul, he got in contact with some Albanian patriots and activists, especially Murat Toptani, who would become a close friend. After the graduation, he was appointed to work in the Prefecture in Yannina where he did not stay long. He got transferred in Berat where he was in charge of the Cadastral Office. There he was in close contact and cooperation with other activists of the Albanian education as Babë Dudë Karbunara, Aziz Vrioni, and Iliaz Vrioni. Based on his contribution to the Albanian education, he was invited in 1908 as a delegate in the Congress of Monastir. Karaosmani was relative to Aqif Pasha Elbasani. Both cousins would contribute to the Congress of Elbasan of 1909 where the Albanian Normal School (Alb:Shkolla Normale e Elbasanit) was established.

In November 1912, Karaosmani was elected by the Berat leadership as a delegate in the Assembly of Vlora. He signed the act of the Independence Declaration as "Qemal Elbasani". He would be appointed later by Ismail Qemali as first secretary, and by late November 1913 Minister of Agriculture of Albania.

Karaosmani supported the Congress of Lushnje of 1920, and the government of Sulejman Delvina which came out of it. He was elected in the National Assembly twice: first representing Berat out of elections of December 27 1923, and those of May 17 1925 which marked the First Albanian Republic (1925-1928).

After the Italian invasion of Albania, Karaosmani moved to Kavaje with his family where he lived for the rest of his life. He died in 1948, never appreciated by the communists, and without any official ceremony. His family donated in 1962 the original pen with which he had signed the act of Independence Declaration to the Albanian National Archives. Në vitin 1962 në Arkivën Qëndrore të Shtetit familja e tij dorëzoi penën me të cilën ai kishte nënshkruar aktin e pavarësisë në vitin 1912. Due to their wealth, the family were considered bejlere (beys) and were persecuted. His home in the "Spaikorre" neighborhood of Elbasan got confiscated.


Qemal Karaosmani got married in 1900 to Aishe Resuli, a woman from one of the richest and most powerful families of Berat. The couple has six children: Masar, Hadije, Qamuran, Shehriaje, Behije, and Ali.


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