Quantum dynamical semigroup

In quantum mechanics, and especially the theory of open quantum systems, a quantum dynamical semigroup is family of quantum dynamical maps \phi_t on the space of density matrices indexed by a single time parameter t \ge 0 that obey the semigroup property

\phi_s(\phi_t(\rho)) = \phi_{t+s}(\rho) , \qquad t,s \ge 0.

A quantum dynamical semigroup is generated by a Lindblad superoperator. The generator can be obtained by

\mathcal{L}(\rho) = \mathrm{lim}_{\Delta t \to 0} \frac{\phi_{\Delta t}(\rho)-\phi_0(\rho)}{\Delta t}

which, by the linearity of \phi_t, is a linear superoperator. The semigroup can be recovered as

\phi_{t+s}(\rho) = e^{\mathcal{L}s} \phi_t(\rho).


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