Geometric quotient

In algebraic geometry, a geometric quotient of an algebraic variety X with the action of an algebraic group G is a morphism of varieties \pi: X \to Y such that[1]

(i) For each y in Y, the fiber \pi^{-1}(y) is an orbit of G.
(ii) The topology of Y is the quotient topology: a subset U \subset Y is open if and only if \pi^{-1}(U) is open.
(iii) For any open subset U \subset Y, \pi^{\#}: k[U] \to k[\pi^{-1}(U)]^G is an isomorphism. (Here, k is the base field.)

The notion appears in geometric invariant theory. (i), (ii) say that Y is an orbit space of X in topology. (iii) may also be phrased as an isomorphism of sheaves \mathcal{O}_Y \simeq (\pi_*\mathcal{O}_X)^G. In particular, if X is irreducible, then so is Y and k(Y) = k(X)^G: rational functions on Y may be viewed as invariant rational functions on X (i.e., rational-invariants of X).

For example, if H is a closed subgroup of G, then G/H is a geometric quotient. A GIT quotient may or may not be a geometric quotient: but both are categorical quotients, which is unique; in other words, one cannot have both types of quotients (without them being the same).

Relation to other quotients

A geometric quotient is a categorical quotient. This is proved in Mumford's geometric invariant theory.

A geometric quotient is precisely a good quotient whose fibers are orbits of the group.


X^s_{(0)} \to X^s_{(0)}/G  
is a geometric quotient.


  1. Brion 2009, Definition 1.18
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