Quranic timeline

The page gives a timeline of the various events related to the Quran.


See also


  1. When The Moon Split - Page 35
  2. Encyclopedia of World Religion, Johannes P. Schadé - 2006
  3. Saddam's Word : The Political Discourse in Iraq: 1998 Page 189
  4. 110. Surah An Nasr (The Help) - Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi
  5. Does archaeology support the Qur'an? [IsaAlMasih.net]
  6. Sadeghi, Behnam; Bergmann, Uwe (1 January 2010). "The Codex of a Companion of the Prophet and the Qurān of the Prophet". Arabica 57 (4): 343–436
  7. http://archive.thedailystar.net/forum/2007/july/madrasa.htm
  8. http://www.monthlycrescent.com/understanding-the-quran/english-translations-of-the-quran/
  9. "From scholarship, sailors and sects to the mills and the mosques". The Guardian (Guardian News and Media Limited). 2002-06-18

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