Rafael E. López-Corvo

Rafael E. López-Corvo

In his private practice in Toronto.
Born Caicara de Maturín, Monagas, Venezuela
Residence Toronto, Canada
Fields Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Medicine, Psychiatry
Known for Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Psychiatry

Rafael E. Lopez-Corvo is a psychoanalyst. He served on the editorial board of the International Journal of Psycho-Analysis and was an associate professor at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. He has a private practice in Toronto.[1] He is a member of the International Psychoanalytical Association.

All along his extended career he has managed to conciliate his mainstream psychoanalytic affiliation with independent and original lines of thought and research, spawning through structuralist approaches to child evolution, group dynamics and psychology, theological determinants of gender psychology, the mind of the addict and its treatment, self-envy and other topics.

Though independent in thought, research and method, Rafael E. López-Corvo is an expert in the teachings of Wilfred Bion whom he considers has laid the foundations of future psychoanalysis.


("Intelligence, Affect and Social Level", Research on emotional development, of children, sponsored by the Ford Foundation, 1970

("Intelligence in Children", Comparison between emotional (Melanie Klein),and cognitive (J. Piaget) development. Translated to Portuguese, Edi. Cultrix (1975),1970

("Symbol and Mutation", A structuralist vision of psychoanalytical theory and practice),1979

(A Psychoanalytical understanding of Therapeutic Communities),1979

("And the Devil also is a Woman": a psychological essay about the aggressive aspects of femininity),1989

(A psychological essay about the libidinal aspects of femininity),1996 (Translated to Spanish: Dios es una Mujer, Seix Barral, Madrid. (Seven editions)

("Addicts and Addictions", A psychanalytical understanding of addictions),1990

Vol. 11, N° 1, 1993

("The Eternal Damnation", a study of the history of drugs and family dynamics in addict patients),1993

(A comprehensive recount of several forms of rehabilitationfor addictive behavior), 1994

All envies are originally intrapsychic. This book explores the destructive consequence of envy acted out against creative aspects of the self. Jason Aronson, New York, (Translated to Spanish, Edit. Planeta 1996),1994

(Translated to Spanish, Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid; Translated to Italian, Borla, Roma),2002

An exploration of those clinical links between Bion’s novel theories and those from “Classical Psychoanalysis”, 2006


  1. "Rafael E. López-Corvo". Stylus Publishing, LLC. Retrieved 2007-12-16.

External links

Rafael E. Lopez-Corvo's website

Critical reviews of his books

Publisher reviews of his books

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