
Coordinates: 21°20′N 74°30′E / 21.333°N 74.500°E / 21.333; 74.500

Rander is a town in Surat district in the state of Gujarat, India, located on the bank of the Tapti River, 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) from the city of Surat. It is also known as City of Mosques.


During the rule of Shanprat in AD 200 many Jain Temples were built around Rander. There was some historic belief that Rander was an important port of Western Hind. Business was also conducted with the Arabian heartlands, Egypt, Sudan and other western countries through the Rander Port.[1]

The earliest recorded mention of Rander was in the year 1050 in the book "Kitab al Hind" by Al Biruni. By the late medieval period it had become an important port in western India, though smaller than ports such as Broach in Gujarat. Ships laden with spices, silk, benzoin and porcelain from as far as Sumatra and China docked in Rander. Nawayat Arabs, who settled in the area by 1225, were the main traders.

Shaikh Randeri (a.k.a. Shaikh Raneri) was famous for spreading the Islamic faith to Indonesia.

In 1514, the Portuguese traveller Duarte Barbosa wrote:

Ranel (Rander) is a good town of the Moors, built of very pretty houses and squares. It is a rich and agreeable place ...... the Moors of the town trade with Malacca, Bengal, Tawasery (Tannasserim), Pegu, Martaban, and Sumatra in all sort of spices, drugs, silks, musk, benzoin and porcelain. They possess very large and fine ships and those who wish Chinese articles will find them there very completely. The Moors of this place are white and well dressed and very rich they have pretty wives, and in the furniture of these houses have china vases of many kinds, kept in glass cupboards well arranged. Their women are not secluded like other Moors, but go about the city in the day time, attending to their business with their faces uncovered as in other parts.

Thus according to Barbosa, the Moors of Rander did not observe the Islamic purdah. However the piety of Navayat Arabs is evident by the many mosques and durghas they built. By 1225, Arabs merchants and sailors settled in the area after displacing the local Jain rulers. In 1874, the Hope bridge was built across the river. Rander to villages on the other side of the river.

Rander Mehfil-e-Islam

the Rander Mehfil-e-Islam Kutub Khana was established 1888, and registered in 1913, as a charity society for Muslims.

The main objective was to provide educational, financial, social and religious-activities and to encourage the community to actively participate in these fields.

Mehfil-e-Islam provides scholarship to students and awards bright students. It also supports and provides donations to any public/private religious or social activities such as Darul Uloom, Maktab, Orphanage and Emergency relief activities.

The Mehfil-e-Islam runs free library service. It also offers burial services and maintains the graveyards (kabarastan).

Mehfil-e-Islam has 17 trusts and for the past 109 years it is actively monitoring all the trusts:

In addition the Mefil-e-Islam also provides the following services:

Rander Eid-Gah

Mughal Badshah Jehangir and his companions on their way to Ahmedabad stopped at this historic place near Jehangirpur which is now called Rander Eid-Gah.

Jehangir accepted the invitation (dawat) from the mayor of Rander, Malik Tujjar. Malik Tujjar was one of the richest business man of his time. To honour & welcome the Badshah Jehangir, red carpet was laid from the Mayors palace to Jehangirpur. The dinner was served in golden plates and after dinner the plates were given to the charity.

Badshah Jehangir offered Friday prayer at the Jumma Masjid Rander and Eid Salah at Eid-Gah.

Today over 5 Lakh people around Rander offer their Eid Salah in the Eid-Gah

Rander/Surat City In Recent Times

1194 Kutb-Ud-Din Aibak (General of Shahab-Ud-Din Ghori) raided Rander & Surat.

1225 Arabs of Kufa settled in Rander.

1373 Muhammed Tughlak sacked and plundered Surat.

1391 Mastic Khan was appointed Governor of Surat and Rander.

1411 Muzfar Shah became Governor of Surat, and his son Masti Khan rebelled and was suppressed.

1496-1521 Period of Gopi Malik, the renowned Hindu trader of Surat.

1512 Portuguese plundered and burnt Surat.

1514 Gopi Malik befriended Portuguese.

1530 Antonio De Silveria, Portuguese chief plundered Surat second time.

1531 Portuguese plundered Surat and Rander third time.

1546 Khudavand Khan ( Safi Agha Turk of Raomi ) completed the construction of Castle of Surat.

1573 Mirzas rose in rebellion against Akbar.

1573 Akbar marched on Surat and laid a seize.

1573 Akbar captured Surat and appointed Kalij Khan as Commander of Castle.

1576 Surat Aththavisi Paraganas were surveryed by Raja Todarmal.

1583 Portuguese attempted to seize Surat.

1590 Surat was hailed as emporium of the world and became first class port.

1608 First English ship arrived at the mouth of Tapi (Surat).

1609 Second English ship arrived at Surat but was wrecked off and its crew landed at Gandevi.

1610 Malik Ambar plundered the Surat Aththavisi.

1612 Fight occurred between English and Portuguese at the mouth of river Tapi.

1612 English triumphed against Portuguese.

1612-1615 Aldsworth became President of English factory.

1613 English secured a Charter for trade from the Mughal Emperor.

1615 Portuguese defeated by the English.

1615-1623 Kerridge became the president of English factory.

1615 Sir Thomas Roc reached Surat.

1616 Dutch were given provisional permission to establish factory.

1618 Mukrab Khan, the Governor of Surat was recalled.

1618 Prince Khurram ( Later Shahjahan ) became Governor of Surat.

1618 Dutch negotiated a Treaty of Commerce with Prince Khurram.

1620-1642 French tried to gain foothold in Surat.

1623 De la Valle visited Surat.

1623-1626 Thomas Rastell became President of English factory.

1628 Mir Arab was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1630 Moiz-ul-Mulk was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1635 Jam Kuli was appointed Governor of Surat.

1638 Mandelslo visited Surat.

1639 Muhammad Khan was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1642 Tavernier visited Surat.

1644 Mowazaz Khan was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1648 Mazi-uz-Zaman was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1651 Jamkuli was appointed as Governor of Surat second time.


Mustafa Khan was appointed Governor of Surat.

1655 Muhammad Sadek was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1657 Roshan Zamir was appointed as Governor of Surat.

1664 Shivaji launched first attack on Surat.

1669 Siddis of Janjira secured the admiralty of Mughal fleet in Surat.

1670 Shivaji led second attack on Surat.

1672 Shivaji's general demanded Chauth on Surat.

1676 Marathas captured the fort of Parnera.

1684 Great outbreak of plague in Surat.

1690 Ovington visited Surat.

1699 Khanderao Dabhade succeeded to collect Chauth on Surat.

1706 Maratha raids were carried out on the city. Maratha disturbances occurred in Surat Aththavisi Paraganas under chieftainship Of Pilaji Gaekwad.

1723 Pilaji established himself in Songadh (Sonpura).

1724 Pilaji vanquished Beram Khan and occupied whole territory around Surat.

1730 Ruling chief Durjansingh of Mandvi was deprived of his possessions by Damaji Gaikwad.

1733 Nawab Teg Bakht Khan was appointed Governor.

1733 English negotiated with Teg Bakht Khan for Transfer of fleet subsidy from to 31st Sidi to the English in vain.

1734 English stopped the merchant ships from coming to the bar of Surat.

1734 Merchant community threatened Nawab Teg Bakht Khan to follow the English to Bombay.

1735 Settlement of the dispute of Nawab Teg Bakht Khan with English. Guards were removed from the factory.

1735 Quarrel between Teg Bakht Khan and Sidis of Janjira, regarding payment of Sidi's Tankha. August,

1735 Meditation of the English to settle the dispute between Sidis and Teg Bakht Khan concerning Sidis Tankha.

1735 Sidi captured mercantile ships at Surat. Dayaram Teg Bakht Khan's Dewan (settled the dispute of Nawab's revenue of Aththavisi with Damajirao).

1735 Sidi released merchant ships.


  1. "History Before Independence". Insurat.Com Home Page. Retrieved 12 August 2012.
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