Raoul IV de Conches

Ralph de Tosny (born before 1080, died 1126) was a Norman nobleman. He was the second son of Raoul II of Tosny and his wife, a daughter of William FitzOsbern, 1st Earl of Hereford. His elder brother, Roger de Tosny, died about 15 May 1091.


Ralph assumed his father's castles of Conches, Tosny, Portes and Acquigny in Normandy and Clifford with the honour of Flamstead in England soon after his father's death in March 1102. In 1103 he married Alice Waltheof, the daughter of Waltheof II, Earl of Northumbria and Huntington who had an income of £613 per annum. This made him one of the most powerful barons in England and Normandy.

Later life

He was a staunch royalist and on 28 September 1106 he fought for King Henry I at the key Battle of Tinchebray.


Ralph left at least three sons and two daughters. Margaret Isobel Tosny married Walter de Clifford of Clifford Castle, while his baronies were inherited by his second son, Roger de Tosny.


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