Raphael Evers

Rabbi Dr. Raphael Evers
Personal details
Birth name Raphael Everse
Born May 8, 1954 (age 61)
Nationality Dutch
Residence Amsterdam
Spouse Channa
Children 10

Raphael Evers (born May 8, 1954 in Amsterdam) is the Rabbi of Rotterdam[1] and an authoritative Jewish spokesman in the Netherlands.[2]


Evers grew up in Amsterdam-West. His father was Hans Evers.[3] His mother, Bloeme Evers-Emden (born 1926),[4] is a Dutch Jew who was deported from Westerbork to Auschwitz in September 1944 on the same train as Anne Frank, whom she had known in Amsterdam.[5] Evers-Emden survived the war and later published four books detailing her research on Dutch Jewish children hidden during the war.[6]


Evers has been connected as a rabbi to the Nederlands Israëlitisch Kerkgenootschap (Dutch Israelite Religious Community) (NIK) since 1990. He is also the dean of the Nederlands Israëlitisch Seminarium (Dutch Israelite Seminary) where Dutch rabbis and Jewish teachers are trained.[1][7] Evers finished two studiesPsychology and Fiscal Lawand received rabbinical ordination in 1989 from several distinguished rabbinical authorities. He is known for his encyclopedic knowledge on almost all facets of Judaism.

Additional functions and activities

Evers is secretary of the Nederlands College voor Rabbinale Zaken (Dutch College for Rabbinical Affairs) and secretary on the board of the Bijbels Museum (Biblical Museum) in Amsterdam. He is also a member of the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) and of the Joods Marokkaans Netwerk Amsterdam (Jewish Moroccan Network Amsterdam). Because of his work for and in name of the Dutch Jewish community Evers was given a place in the Golden Book of Moroccan Judaism; he was also honored for his 25-year jubilee at the Nederlands Israëlitisch Seminarium.


After the murder of Theo van Gogh on November 2, 2004, Evers presented, alongside representatives of Christian and Muslim communities, a Samenlevingscontract (Cohabitation Agreement) to the President of the Dutch House of Representatives.

He has also spoken out on the increasing antisemitism displayed by Dutch Muslim residents of Moroccan and Turkish descent, allowing himself and his mother to be filmed on the subject by French television. In 2010 his son, Bentzion Evers, told the press that he is planning to move to Israel because of antisemitism, and that his father also plans to leave Holland after his retirement. Five of Evers' children have already left the country.[8]


Evers has produced several publications on Jewish topics.

Evers has also written Hebrew-language books and articles concerning rabbinical topics. He also writes articles on a regular basis for newspapers and magazines, as well as study material used in Dutch schools. He is a frequent spokesman for the Jewish point of view on radio and television and during debates and lectures.


  1. 1 2 "3rd Annual IBA Bar Leaders' Conference". Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten. 14–15 May 2008. p. 4. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  2. Roebben, Bert (2009). Seeking Sense in the City: European perspectives on religious education. Lit Verlag. p. 128. ISBN 978-3-643-10321-5.
  3. Morine, Suzanne. "People in Anne Frank's Life". Anne Frank Diary Reference.org. Retrieved 9 March 2011.
  4. "Bloeme Evers-Emden" (PDF). United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  5. Lambert, Angela (5 May 1995). "Anne Frank: After the diary stopped". The Independent. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  6. "Dr. Bloeme Evers-Emden". Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. 2011. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  7. Singer, David; Seldin, Ruth R. (1997). American Jewish Year Book 1997. American Jewish Committee. p. 312. ISBN 0-87495-111-9.
  8. Miskin, Maayana (19 December 2010). "Prominent Jews Leave Amsterdam over Anti-Semitism". Israel National News. Retrieved 17 January 2011.
  9. Evers, Raphael (1993). Tsedaka het bijbelse tiende. CIP-Gegevens Koninklijke Bibliotheek. p. 192.
  10. Evers, Raphael (1992). Kaddiesj: theoretische en praktische aspecten van het Kaddiesj-gebed. Nederlands Israëlietsche Seminarium. p. 96. ISBN 90-74498-01-9.
  11. Evers, Raphael; Mock, L. (1999). Aan tafel bij de rabbijn. Kok. p. 182. ISBN 90-435-0033-X.
  12. Evers, Raphael (2005). Oude wijn in nieuwe zakken. Amphora Books. p. 265. ISBN 90-6446-037-X.
  13. Evers, Raphael (1997). Geen bloemen, wel bezoek. Kok. p. 98. ISBN 90-242-6150-3.
  14. Evers, Raphael (1998). De Echte Tora. Kok. p. 136. ISBN 90-242-6197-X.
  15. Evers, Raphael; Loonstein, H. (1998). Moge uw ziel gebundeld worden. Kok. p. 254. ISBN 90-242-6149-X.
  16. Lehmann, J.; Evers, Raphael (1995). De sja'atnez wijzer (verboden combinaties van wol en linnen): een moderne gids voor de diniem van sja'atnez voor de praktijk. Bureau Krijgsmachtrabbijn, Afdeling Amsterdam. p. 35.
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