
Map showing the location of Rapidum, south of Iconium (actual Algiers)

Rapidum was an Roman settlement and fort, located in Mauretania Caesariensis, nearly 100 km south of Icosium (actual Algiers).


Romans built a fort in what is now Sour Djouab (south of actual Algiers) -during the first century of their conquest of Mauretania- between Castellum Tingitanum (actual El Asnam) and Auzia [1] (actual Sour el Ghozlane), in order to expand their control of the interior of actual Algeria.[2] Soon under Hadrian near the fort grew up a civilian settlement called "Rapidum", on the roman via called Nova Praetentura, that connected Numidia with Mauretania Tingitana and that passed through Rapidum.

The initial garrison of Rapidum fort was - according to historian M. Ruiu- the Cohors II Sardorum and protected the new limes of the Roman empire moved south from the Mediterranean shores to a military road called Nova Praetentura . This road went from Rapidum near Numidia to Altava and to Numerus Syrorum at the border of Mauretania Tingitana.[3]

Rapidum was named "municipium" [4] and had an extension of 15 has. under Marcus Aurelius (with nearly 4,000 inhabitants, mostly romanised Berbers, like Auzia). The city was later destroyed by Berber rebellions, but Diocletian restored the city that had even huge Roman Thermae. The fort was abandoned around 325 AD, while the city remained some centuries more (even if never fully recovered).

Rapidum was conquered by the Vandals and later - reduced to a small village, probably Christian- was occupied by the Romano-Berber kingdom of Altava in the 6th century. It disappeared with the Arab conquest of North Africa in the 7th century.


Mauretania & Numidia.

Rapidum was center of an ancient Bishopric and remains a Titular See of the Roman Catholic Church[5] in the province of Mauritania Cesariense.



See also


  1. Auzia history (in French)
  2. William Seston: Rapidum
  3. Rapidum and the Roman "Cohors II Sardorum
  4. Municipium Rapidense
  5. David M. Cheney, Rapidum at Catholic heirachy.org. (1996-2015)
  6. Le Petit Episcopologe, Issue 167, Number 14,171
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