Finnish Transport Agency
The Finnish Transport Agency (Finnish: Liikennevirasto, Swedish: Trafikverket) is responsible for the maintenance of Finland's transport system. The Agency took over from the Finnish Rail Administration (RHK, Finnish: Ratahallintokeskus, Swedish: Banförvaltningscentralen) and parts of the work of the former Finnish Maritime Administration (Finnish: Merenkulkulaitos, Swedish: Sjöfartsverket) and the Finnish Road Administration (Finnish: Tiehallinto, Swedish: Vägförvaltningen) on 1 January 2010.
Road Administration
The Finnish road network comprises highways, municipal street networks and private roads. Together with the regional Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment, the Finnish Transport Agency is in charge of maintenance and development of the state-owned road network.[1]
Rail Administration
The Finnish Rail Administration (RHK, Finnish: Ratahallintokeskus, Swedish: Banförvaltningscentralen) used to be the governmental agency responsible for managing Finland's rail transport infrastructure. RHK is responsible for planning, construction, maintenance, and traffic control on the Finnish railway network. The primary user of the network is VR Group.
| General | |
| Operators | |
| Administration | |
| Rolling stock | |
Railway infrastructure companies |
| Africa | |
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| Europe |
- Austria
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
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- Czech Republic
- Denmark
- Estonia
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- Finland
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- Hungary
- Italy
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Communauté de Transports – Accès Réseau
- Montenegro
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- Romania
- Compania Natională de Căi Ferate
- Slovakia
- Slovenia** AŽP
- Spain
- Adif
- Adif Alta Velocidad
- TP Ferro
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
| Oceania | |
External links