Torsionless module

Not to be confused with Torsion-free module.

In abstract algebra, a module M over a ring R is called torsionless if it can be embedded into some direct product RI. Equivalently, M is torsionless if each non-zero element of M has non-zero image under some R-linear functional f:

 f\in M^{\ast}=\operatorname{Hom}_R(M,R),\quad f(m)\ne 0.

This notion was introduced by Hyman Bass.

Properties and examples

A module is torsionless if and only if the canonical map into its double dual,

 M\to M^{\ast\ast}=\operatorname{Hom}_R(M^{\ast},R), \quad
m\mapsto (f\mapsto f(m)), m\in M, f\in M^{\ast},

is injective. If this map is bijective then the module is called reflexive. For this reason, torsionless modules are also known as semi-reflexive.

Relation with semihereditary rings

Stephen Chase proved the following characterization of semihereditary rings in connection with torsionless modules:

For any ring R, the following conditions are equivalent:[4]

(The mixture of left/right adjectives in the statement is not a mistake.)

See also


  1. P. C. Eklof and A. H. Mekler, Almost free modules, North-Holland Mathematical Library vol. 46, North-Holland, Amsterdam 1990
  2. Proof: If M is reflexive, it is torsionless, thus is a submodule of a finitely generated projective module and hence is projective (semi-hereditary condition). Conversely, over a Dedekind domain, a finitely generated torsion-free module is projective and a projective module is reflexive (the existence of a dual basis).
  3. Bourbaki Ch. VII, § 4, n. 2. Proposition 8.
  4. Lam 1999, p 146.
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