NUTS 2 statistical regions of the Republic of Ireland

Within the European Union, regions are arranged for statistical and revenue disbursing purposes using the NUTS structure.


In Ireland, the regionalisation arrangements negotiated by the Government of Ireland in the context of Agenda 2000 resulted in the designation of the State into two regions for Eurostat and EU Structural Funds purposes. Following this designation, two new regions (and their associated Regional Assemblies) were established and came into effect in July 1999: Southern and Eastern NUTS-II Region and Border, Midland and Western NUTS-II Region.

The Local Government Reform Act 2014 provided for the existing 8 regional authorities and 2 regional assemblies to be replaced by 3 new regional assemblies.[1] The new assemblies were established with effect from 1 January 2015 by the Local Government Act 1991 (Regional Assemblies) (Establishment) Order 2014.[2]

NUTS Level 2 regions

The three NUTS 2 regions of Ireland are managed within the "Regional Assemblies in Ireland" system.

Regional Assemblies

Function of the assemblies

  • to manage the Regional Operational Programmes under the National Development Plan
  • to monitor the general impact of all EU programmes under the National Development Plan/Community Support Framework
  • to promote coordination in the provision of public services in the Assembly areas

The Assemblies also host the INTERREG IIIB contact points in Ireland.

Membership of the assemblies

There are no direct elections to the Regional Assemblies. They are instead composed of elected representatives nominated by members of those NUTS III level Regional Authorities that comprise each NUTS II level region. Each Regional authority has a certain number of nominations to an Assembly, based loosely on the population of the Region. The Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly has a total of 35 members, the Northern and Western Regional Assembly has 21 members, and the Southern Regional Assembly has 27 members.

Governance of the assemblies

Each Assembly has an Operational Committee, which is composed of Chief Executive Officers of public authorities in the region and the Directors and Cathaoirligh (Chairpersons) of the Regional Authorities in the region. This committee is chaired by the Cathaoirleach of the Regional Assembly and its key tasks are to advise and assist the Assembly in the discharge of its functions. Each Assembly has a Monitoring Committee for the implementation of the Regional Operational Programme in the region whose function is to:

  1. satisfy itself as to the effectiveness and quality of the implementation of all expenditure;
  2. to consider the progress and impact of both co-financed and non-co-financed expenditure in the region; and
  3. to make recommendations to the Regional Assembly, the relevant implementing government department at national level and the Department of Finance.

Each Assembly has a Director and a number of policy, programme and administrative staff.

Financing the assemblies

The Assemblies are funded by central government through the Department of Finance. The costs of the other activities of the Regional Assemblies are funded by their constituent local authorities.

See also


  1. "Regional assemblies". Citizens Information Board. Retrieved 22 July 2015.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Wednesday, July 22, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.