Regular embedding
In algebraic geometry, a closed immersion of schemes is a regular embedding of codimension r if each point x in X has an open affine neighborhood U in Y such that the ideal of
is generated by a regular sequence of length r.
For example, if X and Y are smooth over a scheme S and if i is an S-morphism, then i is a regular embedding. In particular, every section of a smooth morphism is a regular embedding.[1] If is regularly embedded into a regular scheme, then B is a complete intersection ring.[2]
The notion is used, for instance, in an essential way in Fulton's approach to intersection theory. The important fact is that when i is a regular embedding, if I is the ideal sheaf of X in Y, then the normal sheaf, the dual of , is locally free (thus a vector bundle) and the natural map
is an isomorphism: the normal cone
coincides with the normal bundle.
A flat morphism of finite type is called a (local) complete intersection morphism if each point x in X has an open affine neighborhood U so that f |U factors as
where j is a regular embedding and g is smooth.[3] For example, if f is a morphism between smooth varieties, then f factors as
where the first map is the graph morphism and so is a complete intersection morphism.
- Fulton, William (1998), Intersection theory, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 3. Folge. A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics [Results in Mathematics and Related Areas. 3rd Series. A Series of Modern Surveys in Mathematics] 2, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag, ISBN 978-3-540-62046-4, MR 1644323, section B.7
- E. Sernesi: Deformations of algebraic schemes