Rejection Slips

"Rejection Slips"
Author Isaac Asimov
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Science fiction short story
Published in Nine Tomorrows
Publication type Anthology
Publisher Doubleday
Media type Print anthology, Hardback
Publication date 1959

"Rejection Slips" is a comic poem by Isaac Asimov written in 1959 for the collection Nine Tomorrows. This poem intends to illustrate the three different approaches of the most important editors in science fiction at the time (John W. Campbell of Astounding, Horace Gold of Galaxy Science Fiction and Anthony Boucher of F&SF) when they had a story to reject. Campbell sent lengthy and turgid analyses, Gold abusive little notes, and Boucher rejection slips so gentle one wondered whether he was taking the story or not.[1]


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