
The Reprringer is a 3D printed pepperbox firearm,[1][2][2][2][3][4] made public around September 2013.[2] It was created by Hexen.[2][3] It can hold 5 cartridges and is chambered in .22 Caliber caps.[2][3]


It is an offspring of the RepRap, the open-source self-replicating 3D printer project, and derringer, the Reprringer is a 5-shot, single-action, manually-indexed 6mm Flobert pistol developed by Hexen.[2]


Unlike the many early 3D-printed firearm designs, which are usually massively overbuilt in order to withstand the pressures and strain on the material from modern gunpowder cartridges, the Reprringer is small and only slightly larger than a gun made from steel.[2] Two factors contribute to its small stature. First reason is because it is chambered for what is considered the least powerful commercially-produced cartridge on the market.[2]

According to the ".22 CB aka 6mm Flobert is made from a cut-down .22 rimfire case loaded with just a primer or the primer and very little powder and a lightweight bullet". This makes the cartridge roughly on par with some air rifles in terms of muzzle energy. This therefore means that the Reprringer does not require as much barrel. The design is improved over early completely 3D-printed guns as it uses unrifled steel inserts in the cylinder. This makes the gun safer and more reliable, it also provides a more consistent seal around the projectile; the all-polymer barrels have the ability to flex, thus letting much of the propellant escape, and are inefficient.[2]

Although the barrels are not rifled, the lack of theoretical accuracy therefrom is considered a relative non-issue in a small gun with no sights.[2]

See also


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, July 26, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.