Reserve Forces and Cadets Association

Reserve Forces and Cadets Associations (RFCAs) are regional civilian bodies comprising voluntary members and a small full-time secretariat. They are established by statute to offer advice and support to the Defence Council on behalf of the Reserve Forces and Cadet Movement. In particular they are responsible for:

Reserve Forces and Cadets Associations

Why they exist



The interests of Reserve Forces and Cadets are served by an organisation dedicated to their support and well-being. The RFCAs provide a key link between the Services and the communities, employers work places and institutions from which the Reserve Forces and the Cadet Movement volunteer. Through the RFCAs the goodwill, understanding and support of the population - all essential to the military volunteer concept - can be nurtured and Defence promoted in general. RFCAs, by harnessing civilian expertise and skills, reinforce the support and administration of Reserves and Cadets.


The individual RFCA's have jointly set up the Council of RFCAs where each RFCA is represented on the Council by its Chairman. The objects of the Council are as follows: 1. The object of the Council is to assist the Associations in promoting the efficiency and well-being of the Reserve Forces and the service cadet organisations of the United Kingdom. 2. In order to achieve this object the Council will :

a. Collect, compile and disseminate information relevant to the Reserve Forces and the service cadet organisations to all the constituent Associations.
b. Examine, consult upon and report about any matters submitted to it by the Ministry of defence or other relevant bodies.
c. Represent to the Ministry of Defence, or other relevant bodies, the collective opinion of the Council on any matter relating to the statutory duties of the constituent Associations.
d. Take any such action as may be decided by the Council for the attainment of its object.
e. Take action on any relevant matter at the request of one or more associations, or the Ministry of Defence.

Army Reserve

Further information: Army Reserve (United Kingdom)

a. Recruiting and publicity for units of the AR.
b. The provision and maintenance of accommodation for AR Independent units and the furnishing, lighting and cleaning of such accommodation.
c. Liaison with employers, trades unions and local authorities and relations with the public.
d. The administration and maintenance of training areas and ranges vested in them.
e. Welfare

Maritime Reserve

The provision and maintenance of on-shore accommodation for the RNR and RMR as required.

Royal Auxiliary Air Force

Further information: Royal Auxiliary Air Force

a. The provision and maintenance of accommodation for RAuxAF units as required and the furnishing, lighting and cleaning of such accommodation.
b. Recruiting, publicity, welfare and liaison as appropriate.

Combined Cadet Force

Further information: Combined Cadet Force

All accommodation matters.

Community Cadet Forces

Further information: Community Cadet Forces

Sea Cadet Corps

Liaison responsibilities and assistance where possible with the provision of accommodation.

Army Cadet Force

Further information: Army Cadet Force

a. The organisation of the ACF, subject to any directions which the Defence Council may give.
b. Recommendations for the appointment of Honorary Colonels and Cadet Commandants (ACF).
c. The grant of paid acting promotion in the ranks of Captain and Major within establishment.
d. The appointment of Adult Instructors and their promotion within establishment.
e. The provision, furnishing and maintenance of accommodation.
f. The provision of non-public equipment and stores.
g. The issue, storage, maintenance and accounting of public stores.
h. The general supervision of the administration of private funds.
i. Recruiting, local publicity and promotion of good relations with the public.
j. Encouraging co-operation and good relations between the TA and the ACF.

Air Training Corps

Further information: Air Training Corps

The provision and maintenance of accommodation.

See also

External links

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