Residentie Timor en Onderhoorigheden

Timor en Onderhoorigheden was a Residentie of Dutch East Indies located in the Eastern half of Lesser Sunda Islands east of Lombok, it was separated in 1819 from Gouvernement der Molukken. Its capital was Kupang.[1]

Administrative divisions

The Residentie was divided to four afdelingen of Soembawa, Soemba, Flores and Timor en eilanden[2] Afdeling Soembawa was divided to two Onderafdelingen of Soembawa, and Bima. Afdeling Soemba was divided to two Onderafdelingen of West-Soemba and Oost-Soemba Afdeling Flores was divided to five Onderafdelingen of Manggarai, Ngada, Endeh, Maoemere, Oost-Flores en Solor-Eilanden, and Alor Afdeling Timor en eilanden was divided to five Onderafdelingen of Beloe, Noord-Midden Timor, Zuid-Midden Timor, Koepang, and Roti en Sawoe

Today the Government of Indonesia has abolished Residenties and Afdelingen, but the Onderafdelingen have been turned to Kabupaten.

Listed below are the Onderafdelingen, their capitals and their present-day population

Name Area
2010 Population Capital
Afdeling Timor en eilanden 16,264.78 1,856,910 Koepang
Roti en Sawoe 1,740.54 192,868 Ba'a
Koepang 5,460.94 640,787 Koepang
Zuid-Midden Timor 3,947.00 441,155 Soe
Noord-Midden Timor 2,669.70 229,803 Kefamenanoe
Beloe 2,445.60 352,297 Atamboea

List of the Residents of Timor en Onderhoorigheden[3]


  1. "Administrative divisions in eastern Indonesia, 1817-1823". Retrieved 16 April 2016.
  2. "Administrative divisions in the Residentie Timor en Onderhoorigheden, 1930". Retrieved 16 April 2016.
  3. Hans Hägerdal (2012), pp. 425-7; Regeeringsalmanak Nederlandsch Indië, 's-Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff 1800-1942 (various titles).
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