Respiratory physiology

Gaseous exchange in the lung.

Respiratory physiology is the branch of human physiology focusing upon respiration.

Topics include:



Front view of thorax.

Inhalation (breathing in) is usually an active movement. The contraction of the diaphragm muscles cause a pressure variation, which is equal to the pressures caused by elastic, resistive and inertial components of the respiratory system. In contrast, expiration (breathing out) is usually a passive process.

P &= P_{el} + P_{re} + P_{in} \\
P &= EV + R\dot{V} + I\ddot{V} 

Where Pel equals the product of elastance E (inverse of compliance) and volume of the system V, Pre equals the product of flow resistance R and time derivate of volume V (which is equivalent to the flow), Pin equals the product of inertance I and second time derivate of V. R and I are sometimes referred to as Rohrer's constants.

Circulation, ventilation, and perfusion

Pulmonary circulation

Gas exchange/transport (primarily oxygen and carbon dioxide)

Oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve

Control and response



See also

Additional images


  1. Compliance

External links

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