Revelation principle

The revelation principle is a fundamental principle in mechanism design. It can be summarized as follows:

If a social-choice function can be implemented by an arbitrary mechanism,
then the same function can be implemented by an incentive-compatible-direct-mechanism.
Moreover, the equilibrium payoffs in both cases are the same.



Consider the following example. There is a certain item that Alice values as v_A and Bob values as v_B. The government needs to decide who will receive that item and in what terms.

In mechanism design, the revelation principle is of utmost importance in finding solutions. The researcher need only look at the set of equilibrium characterized by incentive compatibility. That is, if the mechanism designer wants to implement some outcome or property, he can restrict his search to mechanisms in which agents are willing to reveal their private information to the mechanism designer that has that outcome or property. If no such direct and truthful mechanism exists, no mechanism can implement this outcome/property. By narrowing the area needed to be searched, the problem of finding a mechanism becomes much easier.


Suppose we have an arbitrary mechanism Mech that implements Soc.

We construct a direct mechanism Mech' that is truthful and implements Soc.

Mech' simply simulates the equilibrium strategies of the players in Game(Mech). I.e:

Reporting the true valuations in Mech' is like playing the equilibrium strategies in Mech. Hence, reporting the true valuations is a Nash equilibrium in Mech', as desired. Moreover, the equilibrium payoffs are the same, as desired.

History and Variants

There are different revelation principles for different solution concepts:

In correlated equilibrium

The revelation principle says that for every arbitrary coordinating device a.k.a. correlating there exists another direct device for which the state space equals the action space of each player. Then the coordination is done by directly informing each player of his action.

See also


  1. Vazirani, Vijay V.; Nisan, Noam; Roughgarden, Tim; Tardos, Éva (2007). Algorithmic Game Theory (PDF). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-87282-0.
  2. Gibbard, A. 1973. Manipulation of voting schemes: a general result. Econometrica 41, 587–601.
  3. Dasgupta, P., Hammond, P. and Maskin, E. 1979. The implementation of social choice rules: some results on incentive compatibility. Review of Economic Studies 46, 185–216.
  4. Holmstrom, B. 1977. On incentives and control in organizations. Ph.D. thesis, Stanford University.
  5. Myerson, R. 1979. Incentive-compatibility and the bargaining problem. Econometrica 47, 61–73.
  6. Robert Gibbons, Game theory for applied economists, Princeton University Press, 1992
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