Passengers of the RMS Titanic

Mrs. Charlotte Collyer and her daughter Marjorie

The passengers of the RMS Titanic were among the estimated 2,344 people who sailed on the maiden voyage of the second of the White Star Line's Olympic class ocean sea liners, from Southampton, England to New York City in the US.[1] Halfway through the voyage, the ship struck an iceberg and sank in the early morning of 15 April 1912, resulting in the deaths of over 1,500 people,[2] including approximately 703 of the passengers.[3]

The Titanic's passengers were divided into three separate classes, determined not only by the price of their ticket but by wealth and social class: those travelling in first class, most of them[4] the wealthiest passengers on board, were prominent members of the upper class and included businessmen, politicians, high-ranking military personnel, industrialists, bankers, entertainers, socialites, and professional athletes. Second class passengers were middle class travellers and included professors, authors, clergymen, and tourists. Third class or steerage passengers were primarily emigrants moving to the United States and Canada.[5]


First class

The Titanic's first class passenger list was a "who's who" of the rich and prominent of the upper class in 1912. A single person berth in first class cost between the equivalent of £2,653 in 2014, and up to £76,929) for a parlour suite and small private promenade deck.[6][7] First class passengers enjoyed a number of amenities including a gymnasium, a squash court, a salt water swimming pool, electric and Turkish baths, a barbershop, kennels for first class dogs, elevators, and both open and enclosed promenades.[8] First class passengers also traveled accompanied by personal staff—valets, maids, nurses and governesses for the children, chauffeurs and cooks.

Members of the British aristocracy made the trip: The Countess of Rothes, wife of the 19th Earl of Rothes, embarked at Southampton with her parents, Thomas and Clementina Dyer-Edwardes, and cousin Gladys Cherry. Sir Cosmo Duff-Gordon, 5th Baronet of Halkin, and his wife, Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon were on board as well. Sir Cosmo was a wealthy Scottish landowner and Olympic fencing medalist, while Lady Duff-Gordon, known professionally as Lucile, was a leading fashion designer who served a wealthy and exclusive clientele including the British Royal Family. Colonel Archibald Gracie IV, a real estate investor, member of the wealthy Scottish-American Gracie family, embarked at Southampton. The Cavendishes of London were among other prominent British couples on board as well. Lord Pirrie, chairman of Harland and Wolff intended to travel aboard the Titanic, but illness prevented him from joining the ill-fated voyage; however White Star Line's Managing Director J. Bruce Ismay and the ship's Harland and Wolff designer, Thomas Andrews, were both on board to oversee the ship's progress on her maiden voyage.

American socialite Margaret Brown

Some of the most prominent members of the American social elite made the trip: real estate builder, businessman, and multimillionaire Colonel John Jacob Astor IV and his 18-year-old pregnant wife Madeleine were returning to the United States for their child's birth. Astor was the wealthiest passenger aboard the ship and one of the richest men in the world; his great-grandfather John Jacob Astor was the first multimillionaire in America. Among others were industrialist magnate and millionaire Benjamin Guggenheim; Macy's department store owner and member of the United States House of Representatives, Isidor Straus and his wife Ida; George Dennick Wick, founder and president of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company; millionaire streetcar magnate George Dunton Widener; vice president of Pennsylvania Railroad, John Thayer and his wife Marian; Charles Hays, president of Canada's Grand Trunk Railway; William Ernest Carter and his wife, American social elite Lucile Carter; millionaire, philanthropist and women's rights activist Margaret Brown; tennis star and banker Karl Behr; famous American silent film actress Dorothy Gibson; prominent Buffalo architect Edward Austin Kent; and President William Howard Taft's military aide, Major Archibald Butt, who was returning to resume his duties after a six-week trip to Europe. Swedish first class passenger and businessman Mauritz Håkan Björnström-Steffansson, owned the most highly valued single object on board; a masterpiece of French neoclassical painting entitled La Circassienne au Bain, for which he would later claim $100,000 in compensation ($2.4 million equivalent in 2014).[9]

White Star financier J. P. Morgan and Milton S. Hershey, founder of Hershey's chocolate,[10] made plans to sail aboard the ship's maiden voyage but cancelled at the last minute.

Second class

The Titanic's musicians, led by Wallace Hartley, were employed as crew, but given second class accommodations.

Second classes passengers were leisure tourists, academics, members of the clergy and middle class English and American families. The ship's musicians travelled in second class accommodations; they were not counted as members of the crew but were employed by an agency under contract to the White Star Line. The average ticket price for an adult second class passenger was £13, the equivalent of £1,123 today.[11] and for many of these passengers, their travel experience on the Titanic was akin to travelling first class on smaller liners. Second class passengers had their own library and the men had access to a private smoking room. Second class children could read the children's books provided in the library or play deck quoits and shuffleboard on the second class promenade.[8] Twelve-year-old Ruth Becker passed the time by pushing her two-year-old brother Richard around the enclosed promenade in a stroller provided by the White Star Line.[12]

Michel, right, and Edmond Navratil, the "Titanic Orphans"

Two Roman Catholic priests on board, Father Thomas Byles and Father Joseph Peruschitz, held Mass every day for second and third class passengers during the voyage. Father Byles gave his homilies in English, Irish and French and Father Peruschitz held his in German and Hungarian.[13][14]

Rev. John Harper, a well-known Baptist pastor from Scotland, was travelling to America with his daughter and niece in order to preach at the Moody Church in Chicago.[15]

Schoolteacher Lawrence Beesley, a science master at Dulwich College, spent much of his time aboard the ship in the library. Two months after the sinking, he wrote and published The Loss of the SS Titanic, the first eyewitness account of the disaster.[16]

The Laroche family, father Joseph and daughters Simonne and Louise, were the only known passengers of black ancestry on board the ship. They, along with Joseph's pregnant wife Juliette, were travelling to Joseph's native island of Haiti. Joseph hoped that a move from their former home in Paris back to Haiti, where his uncle Cincinnatus Leconte was president, would take his family away from racial discrimination.[17]

Another French family travelling in second class was the Navratils, travelling under the assumed name Hoffman. Michel Navratil, a Slovak-born French tailor, had kidnapped his two young sons, Michel Jr. and Edmond from his estranged wife, assumed the name Louis M. Hoffman and boarded the ship in Southampton, intent on taking his children to the United States. Michel Sr. died in the sinking and photographs of the boys were circulated throughout the world in the hopes that their mother or another relative could identify the French toddlers, who became known as "The Titanic Orphans." [18] After arriving in New York, the children were cared for by Titanic survivor Margaret Hays until their mother, Marcelle Navratil travelled from Nice, France to claim them.[19]

Third class

A typical third class cabin

The third class passengers or steerage passengers left hoping to start new lives in the United States and Canada. Third class passengers paid £7 (£777 today) for their ticket, depending on their place of origin; ticket prices often included the price of rail travel to the three departure ports. Tickets for children cost £3 (£259 today).[7]

Third class passengers were a diverse group of nationalities and ethnic groups. In addition to large numbers of British, Irish, and Scandinavian immigrants, there were passengers from Central and Eastern Europe, the Middle East (primarily Lebanon and Syria) and Hong Kong.[20] Some travelled alone or in small family groups. Several groups of mothers were travelling alone with their young children—most going to join their husbands who had already gone to America to find jobs, and, having saved up enough money, could now send for their families.[21]

The Goodwins and 5 of their 6 children: William, Frederick, Charles, Harold, Lillian, Augusta, Jessie
The youngest Goodwin, Sidney

Among the larger third-class families were John and Annie Sage, who were immigrating to Jacksonville, Florida with their nine children, ranging in age from 4 to 20 years; Anders and Alfrida Andersson of Sweden and their five children, who were travelling to Canada along with Alfrida's younger sister Anna, husband Ernst and baby Gilbert; and Frederick and Augusta Goodwin, who were moving with their six children to his new job at a power plant in New York. In 2007, scientists using DNA analysis identified the body of a small fair-haired toddler, one of the first victims to be recovered by the CS Mackay Bennett, as Frederick's youngest child, 19-month-old Sidney.[22] The Sages, Anderssons and Goodwins all perished in the sinking.

The youngest passenger on board the ship, two-month-old Millvina Dean who, with her parents Bertram Sr. and Eva Dean and older brother Bertram, were emigrating from England to Kansas, died in 2009. She was the last survivor of the Titanic disaster to die.[23]

Bertram and Millvina Dean

In order to compete with rival shipping company Cunard, the White Star Line offered their steerage passengers modest luxuries, in the hopes that emigrants would write to relatives back home and encourage them to travel on White Star Line ships. Third class passengers had their own dining facilities, with chairs instead of benches, and meals prepared by the third class kitchen staff. On other liners, the steerage passengers would have been expected to bring their own food.[24] Rather than dormitory-style sleeping areas, third class passengers had their own cabins. The single men and women were separated, women in the stern in two to six berth cabins, men in the bow in up to ten berth cabins, often shared with strangers. Each stateroom was fitted with wood panelling and beds with mattresses, blankets, pillows, electric lights, heat and a washbasin with running water, except for the bow cabins which did not have a private washbasin. Two public bathtubs were also provided, one for the men, the other for women.[25]

Passengers gathered in the third class common room where they could play chess or cards, or walk along the poop deck. Third class children played in the common room or explored the ship—nine-year-old Frank Goldsmith recalled peering into the engine room and climbing up the baggage cranes on the poop deck.[26]

Ship's regulations were designed to keep third class passengers confined to their area of the ship. The Titanic was fitted with grilles to prevent the classes from mingling and these gates were normally kept closed, although the stewards could open them in the event of an emergency. In the rush following the collision, the stewards, occupied with waking up sleeping passengers and leading groups of women and children to the boat deck, did not have time to open all the gates, leaving many of the confused third class passengers stuck below decks.[27]

Ticket-holders who did not sail

Numerous notable and prominent people of the era, who held tickets for the westbound passage or were guests of those who held tickets, did not sail. Others were waiting in New York to board for the passage back to Plymouth, England, on the second leg of Titanic's maiden voyage. Many unused tickets that survived, whether they were for the westbound passage or the return eastbound passage, have become quite valuable as Titanic-related artifacts. Among those who held tickets for a passage, but did not actually sail, include: Theodore Dreiser, Henry Clay Frick, Milton S. Hershey, Guglielmo Marconi, John Pierpont Morgan, Edgar Selwyn, Hugh Sullivan, and Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt (who died in the sinking of the RMS Lusitania).[28][29]

Passengers by ethnicity

Arab passengers

Several passengers on the Titanic had Arabic origins. At the time, many carried identification from the Ottoman Empire that stated they were from Greater Syria, which included the following countries Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria. Passengers from modern-day Lebanon, for instance, had hometown villages which correspond to modern day Lebanese villages. Kamal Kobeissi of Al Arabiya said "Even though the list of victims who died on the Titanic denotes who among them was Arab, it is difficult to find enough information on their Arab nationalities and what circumstances drove them to board the doomed ship. This [difficulty] even applies to Encyclopedia Titanic, the most comprehensive source on the 1912 tragedy."[30] The names of Arab people on the passenger register do not necessarily correspond to the original Arabic. For instance "Badr" was rendered "Badt," Yusuf" was rendered "Joseph," and "Boutros" was rendered as "Peter."[30][31] Of the Arab passengers who died, all were from modern day Lebanon except for one Egyptian.[32]

According to Bakhos Assaf, mayor of Hardin, Lebanon, 93 passengers originated from what is today Lebanon, and Hardin had 20 passengers, the highest number of any Lebanese location. Of the Hardin passengers, 11 adult men died, while eight women and children and one adult man survived.[33] Kamal Seikaly, an individual quoted in an article from the Lebanese publication Daily Star, stated that according to a May 16, 1912 issue of the Al-Khawater magazine stored in the American University of Beirut, of the 125 Lebanese aboard, 23 survived. The magazine states that 10 people from Kfar Meshki died on the Titanic.[34]

In 1997, Ray Hanania, a Palestinian American journalist, watched the Titanic (1997) film and noticed some background characters saying yalla, meaning "come on" in Arabic. This prompted him to research the issue and he discovered that Arab passengers were on board.[35] In 1998, he wrote a column about the Arabs on the RMS Titanic, "Titanic: We Share the Pain But Not the Glory." According to Hanania's analysis, there were 79 Arab passengers. According to Hanania, the task to "identify precisely" which passengers were Arab is difficult.[35] Hanania stated that many were Christians because church sponsorship made it easier for Christians to get passage as opposed to Muslims.[35]

In the book Titanic: Women and Children First (October 1998), Judith Geller stated that "officially were 154 Syrians on board the Titanic and 29 were saved: four men, five children and 20 women".[35]

Survivors and victims

On the night of 14 April 1912 at around at 11:40 pm, while the Titanic was sailing about 400 miles (640 km) south of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, the ship struck an iceberg and began to sink. Shortly before midnight, Captain Edward Smith ordered the ship's lifeboats to be readied and a distress call was sent out. The closest ship to respond was Cunard Line's Carpathia 58 miles (93 km) away, which would arrive in an estimated four hours—too late to rescue all of Titanic's passengers. Forty-five minutes after the ship hit the iceberg, Captain Smith finally ordered the lifeboats to be loaded and lowered under the orders women and children first.

Titanic lifeboat D, awaiting rescue by the RMS Carpathia
Titanic survivors on board the RMS Carpathia.

The first lifeboat launched was Lifeboat 7 on the starboard side with 28 people on board out of a capacity of 65. It was lowered at around 12:45 am as believed by the British Inquiry.[36] Collapsible Boat D was the last lifeboat to be launched, at 2:05. Two more lifeboats, Collapsible Boats A and B, were in the process of being removed from their location on the roof of the officer's house but could not be properly launched. Collapsible B floated away from the ship upside down, while Collapsible A became half-filled with water after the supports for its canvas sides were broken in the fall from the roof of the officers' quarters.[36] There were arguments in some of the lifeboats about going back to pick up people in the water, but many survivors were afraid of being swamped by people trying to climb into the lifeboat or being pulled down by the suction from the sinking Titanic, though it turned out that there had been very little suction.[37] At 2:20 am, Titanic herself sank.[38] A small number of passengers and crew were able to make their way to the two unlaunched collapsible boats, surviving for several hours until they were rescued by Fifth Officer Harold Lowe.

The RMS Carpathia arriving at Pier 54 with Titanic survivors.

At 4:10 am, the RMS Carpathia arrived at the site of the sinking and began rescuing survivors. By 8:30 am, she picked up the last lifeboat with survivors and left the area at 08:50[39] bound for Pier 54 in New York City. Of the 711 passengers and crew rescued by the Carpathia, six, including first class passenger William F. Hoyt, either died in a lifeboat during the night or on board the Carpathia the next morning, and were buried at sea.[40]

In the days following the sinking, several ships sailed to the disaster area to recover victims' bodies. The White Star Line chartered the cable ship CS Mackay-Bennett from Halifax, Nova Scotia to retrieve bodies. Three other ships followed in the search: the cable ship Minia, the lighthouse supply ship Montmagny and the sealing vessel Algerine. Each ship left with embalming supplies, undertakers, and clergy. Upon recovery, each body retrieved by the Mackay-Bennett was numbered and given as detailed a description as possible to help aid in identification. The physical appearance of each body—height, weight, age, hair and eye colour, visible birthmarks, scars or tattoos, was catalogued and any personal effects on the bodies were gathered and placed in small canvas bags corresponding to their number.[41]

A photo of the CS Mackay-Bennett, the first ship to arrive at the Titanic wreck site in search for bodies.

However, the ship found so many bodies that the embalming supplies aboard were quickly exhausted. Health regulations permitted that only embalmed bodies could be returned to port.[42] Captain Larnder of the Mackay-Bennett and the undertakers aboard decided to preserve all bodies of First Class passengers, justifying their decision by the need to visually identify wealthy men to resolve any disputes over large estates. As a result, the majority of the burials at sea were third class passengers and crew. Larnder himself claimed that as a mariner, he would expect to be buried at sea.[43] However complaints about the burials at sea were made by families and undertakers. Later ships such as Minia found fewer bodies, requiring fewer embalming supplies, and were able to limit burials at sea to bodies which were too damaged to preserve.

Bodies recovered were preserved and taken to Halifax, Nova Scotia, the closest city to the sinking with direct rail and steamship connections. A large temporary morgue was set up in a curling rink and undertakers were called in from all across Eastern Canada to assist. Relatives from across North America came to identify and claim the bodies of their relatives. Some bodies were shipped to be buried in their home towns across North America and Europe. About two-thirds of the bodies were identified. Of the remaining 150 unclaimed bodies, 121[44] were taken to the non-denominational Fairview Lawn Cemetery; 19[45] were buried in the Roman Catholic Mount Olivet Cemetery, and 10[46] were taken to the Jewish Baron de Hirsch Cemetery.[47] Unidentified victims were buried with simple numbers based on the order in which their bodies were discovered.

In mid-May 1912, over 200 miles (320 km) from the site of the sinking, RMS Oceanic recovered three bodies, numbers 331, 332 and 333, who were among the original occupants of Collapsible A, which was swamped in the last moments of the sinking. Although several people managed to reach this lifeboat, three died during the night. When Fifth Officer Harold Lowe and six crewmen returned to the wreck site after the sinking with an empty lifeboat to pick up survivors, they rescued surviving passengers from Collapsible A, but left the three dead bodies in the boat: Thomson Beattie, a first-class passenger, and two crew members, a fireman and a seaman. After their retrieval from Collapsible A by Oceanic, the bodies were buried at sea.[48][49]

Passenger list

Breakdown of casualties according to the British Board of Trade report (click for detail)

The following is a full list[21][50] of known passengers who sailed on the maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic.

Included in this list are the nine-member Guarantee Group and the eight members of the ship's band, who were given passenger accommodations and treated as both passengers and crew.[51][52] They are also included in the list of crew members on board RMS Titanic.

Passengers are colour-coded, indicating whether they were saved or perished.
     The passenger did not survive
     The passenger survived

Survivors are listed with the lifeboat from which they were known to be rescued. Victims whose remains were recovered after the sinking are listed with a superscript next to the body number, indicating the recovery vessel:

Numbers 324 and 325 were unused, and the six bodies buried at sea by the Carpathia also went unnumbered.[54]

First class

Allen, Miss Elizabeth Walton29St. Louis, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt. Louis, Missouri, US2
Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton30Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada135MB
and chauffeur, Mr. George Swane, [55]19Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada294MB
and cook, Miss Amelia Mary "Mildred" Brown[55]18London, England, UKSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11
Allison, Mrs. Bessie Waldo (née Daniels)25Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
and maid, Miss Sarah Daniels33Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada8
Allison, Miss Helen Loraine2Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Allison, Master Hudson Trevor11 mo.Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11
and nurse, Miss Alice Catherine Cleaver22London, England, UKSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada11
Anderson, Mr. Harry47New York City, New York, USSouthamptonNew York City, New York, US3
Andrews, Miss Kornelia Theodosia62Hudson, New York, USCherbourgHudson, New York, US10
Andrews, Mr. Thomas[56]39Belfast, Ireland, UK BelfastNew York City
Appleton, Mrs. Charlotte Lane (née Lamson)53New York CitySouthamptonNew York City2
Artagaveytia, Mr. Ramon71Buenos Aires, ArgentinaCherbourgNew York City22MB
Astor, Colonel John Jacob IV47New York CityCherbourgNew York City124MB
Astor, Mrs. Madeleine Talmage (née Force)[57][58]18New York CityCherbourgNew York City4
and maid, Miss Rosalie Bidois46New York CityCherbourgNew York City4
and nurse, Miss Caroline Louise Endres39New York CityCherbourgNew York City4
Aubart, Mrs. Léontine Pauline[59]24Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City9
and maid, Miss Emma Sägesser24Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City9
Barkworth, Mr. Algernon Henry Wilson47Hessle, East Yorkshire, England, UKSouthamptonNew York CityB
Baumann, Mr. John D.60New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Baxter, Mrs. Hélène (née de Lanaudière-Chaput)50Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada6
Baxter, Mr. Quigg Edmond24Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Beattie, Mr. Thomson36Fergus, Ontario, CanadaSouthamptonFergus, Ontario, CanadaA[60]331O
Beckwith, Mr. Richard Leonard37New York CitySouthamptonNew York City5
Beckwith, Mrs. Sallie (née Monypeny)46New York CitySouthamptonNew York City5
Behr, Mr. Karl Howell26New York CityCherbourgNew York City5
Birnbaum, Mr. Jakob24Antwerp, BelgiumCherbourgSan Francisco, California, US148MB
Bishop, Mr. Dickinson H. "Dick"25Dowagiac, Michigan, USCherbourgDowagiac, Michigan, US7
Bishop, Mrs. Helen (née Walton)[58][61]19Dowagiac, Michigan, USCherbourgDowagiac, Michigan, US7
Björnström-Steffanson, Mr. Mauritz Håkan28Stockholm, SwedenSouthamptonWashington, D.C., USD
Blackwell, Mr. Stephen Weart45Trenton, New Jersey, USSouthamptonTrenton, New Jersey, US
Blank, Mr. Henry39Glen Ridge, New Jersey, USCherbourgGlen Ridge, New Jersey, US7
Bonnell, Miss Elizabeth61Youngstown, Ohio, USSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US8
Bonnell, Miss Caroline30Youngstown, Ohio, USSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US8
Borebank, Mr. John James42London, England, UKSouthamptonToronto, Ontario, Canada
Bowerman, Miss Elsie Edith22St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City6
Brady, Mr. John Bertram41Pomeroy, Washington, USSouthamptonPomeroy, Washington, US
Brandeis, Mr. Emil48Omaha, Nebraska, USCherbourgOmaha, Nebraska, US208MB
Brereton, Mr. George Andrew (alias George A. Brayton)37Los Angeles, USSouthamptonLos Angeles, California, US9
Brewe, Dr. Arthur Jackson45Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Brown, Mrs. Caroline Lane (née Lamson)59Belmont, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonBelmont, Massachusetts, USD
Brown, Mrs. Margaret (née Tobin)44Denver, Colorado, USCherbourgDenver, Colorado, US6
Bucknell, Mrs. Emma Eliza (née Ward)59Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US8
and maid, Miss Albina Bazzani36Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US8
Butt, Major Archibald Willingham46Washington, D.C., USSouthamptonWashington, D.C., US
Calderhead, Mr. Edward Pennington42New York CitySouthamptonNew York City5
Candee, Mrs. Helen Churchill (née Hungerford)53Washington, D.C., USCherbourgWashington, D.C., US6
Cardeza, Mrs. Charlotte Wardle (née Drake)58Germantown, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgGermantown, Pennsylvania, US3
and maid, Miss Annie Moore Ward38Germantown, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgGermantown, Pennsylvania, US3
Cardeza, Mr. Thomas Drake Martinez36Germantown, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgGermantown, Pennsylvania, US3
and valet, Mr. Gustave J. Lesueur35Germantown, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgGermantown, Pennsylvania, US3
Carlsson, Mr. Frans Olof33New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Carrau, Mr. Francisco M.31Montevideo, UruguaySouthamptonMontevideo, Uruguay
Carrau, Mr. José Pedro17Montevideo, UruguaySouthamptonMontevideo, Uruguay
Carter, Mr. William Ernest36Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USC
and valet, Mr. Alexander Cairns28Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US
and chauffeur, Mr. Charles Augustus Aldworth[55]30Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US
Carter, Mrs. Lucile (née Polk)36Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US4
and maid, Miss Auguste Serreplan30Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US4
Carter, Miss Lucile Polk13Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US4
Carter, Master William Thornton II11Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonBryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, US4
Case, Mr. Howard Brown49Ascot, Berkshire, England, UKSouthamptonRochester, New York, US
Cassebeer, Mrs. Eleanor Genevieve (née Fosdick)36New York CityCherbourgNew York City5
Cavendish, Mr. Tyrell William36London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City172MB
Cavendish, Mrs. Julia Florence (née Siegel)25London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City6
and maid, Miss Ellen "Nellie" Barber26London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City6
Chaffee, Mr. Hubert Fuller46Amenia, North Dakota, USSouthamptonAmenia, North Dakota, US
Chaffee, Mrs. Carrie Constance (née Toogood)47Amenia, North Dakota, USSouthamptonAmenia, North Dakota, US4
Chambers, Mr. Norman Campbell27New York CitySouthamptonNew York City5
Chambers, Mrs. Bertha (née Griggs)32New York CitySouthamptonNew York City5
Cherry, Miss Gladys30London, England, UKSouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada8
Chevré, Mr. Paul Romaine Marie Léonce45Paris, FranceCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada7
Chibnall, Mrs. Edith Martha Bowerman (née Barber)48St. Leonards-on-Sea, East Sussex, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City6
Chisholm, Mr. Roderick Robert Crispin[56]40Belfast, Ireland, UKBelfastNew York City
Clark, Mr. Walter Miller27Los Angeles, California, USCherbourgLos Angeles, California, US
Clark, Mrs. Virginia Estelle (née McDowell)26Los Angeles, California, USCherbourgLos Angeles, California, US4
Clifford, Mr. George Quincy40Stoughton, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonStoughton, Massachusetts
Colley, Mr. Edward Pomeroy37Dublin, Ireland, UK[note 1]SouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Compton, Mrs. Mary Eliza (née Ingersoll)64Lakewood, New Jersey, USCherbourgLakewood, New Jersey, US14
Compton, Miss Sara Rebecca39Lakewood, New Jersey, USCherbourgLakewood, New Jersey, US14
Compton, Mr. Alexander Taylor Jr.37Lakewood, New Jersey, USCherbourgLakewood, New Jersey, US
Cornell, Mrs. Malvina Helen (née Lamson)55New York CitySouthamptonNew York City2
Crafton, Mr. John Bertram59Roachdale, Indiana, USSouthamptonRoachdale, Indiana, US
Crosby, Captain Edward 70Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US269MB
Crosby, Mrs. Catherine Elizabeth (née Halstead)64Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US7
Crosby, Miss Harriette Rebecca39Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US7
Cumings, Mr. John Bradley39New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Cumings, Mrs. Florence Briggs (née Thayer)35New York CityCherbourgNew York, US4
Daly, Mr. Peter Dennis51Lima, PeruSouthamptonLima, PeruA
Daniel, Mr. Robert Williams27Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US3
Davidson, Mr. Thornton31Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Davidson, Mrs. Orian (née Hays)27Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada3
Dick, Mr. Albert Adrian31Calgary, Alberta, CanadaSouthamptonCalgary, Alberta, Canada3
Dick, Mrs. Vera (née Gillespie)17Calgary, Alberta, CanadaSouthamptonCalgary, Alberta, Canada3
Dodge, Dr. Washington52San Francisco, California, USSouthamptonSan Francisco, California, US13
Dodge, Mrs. Ruth (née Vidaver)34San Francisco, California, USSouthamptonSan Francisco, California, US5
Dodge, Master Washington, Jr.4San Francisco, California, USSouthamptonSan Francisco, California, US5
Doonan Mr. Simon36Chicago, Illinois, USSouthamptonNew York City14
Douglas, Mr. Walter Donald50Minneapolis, Minnesota, USCherbourgMinneapolis, Minnesota, US62MB
Douglas, Mrs. Mahala (née Dutton)48Minneapolis, Minnesota, USCherbourgMinneapolis, Minnesota, US2
and maid, Miss Berthe Leroy27Minneapolis, Minnesota, USCherbourgMinneapolis, Minnesota, US2
Douglas, Mrs. Mary Hélène (née Baxter)27Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada6
Duff Gordon, Sir Cosmo Edmund49London, England, UKCherbourgNew York City1
Duff Gordon, Lucy Christiana, Lady (née Sutherland)48London, England, UKCherbourgNew York City1
and secretary, Miss Laura Mabel Francatelli31London, England, UKCherbourgNew York City1
Dulles, Mr. William Crothers39Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US133MB
Eustis, Miss Elizabeth Mussey54Brookline, Massachusetts, USCherbourgBrookline, Massachusetts, US4
Evans, Miss Edith Corse36New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Flegenheim, Mrs. Antoinette (née Liche)48New York CityCherbourgNew York City7
Flynn, Mr. John Irwin36Brooklyn, New York, USSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US5
Foreman, Mr. Benjamin Laventall30New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Fortune, Mr. Mark64Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Fortune, Mrs. Mary (née McDougald)60Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada10
Fortune, Miss Ethel Flora28Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada10
Fortune, Miss Alice Elizabeth24Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada10
Fortune, Miss Mabel Helen23Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada10
Fortune, Mr. Charles Alexander19Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Franklin, Mr. Thomas Parnham37London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Frauenthal, Dr. Henry William49London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City5
Frauenthal, Mrs. Clara (née Heinsheimer)42London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City5
Frauenthal, Mr. Isaac Gerald43London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City5
Frölicher, Mr. Maximilian Josef60Zürich, SwitzerlandCherbourgNew York City5
Frölicher, Mrs. Margaretha Emerentia (née Stehli)48Zürich, SwitzerlandCherbourgNew York City5
Frölicher-Stehli, Miss Hedwig Margaritha22Zürich, SwitzerlandCherbourgNew York City5
Futrelle, Mr. Jacques Heath37Scituate, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonScituate, Massachusetts, US
Futrelle, Mrs. Lily May (née Peel)35Scituate, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonScituate, Massachusetts, USD
Gee, Mr. Arthur H.47St. Annes-on-Sea, Lancashire, England, UKSouthamptonMexico City, Mexico275MB
Gibson, Mrs. Pauline Caroline (née Boeson)44New York CityCherbourgNew York City7
Gibson, Miss Dorothy Winifred22New York CityCherbourgNew York City7
Goldenberg, Mr. Samuel L.47Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City5
Goldenberg, Mrs. Nella (née Wiggins)40Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City5
Goldschmidt, Mr. George B.71New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Gracie IV, Colonel Archibald53Washington, D.C., USSouthamptonWashington, D.C., USB
Graham, Mr. George Edward38Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada147MB
Graham, Mrs. Edith Ware (née Junkins)59Greenwich, Connecticut, USSouthamptonGreenwich, Connecticut, US3
Graham, Miss Margaret Edith19Greenwich, Connecticut, USSouthamptonGreenwich, Connecticut, US3
and governess, Miss Elizabeth Weed Shutes40Greenwich, Connecticut, USSouthamptonGreenwich, Connecticut, US3
Greenfield, Mrs. Blanche (née Strouse)45New York CityCherbourgNew York City7
Greenfield, Mr. William Bertram23New York CityCherbourgNew York City7
Guggenheim, Mr. Benjamin46Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City
and valet, Mr. Victor Giglio24Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City
and chauffeur, Mr. René Pernot[55]39Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City
Harder, Mr. George Achilles25New York CityCherbourgNew York City5
Harder, Mrs. Dorothy (née Annan)21New York CityCherbourgNew York City5
Harper, Mr. Henry Sleeper48New York CityCherbourgNew York City3
and dragoman, Mr. Hammad Hassab27Cairo, EgyptCherbourgNew York City3
Harper, Mrs. Myna (née Haxtun)49New York CityCherbourgNew York City3
Harris, Mr. Henry Birkhardt45New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Harris, Mrs. Irene (née Wallach)35New York CitySouthamptonNew York CityD
Hawksford, Mr. Walter James45Kingston, Surrey, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City3
Hays, Mr. Charles Melville55Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada307M
and clerk, Mr. Vivian Ponsonby Payne22Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Hays, Mrs. Clara Jennings (née Grigg)52Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada3
and maid, Miss Mary Anne Perreault33Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada3
Hays, Miss Margaret Bechstein24New York CityCherbourgNew York City7
Head, Mr. Christopher42Chelsea, London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Hilliard, Mr. Herbert Henry44Brighton, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonBrighton, Massachusetts, US
Hipkins, Mr. William Edward55Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Hippach, Mrs. Ida Sophia (née Fischer)44Chicago, Illinois, USCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US4
Hippach, Miss Jean Gertrude17Chicago, Illinois, USCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US4
Hogeboom, Mrs. Anna Louisa (née Andrews)51Hudson, New York, USCherbourgHudson, New York, US10
Holverson, Mr. Alexander Oskar42New York CitySouthamptonNew York City38MB
Holverson, Mrs. Mary Aline (née Towner)35New York CitySouthamptonNew York City8
Homer, Mr. Harry (alias E. Haven)40Indianapolis, Indiana, USSouthamptonIndianapolis, Indiana, US15
Hoyt, Mr. Frederick Maxfield35New York CitySouthamptonStamford, Connecticut, USD
Hoyt, Mrs. Jane Anne (née Forby)31New York CitySouthamptonStamford, Connecticut, USD
Hoyt, Mr. William Fisher42New York CityCherbourgNew York City14[62][63]
Isham, Miss Ann Elizabeth50Chicago, Illinois, USCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US
Ismay, Mr. Joseph Bruce49Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UKSouthamptonNew York CityC
and valet, Mr. John Richard Fry39Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
and secretary, Mr. William Henry Harrison45Wallasey, Merseyside, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City110MB
Jones, Mr. Charles Cresson46Bennington, Vermont, USSouthamptonBennington, Vermont, US80MB
Julian, Mr. Henry Forbes50Torquay, Devon, England, UKSouthamptonSan Francisco, US
Kent, Mr. Edward Austin58Buffalo, New York, USCherbourgBuffalo, New York, US258MB
Kenyon, Mr. Frederick R.41Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Kenyon, Mrs. Marion (née Stauffer)[58][64]31Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US8
Kimball, Mr. Edwin Nelson Jr.42Boston, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonBoston, Massachusetts, US5
Kimball, Mrs. Gertrude (née Parsons)45Boston, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonBoston, Massachusetts, US5
Klaber, Mr. Herman45Portland, Oregon, USSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US
Lambert-Williams, Mr. Fletcher Fellows43London, England, UKSouthamptonNewark, New Jersey, US
Leader, Dr. Alice (née Farnham)49New York CitySouthamptonNew York City8
Leslie, Lucy Noël Martha, Countess of Rothes (née Dyer-Edwardes)27Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaSouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada8
and maid, Miss Roberta Elizabeth Mary "Cissy" Maioni[65]20Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaSouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada8
Lewy, Mr. Ervin G.31Chicago, Illinois, USCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US
Lindeberg-Lind, Mr. Erik Gustav (alias Edward Lingrey)42Jordanstorp, Södermanland, SwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Lindström, Mrs. Sigrid (née Posse)55Stockholm, SwedenCherbourgNew York City6
Lines, Mrs. Elizabeth Lindsey (née James)50Paris, FranceCherbourgHanover, New Hampshire, US9
Lines, Miss Mary Conover16Paris, FranceCherbourgHanover, New Hampshire, US9
Long, Mr. Milton Clyde29Springfield, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonSpringfield, Massachusetts, US126MB
Longley, Miss Gretchen Fiske21Hudson, New York, USCherbourgHudson, New York, US10
Loring, Mr. Joseph Holland30London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Madill, Miss Georgette Alexandra16St. Louis, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt. Louis, Missouri, US2
Maguire, Mr. John Edward30Brockton, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonBrockton, Massachusetts, US
Maréchal, Mr. Pierre, Sr.28Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City7
Marvin, Mr. Daniel Warner18New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Marvin, Mrs. Mary Graham Carmichael (née Farquarson)[58][66]18New York CitySouthamptonNew York City10
Mayné, Miss Bertha Antonine24Brussels, BelgiumCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada6
McCaffry, Mr. Thomas Francis46Vancouver, British Columbia, CanadaSouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada292MB
McCarthy, Mr. Timothy J.54Dorchester, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonDorchester, Massachusetts, US175MB
McGough, Mr. James Robert35Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US7
Meyer, Mr. Edgar Joseph28New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Meyer, Mrs. Leila (née Saks)25New York CityCherbourgNew York City6
Millet, Mr. Francis Davis65East Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USCherbourgEast Bridgewater, Massachusetts, US249MB
Minahan, Dr. William Edward44Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USSouthamptonFond du Lac, Wisconsin, US230MB
Minahan, Mrs. Lillian E. (née Thorpe)37Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USSouthamptonFond du Lac, Wisconsin, US14
Minahan, Miss Daisy E.33Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, USSouthamptonFond du Lac, Wisconsin, US14
Mock, Mr. Philipp Edmund30New York CityCherbourgNew York City11
Molson, Mr. Harry Markland55Montreal, Quebec, CanadaSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Moore, Mr. Clarence Bloomfield47Washington, D.C., USSouthamptonWashington, D.C., US
and valet, Mr. Charles Henry Harrington37Washington, D.C., USSouthamptonWashington, D.C., US
Natsch, Mr. Charles36Brooklyn, New York, USCherbourgBrooklyn, New York, US
Newell, Mr. Arthur Webster58Lexington, Massachusetts, USCherbourgLexington, Massachusetts, US122MB
Newell, Miss Madeleine31Lexington, Massachusetts, USCherbourgLexington, Massachusetts, US6
Newell, Miss Marjorie Anne23Lexington, Massachusetts, USCherbourgLexington, Massachusetts, US6
Newsom, Miss Helen Monypeny19New York CitySouthamptonNew York City5
Nicholson, Mr. Arthur Ernest64Shanklin, Isle of Wight, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City263MB
Nourney, Mr. Alfred[67][68]20Cologne, German Empire[note 2]CherbourgNew York City7
Omont, Mr. Alfred Fernand29Le Havre, FranceCherbourgNew York City7
Ostby, Mr. Engelhart Cornelius64Providence, Rhode Island, USSouthamptonProvidence, Rhode Island, US234MB
Ostby, Miss Helene Ragnhild22Providence, Rhode Island, USSouthamptonProvidence, Rhode Island, US5
Ovies y Rodriguez, Mr. Servando José Florentino36Havana, CubaCherbourgHavana, Cuba189MB
Parr, Mr. William Henry Marsh[56]29Belfast, Ireland, UKBelfastNew York City
Partner, Mr. Austin40Tolworth, London, England, UKSouthamptonToronto, Ontario, Canada166MB
Pears, Mr. Thomas Clinton29Isleworth, London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Pears, Mrs. Edith (née Wearne)22Isleworth, London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City8
Peñasco y Castellana, Mr. Victor24Madrid, SpainCherbourgNew York City
Peñasco y Castellana, Mrs. Maria Josefa (née Perez de Soto y Vallejo)22Madrid, SpainCherbourgNew York City8
and maid, Doña Fermina Oliva y Ocana39Madrid, SpainCherbourgNew York City8
Peuchen, Major Arthur Godfrey52Toronto, Ontario, CanadaSouthamptonToronto, Ontario, Canada6
Porter, Mr. Walter Chamberlain46Worcester, Massachusetts, USSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US207MB
Potter, Mrs. Lily Alexenia (née Wilson)56Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US7
Reuchlin, The Honourable Mr. Johan George38Rotterdam, The NetherlandsSouthamptonNew York City
Rheims, Mr. George Alexander Lucien36Paris, FranceSouthamptonNew York CityA
Robert, Mrs. Elisabeth Walton (née McMillan)43St. Louis, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt. Louis, Missouri, US2
and maid, Miss Emilie Kreuchen29St. Louis, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt. Louis, Missouri, US2
Roebling, Mr. Washington Augustus II31Trenton, New Jersey, USSouthamptonTrenton, New Jersey, US
Romaine, Mr. Charles Hallance (alias C. Rolmane)45New York CitySouthamptonNew York City9
Rood, Mr. Hugh Roscoe38Seattle, Washington, USSouthamptonSeattle, Washington, US
Rosenbaum, Miss Edith Louise34Paris, FranceCherbourgCincinnati, Ohio, US11
Rosenshine, Mr. George (alias George Thorne)46New York CityCherbourgNew York City16MB
Ross, Mr. John Hugo36Winnipeg, Manitoba, CanadaSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Rothschild, Mr. Martin46New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Rothschild, Mrs. Elizabeth Jane Anne (née Barrett)54New York CityCherbourgNew York City6
Rowe, Mr. Alfred G.59Liverpool, Merseyside, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City109MB
Ryerson, Mr. Arthur Larned61Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US
Ryerson, Mrs. Emily Maria (née Borie)48Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US4
and maid, Miss Victorine Chaudanson36Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US4
Ryerson, Miss Susan Parker "Suzette"21Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US4
Ryerson, Miss Emily Borie18Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US4
Ryerson, Master John Borie "Jack"13Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US4
and governess, Miss Grace Scott Bowen45Cooperstown, New York, USCherbourgCooperstown, New York, US4
Saalfeld, Mr. Adolphe47Manchester, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City3
Salomon, Mr. Abraham Lincoln43New York CityCherbourgNew York City1
Schabert, Mrs. Emma (née Mock)35Hamburg, German Empire[note 2]SouthamptonNew York City11
Seward, Mr. Frederic Kimber34New York CitySouthamptonNew York City7
Silverthorne, Mr. Spencer Victor35St. Louis, Missouri, USSouthamptonSt. Louis, Missouri, US5
Silvey, Mr. William Baird50Duluth, Minnesota, USCherbourgDuluth, Minnesota, US
Silvey, Mrs. Alice (née Munger)39Duluth, Minnesota, USCherbourgDuluth, Minnesota, US11
Simonius-Blumer, Colonel Alfons56Basel, SwitzerlandSouthamptonNew York City3
Sloper, Mr. William Thompson28New Britain, Connecticut, USSouthamptonNew Britain, Connecticut, US7
Smart, Mr. John Montgomery56Kildale, North Yorkshire, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Smith, Mr. James Clinch56Paris, FranceCherbourgLong Island, New York, US
Smith, Mr. Lucien Philip24Huntington, West Virginia, USCherbourgHuntington, West Virginia, US
Smith, Mrs. Mary Eloise (née Hughes)[58][69]18Huntington, West Virginia, USCherbourgHuntington, West Virginia, US6
Smith, Mr. Richard William57Streatham, London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Snyder, Mr. John Pillsbury24Minneapolis, Minnesota, USSouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US7
Snyder, Mrs. Nellie (née Stevenson)23Minneapolis, Minnesota, USSouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US7
Spedden, Mr. Frederic Oakley45Tuxedo Park, New York, USCherbourgTuxedo Park, New York, US3
Spedden, Mrs. Margaretta Corning (née Stone)39Tuxedo Park, New York, USCherbourgTuxedo Park, New York, US3
and maid, Miss Helen Alice Wilson31Tuxedo Park, New York, USCherbourgTuxedo Park, New York, US3
Spedden, Master Robert Douglas6Tuxedo Park, New York, USCherbourgTuxedo Park, New York, US3
and nurse, Miss Elizabeth Margaret Burns41Tuxedo Park, New York, USCherbourgTuxedo Park, New York, US3
Spencer, Mr. William Augustus57New York CityCherbourgNew York City
Spencer, Mrs. Marie Eugénie (née Demougeot)45New York CityCherbourgNew York City6
and maid, Miss Eugenie Elise Lurette59New York CityCherbourgNew York City6
Stähelin-Maeglin, Dr. Max32Basel, SwitzerlandSouthamptonNew York City3
Stead, Mr. William Thomas62London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York City
Stengel, Mr. Charles Emil Henry54Newark, New Jersey, USCherbourgNewark, New Jersey, US1
Stengel, Mrs. Annie May (née Morris)44Newark, New Jersey, USCherbourgNewark, New Jersey, US5
Stephenson, Mrs. Martha (née Eustis)52Paris, FranceCherbourgHaverford, Pennsylvania, US4
Stewart, Mr. Albert A.54Cincinnati, Ohio, USCherbourgGallipolis, Ohio, US
Stone, Mrs. Martha Evelyn (née Stevens)62New York CitySouthamptonNew York City6
and maid, Miss Amelie "Amelia" Icard38New York CitySouthamptonNew York City6
Straus, Mr. Isidor67New York CitySouthamptonNew York City96MB
and valet, Mr. John Farthing57New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Straus, Mrs. Rosalie Ida (née Blun)63New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
and maid, Miss Ellen Bird31New York CitySouthamptonNew York City8
Sutton, Mr. Frederick61Haddonfield, New Jersey, USSouthamptonHaddonfield, New Jersey, US46MB
Swift, Mrs. Margaret Welles (née Barron)46New York CitySouthamptonNew York City8
Taussig, Mr. Emil52New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Taussig, Mrs. Tillie (née Mandelbaum)39New York CitySouthamptonNew York City8
Taussig, Miss Ruth18New York CitySouthamptonNew York City8
Taylor, Mr. Elmer Zebley48London, England, UKSouthamptonEast Orange, New Jersey, US5
Taylor, Mrs. Juliet Cummins (née Wright)48London, England, UKSouthamptonEast Orange, New Jersey, US5
Thayer, Mr. John Borland II49Haverford, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgHaverford, Pennsylvania, US
Thayer, Mrs. Marian Longsteth (née Morris)39Haverford, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgHaverford, Pennsylvania, US4
and maid, Miss Margaret Fleming42Haverford, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgHaverford, Pennsylvania, US4
Thayer, Mr. John Borland "Jack" III17Haverford, Pennsylvania, USCherbourgHaverford, Pennsylvania, USB
Thorne, Miss Gertrude Maybelle38New York CityCherbourgNew York CityD
Tucker, Mr. Gilbert Milligan Jr.31Albany, New York, USCherbourgAlbany, New York, US7
Uruchurtu, Don Manuel E.40Mexico City, MexicoCherbourgMexico City, Mexico
Van der Hoef, Mr. Wyckoff61Brooklyn, New York, USBelfastBrooklyn, New York, US245MB
Walker, Mr. William Anderson48East Orange, New Jersey, USSouthamptonEast Orange, New Jersey, US
Warren, Mr. Frank Manley63Portland, Oregon, USCherbourgPortland, Oregon, US
Warren, Mrs. Anna Sophia (née Atkinson)60Portland, Oregon, USCherbourgPortland, Oregon, US5
Weir, Colonel John59New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
White, Mr. Percival Wayland54Brunswick, Maine, USSouthamptonBrunswick, Maine, US
White, Mr. Richard Frasar21Brunswick, Maine, USSouthamptonBrunswick, Maine, US169MB
White, Mrs. Ella (née Holmes)55New York CityCherbourgNew York City8
and maid, Miss Amelia Mayo "Nellie" Bessette39New York CityCherbourgNew York City8
and manservant, Mr. Sante Righini22New York CityCherbourgNew York City232MB
Wick, Colonel George Dennick58Youngstown, Ohio, USSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US
Wick, Mrs. Mary (née Hitchcock)45Youngstown, Ohio, USSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US8
Wick, Miss Mary Natalie31Youngstown, Ohio, USSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US8
Widener, Mr. George Dunton50Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
and valet, Mr. Edwin Herbert Keeping33Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US45MB
Widener, Mrs. Eleanor (née Elkins)50Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US4
and maid, Miss Amalie Henriette "Emily" Gieger35Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US4
Widener, Mr. Harry Elkins27Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Willard, Miss Constance21Duluth, Minnesota, USSouthamptonDuluth, Minnesota, US8
Williams, Mr. Charles Duane51Geneva, SwitzerlandCherbourgRadnor, Pennsylvania, US
Williams, Mr. Richard Norris II21Geneva, SwitzerlandCherbourgRadnor, Pennsylvania, USA
Woolner, Mr. Hugh45London, England, UKSouthamptonNew York CityD
Wright, Mr. George62Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaSouthamptonHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Young, Miss Marie Grice36New York CityCherbourgNew York City8

Second class

Andrew, Mr. Edgar Samuel17San Ambrosio, Córdoba, ArgentinaSouthamptonTrenton, New Jersey, US
Andrew, Mr. Frank Thomas30Redruth, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US
Angle, Mr. William A.32Warwick, Warwickshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Angle, Mrs. Florence Agnes "Mary" (née Hughes)36Warwick, Warwickshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City11
Ashby, Mr. John57West Hoboken, New Jersey, USSouthamptonWest Hoboken, New Jersey, US
Bailey, Mr. Percy Andrew18Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US
Bainbrigge, Mr. Charles Robert23Saint Peter Port, Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonNew York City
Ball, Mrs. Ada E. (née Hall)36Bristol, Avon, EnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US10
Banfield, Mr. Frederick James28Plymouth, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US
Bateman, Father Robert James51Jacksonville, Florida, USSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US174MB
Beane, Mr. Edward32New York CitySouthamptonNew York City13
Beane. Mrs. Ethel (née Clarke)19Norwich, Norfolk, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City13
Beauchamp, Mr. Henry James28London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City194MB
Becker, Mrs. Nellie E. (née Baumgardner)35Guntur, Madras Province, British India, UK[note 3]SouthamptonBenton Harbor, Michigan, US11
Becker, Miss Ruth Elizabeth12Guntur, Madras Province, British India, UKSouthamptonBenton Harbor, Michigan, US13
Becker, Miss Marion Louise4Guntur, Madras Province, British India, UKSouthamptonBenton Harbor, Michigan, US11
Becker, Master Richard Frederick1Guntur, Madras Province, British India, UKSouthamptonBenton Harbor, Michigan, US11
Beesley, Mr. Lawrence34London, EnglandSouthamptonToronto, Ontario, Canada13
Bentham, Miss Lillian W.19Rochester, New York, USSouthamptonRochester, New York, US12
Berriman, Mr. William John23St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonCalumet, Michigan, US
Botsford, Mr. William Hull25Orange, New Jersey, USSouthamptonOrange, New Jersey, US
Bowenur, Mr. Solomon42London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Bracken, Mr. James H.29Lake Arthur, New Mexico, USSouthamptonLake Arthur, New Mexico, US
Brailey, Mr. W. Theodore Ronald[56]24London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Bricoux, Mr. Roger Marie[56]20Monte Carlo, MonacoSouthamptonNew York City
Brito, Mr. José Joaquim32Madeira, PortugalSouthamptonSão Paulo, Brazil
Brown, Mr. Thomas William Solomon60Cape Town, South Africa, UK[note 4]SouthamptonSeattle, Washington, US
Brown, Mrs. Elizabeth Catherine (née Ford)40Cape Town, South Africa, UKSouthamptonSeattle, Washington, US14
Brown, Miss Edith Eileen15Cape Town, South Africa, UKSouthamptonSeattle, Washington, US14
Bryhl, Mr. Kurt Arnold Gottfrid25Skara, Västergötland, SwedenSouthamptonRockford, Illinois, US
Bryhl, Miss Dagmar Jenny Ingeborg20Skara, Västergötland, SwedenSouthamptonRockford, Illinois, US12
Buss, Miss Kate36Sittingbourne, Kent, EnglandSouthamptonSan Francisco, US9
Butler, Mr. Reginald Fenton25Southsea, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City97MB
Byles, Father Thomas Roussel Davids42London, EnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Byström, Miss Karolina42New York CitySouthamptonNew York City?
Caldwell, Mr. Albert Francis26Bangkok, Siam[note 5]SouthamptonRoseville, Illinois, US13
Caldwell, Mrs. Sylvia Mae (née Harbaugh)28Bangkok, SiamSouthamptonRoseville, Illinois, US13
Caldwell, Master Alden Gates10 mo.Bangkok, SiamSouthamptonRoseville, Illinois, US13
Cameron, Miss Clear Annie35London, EnglandSouthamptonMamaronek, New York, US14
Campbell, Mr. William Henry[56]21Belfast, IrelandBelfastNew York City
Carbines, Mr. William19St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US18MB
Carter, Father Ernest Courtenay54London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Carter, Mrs. Lilian (née Hughes)45London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Chapman, Mr. Charles Henry52Bronx, New York, USSouthamptonBronx, New York, US130MB
Chapman, Mr. John Henry36Liskeard, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonSpokane, Washington, US17MB
Chapman, Mrs. Sara Elizabeth (née Lawry)28Liskeard, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonSpokane, Washington, US
Christy, Mrs. Alice Frances45London, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada12
Christy, Miss Rachel Julie Cohen25London, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada12
Clarke, Mr. Charles Valentine29Netley Abbey, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonSan Francisco, California, US
Clarke, Mrs. Ada Maria28Netley Abbey, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonSan Francisco, California, US14
Clarke, Mr. John Frederick Preston[56]30Liverpool, Merseyside, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City202MB
Coleridge, Mr. Reginald Charles29London, EnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Collander, Mr. Erik Gustaf27Helsinki, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6]SouthamptonAshtabula, Ohio, US
Collett, Mr. Sidney Clarence Stuart25London, EnglandSouthamptonPort Byron, New York, US9
Collyer, Mr. Harvey31Bishopstoke, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonPayette, Idaho, US
Collyer, Mrs. Charlotte Annie (née Tate)31Bishopstoke, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonPayette, Idaho, US14
Collyer, Miss Marjorie Charlotte "Lottie"8Bishopstoke, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonPayette, Idaho, US14
Cook, Mrs. Selena (née Rogers)22Oxford, Oxfordshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City14
Corbett, Mrs. Irene (née Colvin)30Provo, Utah, USSouthamptonProvo, Utah, US
Corey, Mrs. Mary Phyllis Elizabeth (née Miller)30Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Cotterill, Mr. Henry "Harry"20Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US
Cunningham, Mr. Alfred Fleming[56]21Belfast, IrelandBelfastNew York City
Davies, Mr. Charles Henry21Lyndhurst, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonEden, Manitoba, Canada
Davies, Mrs. Elizabeth Agnes Mary (née White)48St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US14
Davies, Master John Morgan Jr.8St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US14
Davis, Miss Mary28London, EnglandSouthamptonTottenville, New York, US13
Deacon, Mr. Percy William20Fritham, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonBoston, Massachusetts, US
del Carlo, Mr. Sebastiano29Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, ItalyCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US295MB
del Carlo, Mrs. Argene (née Genovesi)[58][70]24Montecarlo, Lucca, Tuscany, ItalyCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US11
Denbuoy, Mr. Albert "Herbert"25Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Dibden, Mr. William18Lyndhurst, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonEden, Manitoba, Canada
Doling, Mrs. Ada Julia (née Bone)34Southampton, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City?
Doling, Miss Elsie19Southampton, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City?
Douton, Mr. William Joseph55Rochester, New York, USSouthamptonRochester, New York, US
Drew, Mr. James Vivian42Greenport, New York, USSouthamptonGreenport, New York, US
Drew, Mrs. Lulu Thorne (née Christian)34Greenport, New York, USSouthamptonGreenport, New York, US10
Drew, Master Marshall Brines8Greenport, New York, USSouthamptonGreenport, New York, US10
Duran y More, Miss Florentina30Barcelona, SpainCherbourgHavana, Cuba12
Duran y More, Miss Asunción27Barcelona, SpainCherbourgHavana, Cuba12
Eitemiller, Mr. George Floyd23London, EnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Enander, Mr. Ingvar21GoteborgGöteborg, Västergötland, SwedenSouthamptonRockford, Illinois, US
Fahlstrøm, Mr. Arne Joma18Oslo, NorwaySouthamptonBayonne, New Jersey, US
Faunthorpe, Mr. Harry Bartram40Liverpool, Merseyside, EnglandSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US286MB
Fillbrook, Mr. Joseph Charles18Truro, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US
Fox, Mr. Stanley Hubert38Rochester, New York, USSouthamptonRochester, New York, US236MB
Frost, Mr. Anthony Wood "Archie"[56]37Belfast, IrelandBelfastNew York City
Funk, Miss Annie Clemmer38Janjgir-Champa, British India, UK[note 3]SouthamptonBally, Pennsylvania, US
Fynney, Mr. Joseph J.35Liverpool, Merseyside, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada322M
Gale, Mr. Harry38Harrowbarrow, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonClear Creek, Colorado, US
Gale, Mr. Shadrach33Harrowbarrow, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonClear Creek, Colorado, US
Garside, Miss Ethel34Liverpool, Merseyside, EnglandSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US12
Gaskell, Mr. Alfred16Liverpool, Merseyside, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Gavey, Mr. Laurence26Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Gilbert, Mr. William47Carleens, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonButte, Montana, US
Giles, Mr. Edgar21Porthleven, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonCamden, New Jersey, US
Giles, Mr. Frederick Edward20Porthleven, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonCamden, New Jersey, US
Giles, Mr. Ralph25London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City297MB
Gill, Mr. John William24Clevedon, North Somerset EnglandSouthamptonNew York City155MB
Gillespie, Mr. William Henry34Abbeyleix, Laois, Ireland[note 1]SouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Givard, Mr. Hans Kristensen30Kølsen, Vorde Sogn, DenmarkSouthamptonSan Francisco, California, US305MB
Greenberg, Mr. Samuel52Bronx, New York, USSouthamptonBronx, New York, US19MB
Hale, Mr. Reginald30Auburn, New York, USSouthamptonAuburn, New York, US75MB
HamalainenHämäläinen, Mrs. Anna (Anna Hamlin)24Detroit, Michigan, USSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US4
HamalainenHämäläinen, Master Viljo Unto Johannes (William Hamlin)1Detroit, Michigan, USSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US4
Harbeck, Mr. William H.44Toledo, Ohio, USSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada35MB
Harper, The Reverend John39London, EnglandSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Harper, Miss Annie Jessie "Nina"6London, EnglandSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US11
Harris, Mr. George62London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City15
Harris, Mr. Walter30London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Hart, Mr. Benjamin47Ilford, Essex, EnglandSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hart, Mrs. Esther Ada (née Bloomfield)48Ilford, Essex, EnglandSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada14
Hart, Miss Eva Miriam7Ilford, Essex, EnglandSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada14
Hartley, Mr. Wallace Henry[56]33Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City224MB
Herman, Mr. Samuel49Yeovil, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonBernardsville, New Jersey, US
Herman, Mrs. Jane (née Laver)48Yeovil, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonBernardsville, New Jersey, US9
Herman, Miss Alice24Yeovil, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonBernardsville, New Jersey, US9
Herman, Miss Kate24Yeovil, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonBernardsville, New Jersey, US9
Hewlett, Mrs. Mary Dunbar (née Kingcome)56Lucknow, British India, UK[note 3]SouthamptonRapid City, South Dakota, US13
Hickman, Mr. Lewis30Fritham, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonThe Pas, Manitoba, Canada256MB
Hickman, Mr. Leonard Mark24Fritham, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonEden, Manitoba, Canada
Hickman, Mr. Stanley George20Fritham, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonThe Pas, Manitoba, Canada
Hiltunen, Miss Martta18Joensuu, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6]SouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Hocking, Mrs. Elizabeth "Eliza" (née Neads)54Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US4
Hocking, Mr. Richard George23Akron, Ohio, USSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US
Hocking, Miss Ellen "Nellie"20Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US4
Hocking, Mr. Samuel James Metcalfe36Devonport, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonMiddletown, Connecticut, US
Hodges, Mr. Henry Price50Southampton, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonBoston, Massachusetts, US149MB
Hold, Mr. Stephen44Porthoustock, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonSacramento, California, US
Hold, Mrs. Annie Margaret (née Hill)29Porthoustock, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonSacramento, California, US10
Hood, Mr. Ambrose Jr.21Fritham, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonManitoba, Canada
Hosono, Mr. Masabumi41Tokyo, JapanSouthamptonTokyo, Japan10
Howard, Mr. Benjamin63Swindon, Wiltshire, EnglandSouthamptonIdaho, US
Howard, Mrs. Ellen Truelove (née Arman)60Swindon, Wiltshire, EnglandSouthamptonIdaho, US
Hume, Mr. John Law "Jock"[56]21Dumfries, ScotlandSouthamptonNew York City193MB
Hunt, Mr. George Henry33Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Ilett, Miss Bertha17Jersey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonAtlanta, Georgia, US?
Jacobsohn, Mr. Sidney Samuel40London, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Jacobsohn, Mrs. Amy Frances Christy (née Cohen)24London, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada12
Jarvis, Mr. Denzil John47Stoneygate, Leicestershire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Jefferys, Mr. Clifford Thomas24Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Jefferys, Mr. Ernest Wilifred22Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Jenkin, Mr. Stephen Curnow32St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US
Jerwan, Mrs. Marie Marthe (née Thuillard)23New York CitySouthamptonNew York City11
Kantor, Mr. Sinai34Vitebsk, Russian EmpireSouthamptonBronx, New York, US283MB
Kantor, Mrs. Miriam (née Sternin)24Vitebsk, Russian EmpireSouthamptonBronx, New York, US12
Karnes, Mrs. Claire (née Bennett)28Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USSouthamptonPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Keane, Mr. Daniel35Limerick, Ireland[note 1]QueenstownSt. Louis, Missouri, US
Keane, Miss Nora Agnes46Castleconnell, Limerick, Ireland[note 1]QueenstownHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US10
Kelly, Miss Florence "Fannie"45London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City9
Kirkland, Father Charles Leonard52Glasgow, ScotlandQueenstownTuxford, Saskatchewan, Canada
Knight, Mr. Robert J.[56]39Belfast, IrelandBelfastNew York City
Krins, Mr. Georges Alexandré[56]23London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Kvillner, Mr. Johan Henrik Johannesson31Trollhättan, Västergötland, SwedenSouthamptonArlington, Virginia, US165MB
Lahtinen, Reverend William35Minneapolis, Minnesota, USSouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US
Lahtinen, Mrs. Anna Amelia (née Sylfvén)26Minneapolis, Minnesota, USSouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US
Lamb, Mr. John Joseph30Glencree, Ireland[note 1]QueenstownProvidence, Rhode Island, US
Laroche, Mr. Joseph Philippe Lemercier25Paris, FranceCherbourgCap-Haïtien, Haiti
Laroche, Mrs. Juliette Marie Louise (née Lafargue)[58][71]22Paris, FranceCherbourgCap-Haïtien, Haiti14
Laroche, Miss Simoné Marie Anne Andrée3Paris, FranceCherbourgCap-Haïtien, Haiti14
Laroche, Miss Louise Marguerite1Paris, FranceCherbourgCap-Haïtien, Haiti14
Lehmann, Miss Bertha17Lotzwil, SwitzerlandCherbourgCentral City, Iowa, US12
Leitch, Miss Jessie Wills31London, EnglandSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US11
Lemore, Mrs. Amelia "Milley" (née Hunt)34Chicago, Illinois, USSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US14
Levy, Mr. René Jacques36Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Leyson, Mr. Robert William Norman25London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City108MB
Linnane, Mr. John61Chelsea, Michigan, USSouthamptonChelsea, Michigan, US
Louch, Mr. Charles Alexander50Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City121MB
Louch, Mrs. Alice Adelaide (née Slow)42Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City14
Mack, Mrs. Mary (née Lacy)57Southampton, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City52MB
Malachard, Mr. Jean-Noël25Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City
Mallet, Mr. Albert31Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Mallet, Mrs. Antoinette Marie (née Magnin)24Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada10
Mallet, Master André Clément1Montreal, Quebec, CanadaCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada10
Mangiavacchi, Mr. Serafino Emilio30Paris, FranceCherbourgNew York City
Matthews, Mr. William John30St Austell, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonLa Salle, Illinois, US
Maybery, Mr. Frank Hubert36Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonMoose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
McCrae, Mr. Arthur Gordon32Sydney, New South Wales, AustraliaSouthamptonCanada209MB
McCrie, Mr. James Matthew32Sarnia, Ontario, CanadaSouthamptonSarnia, Ontario, Canada
McKane, Mr. Peter David46Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonRochester, New York, US
Mellinger, Mrs. Elizabeth Anne (née Maidment)41Wimbledon, London, EnglandSouthamptonBennington, Vermont, US14
Mellinger, Miss Madeleine Violet13Wimbledon, London, EnglandSouthamptonBennington, Vermont, US14
Mellors, Mr. William John19Chelsea, London, EnglandSouthamptonLong Island, New York, USB
Meyer, Mr. August31Harrow, London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Milling, Mr. Jacob Christian48Odense, DenmarkSouthamptonOregon, Wisconsin, US271MB
Mitchell, Mr. Henry Michael71Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonToledo, Ohio, US
Montvila, Father Juozas27London, EnglandSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US
Moraweck, Dr. Ernest54Frankfort, Kentucky, USSouthamptonFrankfort, Kentucky, US
Morley, Mr. Henry Samuel (alias Mr. Henry Marshall)38Birmingham, Worcester, EnglandSouthamptonLos Angeles, US
Mudd, Mr. Thomas Charles16Huntingfield, Suffolk, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Myles, Mr. Thomas Francis63Fermoy, Ireland[note 1]QueenstownWaban, Massachusetts, US
Nassr Allah, Mr. Niqula Khalil28Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman Empire[note 7]CherbourgCleveland, Ohio, US43MB
Nassr Allah, Mrs. Adal (née Akim)[58][72]14Zahlé, Lebanon, Ottoman EmpireCherbourgCleveland, Ohio, US?
Navratil, Mr. Michel (alias Louis M. Hoffman)32Nice, FranceSouthamptonNew York City15MB
Navratil, Master Michel Marcel3Nice, FranceSouthamptonNew York CityD
Navratil, Master Edmond Roger2Nice, FranceSouthamptonNew York CityD
Nesson, Mr. Israel26London, EnglandSouthamptonBoston, Massachusetts, US
Nicholls, Mr. Joseph Charles "Joe"19St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US101MB
Norman, Mr. Robert Douglas28Glasgow, ScotlandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US287MB
Nye, Mrs. Elizabeth (née Ramell)29East Orange, New Jersey, USSouthamptonEast Orange, New Jersey, US11
Otter, Mr. Richard39Middleburg Heights, Ohio, USSouthamptonMiddleburg Heights, Ohio, US
Oxenham, Mr. Percy Thomas22London, EnglandSouthamptonNorth Bergen, New Jersey, US13
Padron Manent, Mr. Julian26Barcelona, SpainCherbourgHavana, Cuba9
Pain, Dr. Alfred "Alf"23Hamilton, Ontario, CanadaSouthamptonHamilton, Ontario, Canada
Pallas y Castello, Mr. Emilio29Barcelona, SpainCherbourgHavana, Cuba9
Parker, Mr. Clifford Richard28Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonNew York City
Parkes, Mr. Francis "Frank"[56]18Belfast, IrelandBelfastNew York City
Parrish, Mrs. Lutie Davis (née Temple)60Woodford County, Kentucky, USSouthamptonWoodford County, Kentucky, US12
Pengelly, Mr. Frederick William19Gunnislake, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonButte, Montana, US
Peruschitz, Father Josef28Scheyern, Bavaria, German Empire[note 2]SouthamptonSt. Cloud, Minnesota, US
Phillips, Mr. Escott Robert42Ilfracombe, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonNew Brighton, Pennsylvania, US
Phillips, Miss Alice Frances Louisa21Ilfracombe, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonNew Brighton, Pennsylvania, US12
Phillips, Miss Kate Florence (alias Mrs. Kate Marshall)[21][73]19Birmingham, Worcester, EnglandSouthamptonLos Angeles, US11
Pinsky, Mrs. Rosa21Brooklyn, New York, USSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US9
Ponesell, Mr. Martin34Southampton, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Portaluppi, Mr. Emilio Ilario Giuseppe34Milford, New Hampshire, USSouthamptonMilford, New Hampshire, US14
Pulbaum, Mr. Franz27New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Quick, Mrs. Jane (née Richards)33Plymouth, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US11
Quick, Miss Winnifred Vera8Plymouth, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US11
Quick, Miss Phyllis May2Plymouth, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US11
Reeves, Mr. David36Slinfold, West Sussex, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Renouf, Mr. Peter Henry33Elizabeth, New Jersey, USSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Renouf, Mrs. Lillian "Lily" (née Jefferys)30Elizabeth, New Jersey, USSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US12
Reynaldo, Miss Encarnación28Marbella, SpainSouthamptonNew York City9
Richard, Mr. Emile Philippe23Paris, FranceCherbourgMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Richards, Mrs. Emily (née Hocking)23Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US4
Richards, Master William Rowe3Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US4
Richards, Master Sibley George9 mo.Penzance, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US4
Ridsdale, Miss Lucy50London, EnglandSouthamptonMarietta, Ohio, US13
Rogers, Mr. Reginald Harry18Tavistock, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Rugg, Miss Emily21Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonWilmington, Delaware, US12
Schmidt, Mr. August26Newark, New Jersey, USSouthamptonNewark, New Jersey, US
Sedgwick, Mr. Charles Frederick Waddington25Liverpool, Merseyside, EnglandSouthamptonMinatitlán, Veracruz, Mexico
Sharp, Mr. Percival James27London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Shelley, Mrs. Imanita (née Parrish Hall)25Deer Lodge, Montana, USSouthamptonDeer Lodge, Montana, US12
Silvén, Miss Lyyli Karolina17Tornio, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6]SouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US16
Sincock, Miss Maude20St. Ives, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHancock, Michigan, US11
Sinkkonen, Miss Anna30Turku, Finland, Russian Empire[note 6]SouthamptonBrighton, Boston, Massachusetts, US10
Sjöstedt, Mr. Ernst Adolf30Hjo, Västergötland, SwedenSouthamptonSault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US10
Slayter, Miss Hilda Mary30Halifax, Nova Scotia, CanadaQueenstownVancouver, British Columbia, Canada13
Slemen, Mr. Richard James35Landrake, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonNashua, New Hampshire, US
Smith, Miss Marion Elsie39Basingstoke, Hampshire, EnglandSouthamptonWashington, D.C. US9
Sobey, Mr. Samuel James Hayden25Porthallow, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHoughton, Michigan, US
Stanton, Mr. Samuel Ward42New York CitySouthamptonNew York City
Stokes, Mr. Philip Joseph25London, EnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US81MB
Sweet, Mr. George Frederick14Yeovil, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonBernardsville, New Jersey, US
Taylor, Mr. Percy Cornelius[56]32London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Toomey, Miss Ellen Mary48Indianapolis, Indiana, USSouthamptonIndianapolis, Indiana, US9
Troupiansky, Mr. Moses Aaron23London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Trout, Mrs. Jessie L.26Columbus, Ohio, USSouthamptonColumbus, Ohio, US9
Troutt, Miss Edwina Celia "Winnie"27Bath, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonAuburndale, Florida, US16
Turpin, Mr. William John Robert29Plymouth, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonSalt Lake City, Utah, US
Turpin, Mrs. Dorothy Ann (née Wonnacott)27Plymouth, Devon, EnglandSouthamptonSalt Lake City, Utah, US
Veal, Mr. James40Barre, Vermont, USSouthamptonBarre, Vermont, US
Wallcroft, Miss Ellen "Nellie"36Maidenhead, Berkshire, EnglandSouthamptonMamaroneck, New York, US14
Ware, Mr. John James45Bristol, Avon, EnglandSouthamptonNew Britain, Connecticut, US
Ware, Mrs. Florence Louise (née Long)31Bristol, Avon, EnglandSouthamptonNew Britain, Connecticut, US10
Ware, Mr. William Jeffery23Gunnislake, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonButte, Montana, US
Watson, Mr. Ennis Hastings[56]15Belfast, IrelandBelfastNew York City
Watt, Mrs. Elizabeth Inglis "Bessie" (née Milne)40Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, ScotlandSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US9
Watt, Miss Robertha Josephine "Bertha"12Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, ScotlandSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US9
Webber, Miss Susan37Bude, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonHartford, Connecticut, US12
Weisz, Mr. Leopold28Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada293MB
Weisz, Mrs. Mathilde Françoise (née Pëde)37Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, EnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada10
Wells, Mrs. Addie Dart (née Trevaskis)29Heamoor, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US14
Wells, Miss Joan4Heamoor, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US14
Wells, Master Ralph Lester2Heamoor, Cornwall, EnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US14
West, Mr. Edwy Arthur36Bournemouth, Dorset, EnglandSouthamptonGainesville, Florida, US
West, Mrs. Ada Mary (née Worth)[58][74]33Bournemouth, Dorset, EnglandSouthamptonGainesville, Florida, US10
West, Miss Constance Mirium4Bournemouth, Dorset, EnglandSouthamptonGainesville, Florida, US10
West, Miss Barbara Joyce10 mo.Bournemouth, Dorset, EnglandSouthamptonGainesville, Florida, US10
Wheadon, Mr. Edward H.66Guernsey, Channel IslandsSouthamptonEdgewood, Rhode Island, US
Wheeler, Mr. Edwin Charles "Fred"24Bath, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonAsheville, North Carolina, US
Wilhelms, Mr. Charles32London, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City9
Wilkinson, Miss Elizabeth Anne (alias Mrs. Elizabeth Faunthorpe)29Manchester, EnglandSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US16
Williams, Mr. Charles Eugene23Harrow, London, EnglandSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US14
Woodward, Mr. John Wesley[56]32Oxford, Oxfordshire, EnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Wright, Miss Marion26Yeovil, Somerset, EnglandSouthamptonCottage Grove, Oregon, US9
Yvois, Miss Henriette24Paris, FranceSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada

Third class

NameAgeHometownHome countryBoardedDestinationLifeboatBody
Abbing, Mr. Anthony40Cincinnati, Ohio USSouthamptonCincinnati, Ohio, US
Abbott, Mrs. Rhoda Mary (née Hunt) 39East Providence, Rhode IslandUSSouthamptonEast Providence, Rhode Island, USA
Abbott, Mr. Rossmore Edward16East Providence, Rhode Island USSouthamptonEast Providence, Rhode Island, US
Abbott, Mr. Eugene Joseph14East Providence, Rhode IslandUSSouthamptonEast Providence, Rhode Island, US
Abd al-Khaliq, Mr. Farid Qasim Husayn18Fredericksburg, VirginiaUSCherbourgNew York City
Abelseth, Miss Karen Marie16SondmoreNorwaySouthamptonLos Angeles, US16
Abelseth, Mr. Olaus Jørgensen25Perkins County, South Dakota USSouthamptonPerkins County, South Dakota, USA
Abrahamsson, Mr. Abraham August Johannes20Dalsbruk FinlandSouthamptonHoboken, New Jersey, US15
Abrahim, Mrs. Mary Sophie Halaut (née Easu)18Ayn 'ArabLebanonCherbourgGreensburg, Pennsylvania, USC
Adahl, Mr. Mauritz Nils Martin30Asarum, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US72MB
Adams, Mr. John26Bournemouth, DorsetEnglandSouthamptonLa Porte City, Iowa, US103MB
Ahlin, Mrs. Johanna Persdotter (née Larsson)40GoteborgGöteborg, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonAkeley, Minnesota, US
Aks, Mrs. Leah (née Rosen)18LondonEnglandSouthamptonNorfolk, Virginia, US13
Aks, Master Frank Philip10 mo.LondonEnglandSouthamptonNorfolk, Virginia, US11
Albimona, Mr. Nassef Cassem26ShanaLebanonCherbourgFredericksburg, Virginia, US15
Alexander, Mr. William23Great Yarmouth, NorfolkEnglandSouthamptonAlbion, Michigan, US
Alhomäki, Mr. Ilmari Rudolf19SaloFinlandSouthamptonAstoria, Oregon, US
Ali, Mr. Ahmed24Buenos AiresArgentinaSouthamptonNew York City
Ali, Mr. William25Buenos AiresArgentinaSouthamptonNew York City79MB
Allen, Mr. William Henry35Birmingham, West MidlandsEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Allum, Mr. Owen George15Southall, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City259MB
Al-Zainni, Mr. Fahim Ruhanna22ToulaLebanonCherbourgDayton, Ohio, US6
Andersen, Mr. Albert Karvin33BergenNorwaySouthamptonNew York City260MB
Andersen-Jensen, Miss Carla Christine19EskilstrupDenmarkSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US16
Andersson, Mr. Anders Johan39Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Mrs. Alfrida Konstantia (née Brogren)39Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Miss Sigrid Elisabeth11Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Miss Ingeborg Constanzia9Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Miss Ebba Iris Alfrida6Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Master Sigvard Harald Elias4Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Miss Ellis Anna Maria2Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWinnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Andersson, Miss Erna Alexandra17KullaaFinlandSouthamptonNew York CityD
Andersson, Miss Ida Augusta Margareta38Vadsbro, SörmlandSwedenSouthamptonManistee, Michigan, US
Andersson, Mr. Johan Samuel26Hartford, ConnecticutUSSouthamptonHartford, Connecticut, US
Andreasson, Mr. Paul Edvin20Kalfsnäs, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Angheloff, Mr. Minko26Terziysko, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Arnold-Franchi, Mr. Josef25Altdorf, UriSwitzerlandSouthamptonNew Glarus, Wisconsin, US
Arnold-Franchi, Mrs. Josefine (née Franchi)18Altdorf, UriSwitzerlandSouthamptonNew Glarus, Wisconsin, US
Aronsson, Mr. Ernst Axel Algot24Horset, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonJoliet, Illinois, US
Asim, Mr. Adola35Buenos AiresArgentinaSouthamptonNew York City
Asplund, Mr. Carl Oscar Vilhelm Gustafsson40Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US142MB
Asplund, Mrs. Selma Augusta Emilia (née Johansson)38Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US15
Asplund, Master Filip Oscar13Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US
Asplund, Master Clarence Gustaf Hugo9Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US
Asplund, Master Carl Edgar5Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US
Asplund, Miss Lillian Gertrud5Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US15
Asplund, Master Edvin Rojj Felix3Alseda, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US15
Asplund, Mr. Johan Charles23Oskarshamn, KalmarSwedenSouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US13
Assaf, Mrs. Mariyam (née Khalil)45Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, CanadaC
Assam, Mr. Ali23Buenos AiresArgentinaSouthamptonNew York City
Attala, Mr. Sleiman30Ottawa, OntarioCanadaCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Atta Allah, Miss Malakah17BeirutLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Augustsson, Mr. Albert23Krakoryd, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonBloomington, Indiana, US
Ayyub Dahir, Miss Bannurah15BeirutLebanonCherbourgOwen Sound, Ontario, CanadaC
Bakus, Mr. Raful20UnknownLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Backström, Mr. Karl Alfred32KotkaFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Backström, Mrs. Maria Mathilda (née Gustafsson)[58][75]33KotkaFinlandSouthamptonNew York CityD
Badman, Miss Emily Louisa18Clevedon, North SomersetEnglandSouthamptonSkaneateles, New York, USC
Badt, Mr. Mohamed40TripoliLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Bakić, Mr. Kerim26Bosanska KrupaBosniaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
Banski, Mrs. Mara (née Osman)31VagovinaCroatiaSouthamptonSteelton, Pennsylvania, US?
Baqlini, Mrs. Mariyam Latifa (née Qurban)24DuhurḐuhūr ash ShuwayrLebanonCherbourgBrooklyn, New York, USC
Baqlini, Miss Mariya Katarin5DuhurḐuhūr ash ShuwayrLebanonCherbourgBrooklyn, New York, USC
Baqlini, Miss Eujini4DuhurḐuhūr ash ShuwayrLebanonCherbourgBrooklyn, New York, USC
Baqlini, Miss Hileni Barbarah9 mo.DuhurḐuhūr ash ShuwayrLebanonCherbourgBrooklyn, New York, USC
Barbarah, Mrs. Katarin Dawud45Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Barbarah, Miss Saidah12Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Barry, Miss Julia26New York City, New YorkUSQueenstownNew York City
Barton, Mr. David John22Cambridge, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Beavan, Mr. William Thomas18Fillingham, LincolnshireEnglandSouthamptonRussell, US
Bengtsson, Mr. Johan Viktor26Fridhemsberg, HallandSwedenSouthamptonMonee, Illinois, US
Berglund, Mr. Karl Ivar Sven22FirtbyFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Betros, Mr. Tannous20ZghartaLebanonCherbourgWaterbury, Connecticut, US
Birkeland, Mr. Hans Martin Monsen21BremnesNorwaySouthamptonNew York City
Björklund, Mr. Ernst Herbert18StockholmSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Bostandyeff, Mr. Guentcho26UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Bourke, Mr. John42Carrowskehine, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
Bourke, Mrs. Catherine (née McHugh)32Carrowskehine, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
Bourke, Miss Mary40Carrowskehine, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
Bowen, Mr. David John "Dai"26Treherbert, GlamorganWalesSouthamptonNew York City
Bradley, Miss Bridget Delia22Kingwilliamstown, CorkIrelandQueenstownGlen Falls, New York, US13
Braf, Miss Elin Ester Maria20Medeltorp, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Braund, Mr. Lewis Richard29Bridgerule, DevonEnglandSouthamptonQu'Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada
Braund, Mr. Owen Harris22Bridgerule, DevonEnglandSouthamptonQu'Appelle Valley, Saskatchewan, Canada
Brobeck, Mr. Karl Rudolf22Norrköping, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonWorcester, Massachusetts, US
Brocklebank, Mr. William Alfred35Broomfield, EssexEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Buckley, Mr. Daniel21Kingwilliamstown, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City13
Buckley, Miss Catherine22Ovens, CorkIrelandQueenstownRoxbury, Massachusetts, US299MB
Bulus, Mrs. Sultanah (née Rizq)40UnknownLebanonCherbourgKent, British Columbia, Canada
Bulus, Master Akar9UnknownLebanonCherbourgKent, British Columbia, Canada
Bulus, Miss Nur-al-Ayn7UnknownLebanonCherbourgKent, British Columbia, Canada
Burke, Mr. Jeremiah19Glanmire, CorkIrelandQueenstownCharlestown, US
Burns, Miss Mary Delia17Kilmacowen, SligoIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Butrus-Youssef, Mrs. Katarin (née Rizk)24Sar'alSyriaCherbourgDetroit, Michigan, USC
Butrus-Youssef, Master Makhkhul4Sar'al[76]SyriaCherbourgDetroit, Michigan, USD
Butrus-Youssef, Miss Marianna2Sar'alSyria[76]CherbourgDetroit, Michigan, USC
Čačić, Mr. Jego Grga18Široka KulaCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Čačić, Mr. Luka38Široka KulaCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Čačić, Miss Marija30Široka KulaCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Čačić, Miss Manda21Široka KulaCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Čalić, Mr. Jovo17BrezikCroatiaSouthamptonSault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US
Čalić, Mr. Petar17BrezikCroatiaSouthamptonSault Ste. Marie, Michigan, US
Canavan, Miss Mary22Tonacrick, ClareIrelandQueenstownPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Canavan, Mr. Patrick "Peter"21Knockmaria, MayoIrelandQueenstownPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Cann, Mr. Ernest Charles21Penwithick, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Caram, Mr. Joseph28Kfar MechiSyriaCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada28MB[77]
Caram, Mrs. Maria (née Elias)18Kfar MechiSyriaCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Carlsson, Mr. Carl Robert24GoteborgGöteborg, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonHuntley, Illinois, US
Carlsson, Mr. August Sigfrid24Dagsås, HallandSwedenSouthamptonTower, Minnesota, US
Carr, Miss Jane47Aclare, SligoIrelandQueenstownHartford, Connecticut, US
Carver, Mr. Alfred John28Southampton, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Celotti, Mr. Francesco24Milan[78]ItalySouthamptonNew York City
Chang, Mr. Chip32Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York CityC
Charters, Mr. David28Ballinalee, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Cheong, Mr. Foo32Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York CityC
Christmann, Mr. Emil29LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Chronopoulos, Mr. Apostolos26Agios Sostis, PeloponneseGreeceCherbourgNew York City
Chronopoulos, Mr. Dimitrios18Agios Sostis, PeloponneseGreeceCherbourgNew York City
Coelho, Mr. Domingos Fernandes20Funchal, Madeira IslandsPortugalSouthamptonNew York City
Cohen, Mr. Gershon "Gus"18LondonEnglandSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US12
Colbert, Mr. Patrick24Kilkinlea, LimerickIrelandQueenstownSherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
Coleff, Mr. Fotio24Debnevo, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Coltcheff, Mr. Peju36Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Conlon, Mr. Thomas Henry31Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaUSQueenstownPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Connaghton, Mr. Michael31Brooklyn, New YorkUSQueenstownBrooklyn, New York, US
Connolly, Miss Catherine "Kate"35Bank Place, TipperaryIrelandQueenstownDobbs Ferry, New York, US
Connolly, Miss Katherine "Kate"22Cortrasna, CavanIrelandQueenstownNew York City13
Connors, Mr. Patrick John61Charleville, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City171MB
Cook, Mr. Jacob43UnknownRussiaSouthamptonNew York City
Čor, Mr. Bartol35KricinaCroatiaSouthamptonGreat Falls, Montana, US
Čor, Mr. Ivan27KricinaCroatiaSouthamptonGreat Falls, Montana, US
Čor, Mr. Liudevit19KricinaCroatiaSouthamptonGreat Falls, Montana, US
Corn, Mr. Henry "Harry"30LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Corr, Miss Helen16Corglass, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Coutts, Mrs. Mary Winnie (née Trainer)36LondonEnglandSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US2
Coutts, Master William Loch "Willie"9LondonEnglandSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US2
Coutts, Master Neville Leslie3LondonEnglandSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US2
Coxon, Mr. Daniel59LondonEnglandSouthamptonMerrill, Wisconsin, US
Crease, Mr. Ernest James19Bristol, AvonEnglandSouthamptonCleveland, Ohio, US
Cribb, Mr. John Hatfield44Bournemouth, DorsetEnglandSouthamptonNewark, New Jersey, US
Cribb, Miss Laura Mae16Bournemouth, DorsetEnglandSouthamptonNewark, New Jersey, US12
Čulumović, Mr. Jeso17Lipova GlavicaCroatiaSouthamptonHammond, Indiana, US
Dahir, Mr. Tannous28BeirutLebanonCherbourgYoungstown, Ohio, US
Dahl, Mr. Charles Edwart45Adelaide, South AustraliaAustraliaSouthamptonFingal, North Dakota, US15
Dahlberg, Miss Gerda Ulrika22StockholmSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Dakić, Mr. Branko19Gornji MiholjacCroatiaSouthamptonNew York City
Daly, Miss Margaret "Maggie"30Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownNew York City15
Daly, Mr. Eugene Patrick29Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownNew York CityB
Danbom, Mr. Ernst Gilbert34GoteborgGöteborg, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonStanton, Iowa, US197MB
Danbom, Mrs. Anna Sigrid Maria (née Brogren)28GoteborgGöteborg, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonStanton, Iowa, US
Danbom, Master Gilbert Sigvard Emanuel4 mo.GoteborgGöteborg, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonStanton, Iowa, US
Danoff, Mr. Yoto27UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Dantcheff, Mr. Ristju25Terziysko, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Davies, Mr. Evan22Pontardawe, West GlamorganWalesSouthamptonPontiac, Michigan, US
Davies, Mr. Alfred John24West Bromwich, StaffordshireEnglandSouthamptonPontiac, Michigan, US
Davies, Mr. John Samuel21West Bromwich, StaffordshireEnglandSouthamptonPontiac, Michigan, US
Davies, Mr. Joseph17West Bromwich, StaffordshireEnglandSouthamptonPontiac, Michigan, US
Davison, Mr. Thomas Henry "Harry"32Liverpool, MerseysideEnglandSouthamptonBedford, Indiana, US
De Messemaeker, Mr. Guillaume Joseph36Tampico, MontanaUSSouthamptonTampico, Montana, US15
De Messemaeker, Mrs. Anna (née de Becker)36Tampico, MontanaUSSouthamptonTampico, Montana, US13
de Mulder, Mr. Theodoor36Aspelare, East FlandersBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US11
de Pelsmaeker, Mr. Alfons16Heldergem, Haaltert, East FlandersBelgiumSouthamptonGladstone, Michigan, US
Dean, Mr. Bertram Frank25Bartley Farm, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonWichita, Kansas, US
Dean, Mrs. Eva Georgetta (née Light)32Bartley Farm, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonWichita, Kansas, US10
Dean, Master Bertram Vere1Bartley Farm, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonWichita, Kansas, US10
Dean, Miss Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina"2 mo.Bartley Farm, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonWichita, Kansas, US10
Delalić, Mr. Redjo25BakićBosniaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
Denkoff, Mr. Mitto30UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonCoon Rapids, Iowa, US
Dennis, Mr. William26Week St Mary, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Dennis, Mr. Samuel22Week St Mary, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Devaney, Miss Margaret Delia19Kilmacowen, SligoIrelandQueenstownNew York CityC
Dika, Mr. Mirko17PodgoraCroatiaSouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Dimić , Mr. Jovan42OstrovicaCroatiaSouthamptonRed Lodge, Montana, US
Dintcheff, Mr. Valtcho43UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonTulsa, Oklahoma, US
Donohoe, Miss Bridget21Cum, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
Dooley, Mr. Patrick J.43Patrickswell, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Dorking, Mr. Edward Arthur18Liss, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonOglesby, Illinois, USB
Doherty, Mr. William John (aka "James Moran")22CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Dowdell, Miss Elizabeth31New York City, New YorkUSSouthamptonNew York City13
Doyle, Miss Elizabeth24Bree, WexfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Draženović, Mr. Jozef33HrastelnicaCroatiaCherbourgNew York City51MB
Dropkin, Miss Jennie24MogilevBelarusSouthamptonNew York City13
Duquemin, Mr. Joseph Pierre19Saint Sampson, Guernsey, Channel IslandsEnglandSouthamptonAlbion, New York, USD
Dwan, Mr. Frank65Bunmahon, WaterfordIrelandQueenstownMorris Plains, New Jersey, US
Dyker, Mr. Adolf Fredrik23New Haven, ConnecticutUSSouthamptonNew Haven, Connecticut, US
Dyker, Mrs. Anna Elisabeth Judith (née Andersson)22New Haven, ConnecticutUSSouthamptonNew Haven, Connecticut, US16
Edvardsson, Mr. Gustaf Hjalmar18Tofta, UpplandSwedenSouthamptonJoliet, Illinois, US
Eklund, Mr. Hans Linus16KarbergKårberg, ÖrebroSwedenSouthamptonJerome Junction, Arizona, US
Ekström, Mr. Johan45Effington Rut, South DakotaUSSouthamptonEffington Rut, South Dakota, US
Elias, Mr. Dibo29UnknownLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Elias, Mr. Joseph Jr.15Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Elias Nasrallah, Mr. Tannous17Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Elsbury, Mr. William James47Taunton, SomersetEnglandSouthamptonGurnee, Illinois, US
Emanuel, Miss Virginia Ethel6New York City, New YorkUSSouthamptonNew York City13
Estanislau, Mr. Manuel Gonçalves37Calheta, MadeiraPortugalSouthamptonNew York City
Everett, Mr. Thomas James39Bristol, AvonEnglandSouthamptonTroy, New York, US187MB
Fardon, Mr. Charles R.(alias Charles Franklin)38Wellingborough, NorthamptonshireEnglandCherbourgCanada
Farrell, Mr. James "Jim"25Killoe, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City68MB
Finoli, Mr. Luigi34Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaUSSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US15
Fischer, Mr. Eberhard Thelander18BjorkebergaBjörkeberga, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Fleming, Miss Honora "Nora"22Carrowskehine, MayoIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Flynn, Mr. James28Cuilkillew, MayoIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Flynn, Mr. John42Clonbur, GalwayIrelandQueenstownPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US
Foley, Mr. Joseph19Broadford, LimerickIrelandQueenstownLarchmont, New York, US
Foley, Mr. William20Donoughmore, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Ford, Mr. Arthur22Bridgwater, SomersetEnglandSouthamptonElmira, New York, US
Ford, Mrs. Margaret Ann (née Watson)48Rotherfield, East SussexEnglandSouthamptonEssex County, New Jersey, US
Ford, Miss Dollina Margaret20Rotherfield, East SussexEnglandSouthamptonEssex County, New Jersey, US
Ford, Mr. Edward Watson18Rotherfield, East SussexEnglandSouthamptonEssex County, New Jersey, US
Ford, Mr. William Neal Thomas16Rotherfield, East SussexEnglandSouthamptonEssex County, New Jersey, US
Ford, Miss Robina Maggie7Rotherfield, East SussexEnglandSouthamptonEssex County, New Jersey, US
Fox, Mr. Patrick28Mullingar, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Gallagher, Mr. Martin29Caltra, GalwayIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Garfirth, Mr. John21Wollaston, NorthamptonshireEnglandSouthamptonKitchener, Ontario, Canada
Gerios Thamah, Mr. Assaf21Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Gheorgheff, Mr. Stanio--UnknownBulgariaCherbourgButte, Montana, US
Gilinski, Mr. Eliezer22Abercynon, GlamorganWalesSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US47MB
Gilnagh, Miss Mary Katherine "Katie"17Esker, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Glynn, Miss Mary Agatha19Killaloe, ClareIrelandQueenstownWashington, D.C. US13
Goldsmith, Mr. Frank John33Strood, KentEnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Goldsmith, Mrs. Emily Alice (née Brown)31Strood, KentEnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, USC
Goldsmith, Master Frank John William9Strood, KentEnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, USC
Goldsmith, Mr. Nathan41UnknownRussiaSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
Goodwin, Mr. Frederick Joseph42FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Mrs. Augusta (née Tyler)43FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Miss Lillian Amy16FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Mr. Charles Edward14FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Master William Frederick13FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Miss Jessie Allis Mary12FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Master Harold Victor10FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US
Goodwin, Master Sidney Leslie1FulhamEnglandSouthamptonNiagara Falls, New York, US4MB[79]
Green, Mr. George Henry40Dorking, SurreyEnglandSouthamptonLead, South Dakota, US
Grønnestad, Mr. Daniel Danielsen32BoknNorwaySouthamptonPortland, North Dakota, US
Guest, Mr. Robert32LondonEnglandSouthamptonClinton, New York, US
Gustafsson, Mr. Alfred Ossian19KokkolaFinlandSouthamptonWaukegan, Illinois, US
Gustafsson, Mr. Anders Vilhelm37RuotsinpyhtääFinlandSouthamptonNew York City98MB
Gustafsson, Mr. Johan Birger28RuotsinpyhtääFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Gustafsson, Mr. Karl Gideon19Myren, Synnerby, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonAberdeen, South Dakota, US
Haas, Miss Aloisia24Altdorf, UriSwitzerlandSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Hagland, Mr. Ingvald Olai Olsen28Skaare, StavangerNorwaySouthamptonBelmar, New Jersey, US
Hagland, Mr. Konrad Mathias Reiersen19Skaare, StavangerNorwaySouthamptonBelmar, New Jersey, US
Hakkarainen, Mr Pekka Pietari28HelsinkiFinlandSouthamptonMonessen, Pennsylvania, US
Hakkarainen, Mrs. Elin Matilda (née Dolck)24HelsinkiFinlandSouthamptonMonessen, Pennsylvania, US15
Hampe, Mr. Léon Jérome19WestrozebekeBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Hanna, Mr. Borak Suleiman27HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US15
Hanna, Mr. Bulus18Kfar MechiSyriaCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Hanna, Mr. Mansur35Kfar MechiSyriaCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada188MB
Hansen, Mr. Claus Peter41Racine, WisconsinUSSouthamptonRacine, Wisconsin, US
Hansen, Mrs. Jennie Louise (née Howard)45Racine, WisconsinUSSouthamptonRacine, Wisconsin, US11
Hansen, Mr. Henrik Juul26Holeby, StorstrømDenmarkSouthamptonRacine, Wisconsin, US
Hansen, Mr. Henry Damsgaard21CopenhagenDenmarkSouthamptonRacine, Wisconsin, US69MB
Hargadon, Miss Catherine "Kate"17Ballysadare, SligoIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Harknett, Miss Alice Phoebe21Thornton Heath, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew London, Connecticut, US
Hart, Mr. Henry John27Ballysadare, SligoIrelandQueenstownBoston, Massachusetts, US
Healy, Miss Hanora (Nora)29Athenry, GalwayIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Hedman, Mr. Oskar Arvid27St. Paul, MinnesotaUSSouthamptonSt. Paul, Minnesota, US15
Hegarty, Miss Hanora "Nora"18Whitechurch, CorkIrelandQueenstownCharlestown, US
Heikkinen, Miss Laina26JyväskyläFinlandSouthamptonNew York City14?
Heininen, Miss Wendla Maria 23TurkuFinlandSouthamptonNew York City8MB
Hellström, Miss Hilda Maria22Stora TunaSwedenSouthamptonEvanston, Illinois, USC
Hendeković, Mr. Ignjac28VagovinaCroatiaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US306MB
Henriksson, Miss Jenny Lovisa 28StockholmSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US3MB
Henry, Miss Bridget Delia23Clonown, RoscommonIrelandQueenstownBoston, Massachusetts, US
Hirvonen, Mrs. Helga Elisabeth (née Lindqvist)22TaalintehdasFinlandSouthamptonMonessen, Pennsylvania, US15
Hirvonen, Miss Hildur Elisabeth2TaalintehdasFinlandSouthamptonMonessen, Pennsylvania, US15
Holm, Mr. Johan Fredrik Alexander43Karlshamn, BlekingeSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Holten, Mr. Johan Martin28BergenNorwaySouthamptonNew York City
Honkanen, Miss Eliina27SaarijärviFinlandSouthamptonNew York City?
Horgan, Mr. John22UnknownIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Howard, Miss May Elizabeth 27North Walsham, NorfolkEnglandSouthamptonAlbion, Michigan, USC
Humblen, Mr. Adolf Mathias Nicolai Olsen42Borgund, Møre og RomsdalNorwaySouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US
Husayn, Master Husayn Mahumud11Fredericksburg, VirginiaUSCherbourgFredericksburg, Virginia, US
Hyman, Mr. Solomon Abraham34ManchesterEnglandSouthamptonSpringfield, Massachusetts, USC
Ilmakangas, Miss Ida Livija27New York City, New YorkUSSouthamptonNew York City
Ilmakangas, Miss Pieta Sofia25Paavola, Northern OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Ivanoff, Mr. Kanio20Malka Ribnya, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Jabbour, Miss Hileni16UnknownSyriaCherbourgNew York City328MM
Jabbour, Miss Tamini19UnknownSyriaCherbourgNew York City
Jalševac, Mr. Ivan29TopolovacCroatiaCherbourgGalesburg, Illinois, US15
Jansson, Mr. Carl Olof21OrebroÖrebroSwedenSouthamptonSwedeburg, Nebraska, USA
Jardim, Mr. José Neto21Calheta, MadeiraPortugalSouthamptonNew York City
Jensen, Mr. Hans Peder20EskilstrupDenmarkSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US
Jensen, Mr. Niels Peder "Rasmus"48Portland, OregonUSSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US
Jensen, Mr. Svend Lauritz17EskilstrupDenmarkSouthamptonPortland, Oregon, US
Jermyn, Miss Annie Jane26Ballydehob, CorkIrelandQueenstownEast Lynn, Massachusetts, USD
Jirjis, Mrs. Shaniini (née Whabee Abi-Saab)22Youngstown, OhioUSCherbourgYoungstown, Ohio, USC
Johannesen, Mr. Bernt Johannes29Avaldsnes, StavangerNorwaySouthamptonNew York City13
Johanson, Mr. Jakob Alfred34MunsalaFinlandSouthamptonVancouver, British Columbia, Canada143MB
Johansson, Mr. Erik22Frostensmåla, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonSt. Paul, Minnesota, US156MB
Johansson, Mr. Gustaf Joel33Bäckebo, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonCheyenne, North Dakota, US285MB
Johansson, Mr. Karl Johan31Duluth, MinnesotaUSSouthamptonDuluth, Minnesota, US
Johansson, Mr. Nils29Chicago, IllinoisUSSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Johansson Palmquist, Mr. Oskar Leander26Kvarnaryd, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonNew Haven, Connecticut, US15
Johnson, Mr. Alfred49MillwoodEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Johnson, Mrs. Elisabeth Vilhelmina (née Berg)26St. Charles, IllinoisUSSouthamptonSt. Charles, Illinois, US15
Johnson, Master Harold Theodor4St. Charles, IllinoisUSSouthamptonSt. Charles, Illinois, US15
Johnson, Miss Eleanor Ileen1St. Charles, IllinoisUSSouthamptonSt. Charles, Illinois, US15
Johnson, Mr. Malkolm Joackim33Minneapolis, MinnesotaUSSouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US37MB
Johnson, Mr. William Cahoone Jr.19Hawthorne, New JerseyUSSouthamptonNew York City
Johnston, Mr. Andrew Emslie35Thornton Heath, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew London, Connecticut, US
Johnston, Mrs. Elizabeth (née Watson) "Eliza"34Thornton Heath, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew London, Connecticut, US
Johnston, Master William Andrew8Thornton Heath, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew London, Connecticut, US
Johnston, Miss Catherine Nellie7Thornton Heath, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew London, Connecticut, US
Jonkoff, Mr. Lalju23Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Jonsson, Mr. Carl32Kalfsnäs, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonHuntley, Illinois, US15
JonssonJönsson, Mr. Nils Hilding27TagarpTågarp, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Jussila, Mr. Eiriik32ElimäkiFinlandSouthamptonMonessen, Pennsylvania, US15
Jussila, Miss Katriina20Paavola, Northern OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Jussila, Miss Mari Aina21Paavola, Northern OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Kallio, Mr. Nikolai Erlantti17KauhajokiFinlandSouthamptonSudbury, Ontario, Canada
Kalvik, Mr. Johannes Halvorsen21Etnesjøen, Hordaland FylkeNorwaySouthamptonStory City, Iowa, US
Karajić, Mr. Milan30VagovinaCroatiaSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US
Karlsson, Mr. Einar Gervasius21Oskarshamn, KalmarSwedenSouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US13
Karlsson, Mr. Julius Konrad Eugen33GoteborgGöteborg, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Karlsson, Mr. Nils August22OrebroÖrebroSwedenSouthamptonPalmer, Massachusetts, US
Karun, Mr. Franz39MiljeSloveniaSouthamptonGalesburg, Illinois, US15
Karun, Miss Manca ("Anna")4MiljeSloveniaSouthamptonGalesburg, Illinois, US15
Katavelos, Mr. Vassilios G.19Agios SostisGreeceCherbourgMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US58MB
Keane, Mr. Andrew "Andy"23Athenry, GalwayIrelandQueenstownAuburndale, Florida, US
Keefe, Mr. Arthur39Rahway, New JerseyUSSouthamptonRahway, New Jersey, US332O
Kelly, Mr. James19UnknownIrelandSouthamptonNew York City70MB
Kelly, Mr. James44Leixlip, KildareIrelandQueenstownNew Haven, Connecticut, US
Kelly, Miss Anna Katherine20Cuilmullagh, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US16
Kelly, Miss Mary22Castlepollard, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownNew York CityD
Kennedy, Mr. John Joseph24Watergate, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City15?
Khalil-Khoury, Mr. Butrus25HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Khalil-Khoury, Mrs. Zahie "Maria"20HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Kiernan, Mr. John Joseph24Jersey City, New JerseyUSQueenstownJersey City, New Jersey, US
Kiernan, Mr. Philip22Aughnacliffe, LongfordIrelandQueenstownJersey City, New Jersey, US
Kilgannon, Mr. Thomas22Currafarry, GalwayIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Kink, Mr. Anton29ZurichZürichSwitzerlandSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin2
Kink, Mrs. Luise (née Heilmann)26ZurichZürichSwitzerlandSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US2
Kink, Miss Luise Gretchen4ZurichZürichSwitzerlandSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US2
Kink, Miss Maria22ZurichZürichSwitzerlandSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US
Kink, Mr. Vincenz26ZurichZürichSwitzerlandSouthamptonMilwaukee, Wisconsin, US
Klasén, Mrs. Hulda Kristina Eugenia (Nee Lofqvist)36Salmunds, GotlandSwedenSouthamptonLos Angeles, US
Klasén, Mr. Klas Albin18Grimshut, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Klasén, Miss Gertrud Emilia1Grimshut, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Kraeff, Mr. Theodor--VetrenBulgariaCherbourgMadison, Wisconsin, US
Krekorian, Mr. Neshan25KiğıTurkeyCherbourgBrantford, Ontario, Canada10
Kutscher, Mr. Simon26EdinburghScotlandSouthamptonNew York City
Lahoud Ishaq Mowad, Mr. Sarkis30ZghartaLebanonCherbourgWaterbury, Connecticut, US
Laitinen, Miss Kristiina Sofia37HelsinkiFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Laleff, Mr. Kristo23Knezhni Lak, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Lam, Mr. Ali37Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York CityC
Lam, Mr. Len23Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York City
Landergren, Miss Aurora Adelia22Karlshamn, BlekingeSwedenSouthamptonNew York City13
Lane, Mr. Patrick16Limerick, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Lang, Mr. Fang26Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York City14
Larsson, Mr. August Viktor29Stamford, ConnecticutUSSouthamptonStamford, Connecticut, US
Larsson, Mr. Bengt Edvin29Nyköping, SödermanlandSwedenSouthamptonHartford, Connecticut, US
Larsson-Rondberg, Mr. Edvard A.22Lysvik, VärmlandSwedenSouthamptonMissoula, Montana, US
Lee, Mr. Bing32Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York CityC
Lee, Mr. Ling28Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York City
Lefebvre, Mrs. Frances Marie-Anselme (née Daumont)40Liévin, Pas-de-CalaisFranceSouthamptonMystic, Iowa, US
Lefebvre, Miss Mathilde Franck-Marie-Joseph12Liévin, Pas-de-CalaisFranceSouthamptonMystic, Iowa, US
Lefebvre, Miss Jeannie Franck-Marie-Joseph8Liévin, Pas-de-CalaisFranceSouthamptonMystic, Iowa, US
Lefebvre, Master Henri Franck-Marie-Joseph5Liévin, Pas-de-CalaisFranceSouthamptonMystic, Iowa, US
Lefebvre, Miss Ida Franck-Marie-Joseph3Liévin, Pas-de-CalaisFranceSouthamptonMystic, Iowa, US
Leinonen, Mr. Antti Gustaf32ValitaipaleFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Lennon, Mr. Denis20Ballymahon, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Lennon, Miss Mary18Ballymahon, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Leonard, Mr. Lionel36New York City, New YorkUSSouthamptonNew York City
Lester, Mr. James39West Bromwich, StaffordshireEnglandSouthamptonPontiac, Michigan, US
Lievens, Mr. René Gustave Aimé24HaaltertBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Lindahl, Miss Agda Thorilda Viktoria25StockholmSwedenSouthamptonSaranac Lake, New York, US
Lindblom, Miss Augusta Charlotta45StockholmSwedenSouthamptonStratford, Connecticut, US
Lindell, Mr. Edvard Bengtsson36Helsingborg, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonHartford, Connecticut, USA
Lindell, Mrs. Elin Gerda (née Persson)30Helsingborg, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonHartford, Connecticut, USA
Lindqvist, Mr. Eino William20TaalintehdasFinlandSouthamptonMonessen, Pennsylvania, US15
Linehan, Mr. Michael21Boherbue, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Ling, Mr. Hee24Hong KongChinaSouthamptonNew York CityC
Linhart, Mr. Wenzel H.27ViennaAustriaSouthamptonNew York City298MB
Livshin, Mr. David ("Abraham Harmer")25ManchesterEnglandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Lobb, Mr. William Arthur30Scranton, PennsylvaniaUSSouthamptonScranton, Pennsylvania, US
Lobb, Mrs. Cordelia K. (née Stanlick)26Scranton, PennsylvaniaUSSouthamptonScranton, Pennsylvania, US55MB
Lockyer, Mr. Edward Thomas21Sandhurst, KentEnglandSouthamptonOntario, New York, US153MB
Lovell, Mr. John Hall ("Henry")20Northlew, DevonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Ludvigsen Mrs. Aase24LondonEnglandSouthaptonNew York City14
Lulić, Mr. Nikola29Konjsko BrdoCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US15
Lundahl, Mr. Johan Svensson51Fyrnan, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonSpokane, Washington, US
Lundström, Mr. Thure Edvin32Simrishamn, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonLos Angeles, US15
Lymperopoulus, Mr. Panagiotis K.30Ayios SostisÁyios SóstisGreeceCherbourgStamford, Connecticut US196MB
Lyntakoff, Mr. Stanko44UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonCoon Rapids, Iowa, US
Mackay, Mr. George William20LondonEnglandSouthamptonRochester, New York, US
Madigan, Miss Margaret "Maggie"21Askeaton, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City15
Madsen, Mr. Fridtjof Arne24TrondheimNorwaySouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US13
MaenpaaMäenpää, Mr. Matti Alexanteri22KauhajokiFinlandSouthamptonSudbury, Ontario, Canada
Mahon, Miss Bridget Delia20Derrymartin, MayoIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Maisner, Mr. Simon34LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
MakinenMäkinen, Mr. Kalle Edvard29Ikaalinen, PirkanmaaFinlandSouthamptonGlassport, Pennsylvania, US
Mamee, Mr. Hanna20TripoliLebanonCherbourgPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US15
Mangan, Miss Mary32Carrowkehine, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US61MB
Mannion, Miss Margaret28Caltra, GalwayIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Mardirosian, Mr. Sarkis25KiğıTurkeyCherbourgBrantford, Ontario, Canada
Marinko, Mr. Dmitri23UnknownMacedoniaSouthamptonNew York City
Markoff, Mr. Marin35Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Markun, Mr. Johann33MiljeSloveniaCherbourgNew York City
Matinoff, Mr. Nicola30GabrovoBulgariaCherbourgMadison, Wisconsin, US
McCarthy, Miss Catherine "Katie"24TipperaryIrelandQueenstownBayonne, New Jersey, US?
McCormack, Mr. Thomas Joseph19Bayonne, New JerseyUSQueenstownGuttenberg, New Jersey, US15
McCoy, Miss Catherine Agnes29Carrickatane, TyroneIrelandQueenstownBrooklyn, New York, US16
McCoy, Miss Alice26Carrickatane, TyroneIrelandQueenstownBrooklyn, New York, US16
McCoy, Mr. Bernard24Carrickatane, TyroneIrelandQueenstownBrooklyn, New York, US16
McDermott, Miss Bridget Delia31Lahardane, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US13
McEvoy, Mr. Michael19DublinIrelandQueenstownNew York City
McGovern, Miss Mary22Corlough, CavanIrelandQueenstownNew York City13
McGowan, Miss Anna F. "Annie"16Massbrook, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US13
McGowan, Miss Catherine42Terry, MayoIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
McMahon, Mr. Martin20Craghbrien, ClareIrelandQueenstownNew York City
McNamee, Mr. Neal27Convoy, Donegal, IrelandEnglandSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US
McNamee, Mrs. Eileen (née O'Leary)19Salisbury, WiltshireEnglandSouthamptonPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US53MB
McNeill, Miss Bridget27Trien, RoscommonIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Meanwell, Mrs. Mary Ann63Eastbourne, East SussexEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Meehan, Mr. John22Currowhunane, SligoIrelandQueenstownPatterson, New Jersey, US
Meek, Mrs. Anna "Annie" Louise Rowley31Penarth, GlamorganWalesSouthamptonNew York City
Meo-Martino, Mr. Alfonzo48Bournemouth, DorsetEnglandSouthamptonWashington, D.C. US201MB
Mernagh, Mr. John Robert26Ballywilliam, WexfordIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
Midtsjø, Mr. Karl Albert21Krøkstad, SkiNorwaySouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US15
Mihoff, Mr. Stoytcho28Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Miles, Mr. Frank23Greenwich, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Mineff, Mr. Ivan24UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonCoon Rapids, Iowa, US
Minkoff, Mr. Lazar21Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Mitkoff, Mr. Mito23UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Mockler, Miss Ellen Mary23Currafarry, GalwayIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Moen, Mr. Sigurd Hansen25BergenNorwaySouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US309M
Moor, Mrs. Beila29UnknownRussiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US14
Moor, Master Meier7UnknownRussiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US14
Moore, Mr. Leonard Charles19Kingston upon Thames, LondonEnglandSouthamptonHoboken, New Jersey, US
Moran, Miss Bertha Bridget28Askeaton, LimerickIrelandQueenstownBrooklyn, New York, US16
Moran, Mr. Daniel James27Askeaton, LimerickIrelandQueenstownBrooklyn, New York, US
Morley, Mr. William34Petworth, West SussexEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Morrow, Mr. Thomas Rowan30Rathfriland, DownIrelandQueenstownGleichen, Alberta, Canada
Moss, Mr. Albert Johan29BergenNorwaySouthamptonNew York CityB
Moussa, Mrs. Mantoura35HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US?
Moutal, Mr. Rahamin Haim28LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Mubarik, Mrs. Amanah Fa'ud (née Iskandar)24HardîneLebanonCherbourgHoutzdale, Pennsylvania, USC
Mubarik, Master Gerios7HardîneLebanonCherbourgHoutzdale, Pennsylvania, USC
Mubarik, Master Halim Gonios4HardîneLebanonCherbourgHoutzdale, Pennsylvania, USC
Mullen, Miss Katherine "Katie"19Esker, LongfordIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Mulvihill, Miss Bridget Elizabeth "Bertha"25Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownProvidence, Rhode Island, US15
Murdlin, Mr. Joseph22LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Murphy, Miss Catherine "Kate"18Aghnacliffe, LongfordIrelandQueenstownPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US16
Murphy, Miss Margaret Jane "Maggie/Mary"25Fostragh, LongfordIrelandQueenstownPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, US16
Murphy, Miss Nora34DublinIrelandQueenstownNew York City16
Muslamani, Mrs. Fatimah22TebnineLebanonCherbourgMichigan City, Indiana, USC
Myhrman, Mr. Pehr Fabian Oliver Malkolm18Kristinehamn, VärmlandSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Nackid, Mr. Sahid20ZghartaLebanonCherbourgWaterbury, Connecticut, USC
Nackid, Miss Waika "Mary" (née Mowad)19ZghartaLebanonCherbourgWaterbury, Connecticut, USC
Nackid, Miss Maria1ZghartaLebanonCherbourgWaterbury, Connecticut, USC
Naidenoff, Mr. Penko22Gumostnik, LovechBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Nakli-Khoury, Mr. Toufik17HardîneLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Nancarrow, Mr. William Henry33St Austell, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonYonkers, New York, US
Nankoff, Mr. Minko32UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Nasr Alma, Mr. Mustafa20TebnineLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Nassr Rizq, Mr. Saade20Sir'AlLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Naughton, Miss Hannah21DonoughmoreIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Nenkoff, Mr. Christo22UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonCoon Rapids, Iowa, US
Nieminen, Miss Manta Josefiina29KarinainenFinlandSouthamptonAberdeen, Washington, US
Niklasson, Mr. Samuel28Vastra BoganeVästra Bogane, Orust IslandSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Nilsson, Mr. August Ferdinand21HorbyHörby, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonSt. Paul, Minnesota, US
Nilsson, Miss Berta Olivia18Lysvik, VärmlandSwedenSouthamptonMissoula, Montana, USD
Nilsson, Miss Helmina Josefina26Ramkvilla, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonJoliet, Illinois, US13
Niqula-Yarid, Miss Jamilah14El-HakourLebanonCherbourgJacksonville, Florida, USC
Niqula-Yarid, Master Ilyas12El-HakourLebanonCherbourgJacksonville, Florida, USC
Nirva, Mr. Iisakki Antino Äijö41KauhajokiFinlandSouthamptonSudbury, Ontario, Canada
Niskänen, Mr. Juha39KivijärviFinlandSouthamptonBoston, Massachusetts, US9
Nofal, Mr. Mansur20Kafr MishkiLebanonCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada181MB
Nosworthy, Mr. Richard Cater21Newton Abbot, DevonEnglandSouthamptonBuffalo, New York, US
Nysten, Miss Anna Sofia22Kisa, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonHackensack, New Jersey, US13
Nysveen, Mr. Johan Hansen61OyerØyerNorwaySouthamptonGrand Forks, North Dakota, US
O'Brien, Mr. Thomas27Pallasgreen, LimerickIrelandQueenstownChicago, Illinois, US
O'Brien, Mrs. Johanna "Hannah" (née Godfrey)26Pallasgreen, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City?
O'Brien, Mr. Timothy21Drimoleague, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
O'Connell, Mr. Patrick Denis17Kingwilliamstown, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
O'Connor, Mr. Maurice16Boherbue, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
O'Connor, Mr. Patrick23Kingwilliamstown, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City
O'Driscoll, Miss Bridget24Ballydehob, CorkIrelandQueenstownJersey City, New Jersey, USD
O'Dwyer, Miss Ellen "Nellie"25Limerick, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City?
O'Keefe, Mr. Patrick22Waterford, WaterfordIrelandQueenstownNew York CityB
O'Leary, Miss Hanora "Nora"16Kingwilliamstown, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City13
O'Sullivan, Miss Bridget Mary21Glenduff, KerryIrelandQueenstownNew York City
OdahlÖdahl, Mr. Nils Martin23OrsjoÖrsjö, KalmarSwedenSouthamptonPeoria, Illinois, US
OhmanÖhman, Miss Velin22Mariestad, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, USC
Olsen, Mr. Henry Margido28BergenNorwaySouthamptonNew York City173MB
Olsen, Mr. Karl Siegwart Andreas42TrondheimNorwaySouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US
Olsen, Master Arthur Carl9TrondheimNorwaySouthamptonBrooklyn, New York, US13
Olsen, Mr. Ole Martin27SunnhordlandNorwaySouthamptonBroderick, Canada
Olsson, Miss Elina31Sodra BrantevikSödra BrantevikSwedenSouthamptonSt. Paul, Minnesota, US
Olsson, Mr. Nils Johan Göransson28Eslöv, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Olsson, Mr. Oskar Wilhelm32Lunna, Orust IslandSwedenSouthamptonManitowoc, Wisconsin, USA
Olsvingen, Mr. Thor Andersen20VikersundNorwaySouthamptonCarneron, US89MB
Orešković, Miss Jelka23Konjsko BrdoCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Orešković, Mr. Luka20Konjsko BrdoCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Orešković, Miss Marija20Konjsko BrdoCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Osén, Mr. Olaf Elon16Hedesunda, GävleborgSwedenSouthamptonMitchell, South Dakota, US
PalssonPålsson, Mrs. Alma Cornelia (née Berglund)29Bjuv, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US206MB
PalssonPålsson, Miss Torborg Danira8Bjuv, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
PalssonPålsson, Master Paul Folke6Bjuv, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
PalssonPålsson, Miss Stina Viola3Bjuv, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
PalssonPålsson, Master Gösta Leonard2Bjuv, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Panula, Mrs. Maija Emelia Abrahamintytar (née Ketola-Ojala)41Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Panula, Mr. Ernesti Arvid16Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Panula, Mr. Jaakko Arnold15Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Panula, Master Juha Niilo7Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Panula, Master Urho Abraham2Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Panula, Master Eino Viljami1Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Pašič, Mr. Jakov21StreklevacSloveniaSouthamptonAurora, Illinois, US
Patchett, Mr. George19Wollaston, NorthamptonshireEnglandSouthamptonKitchener, Ontario, Canada
Pavlović, Mr. Štefo32VagovinaCroatiaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
Peacock, Mrs. Edith (née Nile)26Southampton, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Peacock, Miss Treasteall4Southampton, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Peacock, Master Alfred Edward7 mo.Southampton, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonElizabeth, New Jersey, US
Pearce, Mr. Ernest32LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Pedersen, Mr. Olaf28SandefjordNorwaySouthamptonSeattle, Washington, US
Peduzzi, Mr. Giuseppe24LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Pekoniemi, Mr. Edvard Johannes21Heinola, Päijänne TavastiaFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Peltomäki, Mr. Nikolai Johannes25HelsinkiFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Perkin, Mr. John Henry22Holsworthy, DevonEnglandSouthamptonSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada
Perse Mr. Jamie24LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York, New York, USC
Persson, Mr. Ernst Ulrik25Stockholm, UpplandSwedenSouthamptonIndianapolis, Indiana, US15
Peters, Miss Catherine "Katie"26Cahir, TipperaryIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Petersen, Mr. Marius24LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Petranec, Miss Matilda28VagovinaCroatiaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
Petroff, Mr. Nadjalko19Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Petroff, Mr. Pastcho29Belish, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Pettersson, Miss Ellen Natalia18Stockholm, UpplandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Pettersson, Mr. Johan Emil25VastermoVästermo, SödermanlandSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Pickard, Mr. Berk (Trembisky)32WarsawPolandSouthamptonSan Francisco, US9
Plotcharsky, Mr. Vasil27UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonTulsa, Oklahoma, US
Pocrnić, Mr. Mate17BukovacCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Pocrnić, Mr. Tome24BukovacCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Pullner, Mr. Uscher16UnknownUnknownCherbourgNew York City
Radeff, Mr. Alexander27UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Rasmussen, Mrs. Lena Jakobsen (née Solvang)62Haugesund, RogalandNorwaySouthamptonCenterville, South Dakota, US
Razi, Mr. Raihed30TebnineLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Reed, Mr. James George19Penarth, GlamorganWalesSouthamptonNew York City
Rekić, Mr. Tido38Bosanska KrupaBosniaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
Reynolds, Mr. Harold J.21LondonEnglandSouthamptonToronto, Ontario, Canada327MM
Rice, Mrs. Margaret (née Norton)39Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownSpokane, Washington, US12MB
Rice, Master Albert10Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownSpokane, Washington, US
Rice, Master George Hugh8Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownSpokane, Washington, US
Rice, Master Frederick Thomas "Eric"7Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownSpokane, Washington, US
Rice, Master Arthur4Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownSpokane, Washington, US
Rice, Master Eugene Francis2Athlone, WestmeathIrelandQueenstownSpokane, Washington, US
Riihivuori, Miss Susanna Juhantytär "Sanni"22Ylihärmä, South OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonCoal Center, Pennsylvania, US
Rintamäki, Mr. Matti35KyynyFinlandSouthamptonSudbury, Ontario, Canada
Riordan, Miss Hannah18Glenlougha, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City13
Risien, Mr. Samuel Beard69Deal, KentEnglandSouthamptonGroesbeck, Texas, US
Risien, Mrs. Emma Jane(née Lellyet)58DurbanSouth AfricaSouthamptonGroesbeck, Texas, US
Robins, Mr. Alexander A.50St Austell, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonYonkers, New York, US119MB
Robins, Mrs. Grace Charity (née Laury)47St Austell, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonYonkers, New York, US7MB
Rogers, Mr. William John29Pontardawe, West GlamorganWalesSouthamptonNew York City
Rommetvedt, Mr. Knud Paust49HogstadNorwaySouthamptonNew York City
Rosblom, Mrs. Helena Wilhelmina41 SuistamoFinlandSouthamptonAstoria, Oregon, US
Rosblom, Mr. Viktor Rickard18SuistamoFinlandSouthamptonAstoria, Oregon, US
Rosblom, Miss Salli Helena2SuistamoFinlandSouthamptonAstoria, Oregon, US
Roth, Miss Sarah A.26LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York CityC
Rouse, Mr. Richard Henry50Sittingbourne, KentEnglandSouthamptonCleveland, Ohio, US
Rush, Mr. Alfred George John16Strood, KentEnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Ryan, Mr. Edward24Ballinascreen, TipperaryIrelandQueenstownTroy, New York, US14
Ryan, Mr. Patrick29Askeaton, LimerickIrelandQueenstownBronx, New York, US
Ryan Mr. Tommy26DublinIrelandQueenstownNew York, New York, US
SaetherSæther, Mr. Simon Sivertsen43Skaun, Sør-TrøndelagNorwaySouthamptonUS32MB
Saad, Mr. Amin30TebnineLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Saad, Mr. Khalil25Kfar MechiSyriaCherbourgOttawa, Ontario, Canada
Sadlier, Mr. Matthew20Mohill, LeitrimIrelandQueenstownLakewood Township, New Jersey, US
Sadowitz, Mr. Harry17LondonEnglandSouthamptonProvidence, Rhode Island, US
Sage, Mr. John George44Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Mrs. Annie Elizabeth (née Cazaly)44Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Miss Stella Anne20Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Mr. George John19Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Mr. Douglas Bullen18Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Mr. Frederick16Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Miss Dorothy Florence "Dolly"14Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Master Anthony William "Will"13Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US67MB
Sage, Miss Elizabeth Ada10Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Miss Constance Gladys7Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Sage, Master Thomas Henry4Peterborough, CambridgeshireEnglandSouthamptonJacksonville, Florida, US
Salander, Mr. Karl Johan24Genevad, HallandSwedenSouthamptonRed Wing, Minnesota, US
Salkjelsvik, Miss Anna Kristine21AlesundÅlesund, Møre og RomsdalNorwaySouthamptonProctor, Minnesota, USC
Salonen, Mr. Johan Verner39Aberdeen, WashingtonUSSouthamptonAberdeen, Washington, US
Sa'maan, Master Butrus10HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Sa'maan, Mr. Hanna Ilyas40HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Sa'maan, Mr. Ilyas17HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Sa'maan, Mr. Youssef Omar "Joseph"16HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Sandström, Mrs. Agnes Charlotta (née Bengtsson)24Motala, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonSan Francisco, US13
Sandström, Miss Marguerite Rut4Motala, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonSan Francisco, US13
Sandström, Miss Beatrice Irene1Motala, ÖstergötlandSwedenSouthamptonSan Francisco, US13
Sap, Mr. Julius (Jules)21ZwevezeleBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US11
Saundercock, Mr. William Henry19St Austell, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Sawyer, Mr. Frederick Charles33Basingstoke, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonHalley, Michigan, US284MB
Scanlan, Mr. James22Rathkeale, LimerickIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Scheerlinck, Mr. Jean Baptiste29Haaltert, East FlandersBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US11
Sdycoff, Mr. Theodor42UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Shaughnessy, Mr. Patrick24Tynagh, GalwayIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Shawah, Mr. Yousseff Ibrahim33BeirutLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Shadid, Mr. Dahir Abu19Ibrin[80]Syria or LebanonCherbourgKulpmont, Pennsylvania, US9MB
Shellard, Mr. Frederick William Blainey55Bristol, AvonEnglandSouthamptonTroy, New York, US
Shihab, Mr. Amir Faris25HadathLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Shine, Miss Ellen Natalia20Cork, CorkIrelandQueenstownNew York City?
Shorney, Mr. Charles Joseph22Heron's Ghyll, East SussexEngland SouthamptonNew York, US240{?}MB
Simmons, Mr. John39Leigh, KentEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Sirkanian, Mr. Arsun22KiğıTurkeyCherbourgBrantford, Ontario, Canada
Sirota, Mr. Maurice20LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Sivić, Mr. Husein40Bosanska KrupaBosniaSouthamptonHarrisburg, Pennsylvania, US
Sivola, Mr. Antti Vilhelmi21Mountain Home, IdahoUSSouthamptonMountain Home, Idaho, US
Sjöblom, Miss Anna Sofiia18MunsalaFinlandSouthamptonOlympia, Washington, US16
Skoog, Mr. Wilhelm Johansson40HallekisHällekis, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Skoog, Mrs. Anna Bernhardina (née Karlsson)43HallekisHällekis, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Skoog, Master Karl Thorsten11HallekisHällekis, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Skoog, Miss Mabel9HallekisHällekis, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Skoog, Master Harald5HallekisHällekis, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Skoog, Miss Margit Elizabeth2HallekisHällekis, VästergötlandSwedenSouthamptonIron Mountain, Michigan, US
Slabenoff, Mr. Peko42UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonNew York City
Slocovski, Mr. Selman Francis20LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Smiljanić, Mr. Jakob Mile37PisacCroatiaSouthamptonNew York City
Smyth, Mr. Thomas26Caltra, GalwayIrelandQueenstownHammond, Indiana, US
Smyth, Miss Julia17Kilcogy, CavanIrelandQueenstownNew York City13
SoholtSøholt, Mr. Peter Andreas Lauritz Andersen19AlesundÅlesund, Møre og RomsdalNorwaySouthamptonMinneapolis, Minnesota, US
Somerton, Mr. Francis William30Greatfield, CheltenhamEnglandSouthamptonCanastota, New York, US
Spector, Mr. Woolf23LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Spinner, Mr. Henry John32Arboretum, WorcestershireEnglandSouthamptonGloversville, New York, US
Staneff, Mr. Ivan23Debnevo, TroyanBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Stanković, Mr. Ivan33GaldovoCroatiaCherbourgNew York City
Stanley, Miss Amy Zillah Elsie24Wallingford, OxfordshireEnglandSouthamptonNew Haven, Connecticut, USC
Stanley, Mr. Edward Rowland21SwanageEnglandSouthamptonCleveland, Ohio, US
Storey, Mr. Thomas51Liverpool, MerseysideEngland,SouthamptonNew York City261MB
Stoytcheff, Mr. Ilia19Gumostnik, LovecBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Strandberg, Miss Ida Sofia22TurkuFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Strandén, Mr. Juho Niilonpoika31Muljula, KiteeFinlandSouthamptonDuluth, Minnesota, US9
Strilić, Mr. Ivan27Siroka KulaŠiroka KulaCroatiaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Ström, Mrs. Elna Matilda (née Persson)29Indiana Harbor, IndianaUSSouthamptonIndiana Harbor, Indiana, US
Ström, Miss Thelma Matilda Wilhelmina2Indiana Harbor, IndianaUSSouthamptonIndiana Harbor, Indiana, US
Sunderland, Mr. Victor Francis20LondonEnglandSouthamptonCleveland, Ohio, USB
Sundman, Mr. Johan Julian44MunsalaFinlandSouthamptonCheyenne, Wyoming, US15
Sutehall Jr., Mr. Henry25LondonEnglandSouthamptonBuffalo, New York, US
Svensson, Mr. Johan74Reftele, SmålandSwedenSouthamptonEffington Rut, South Dakota, US
Svensson, Mr. Johan Cervin14KnaredKnäred, HallandSwedenSouthamptonBeresford, South Dakota, US13
Svensson, Mr. Olof24BjorkebergaBjörkeberga, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Tenglin, Mr. Gunnar Isidor25Stockholm, UpplandSwedenSouthamptonBurlington, Iowa, US13
Theobald, Mr. Thomas Leonard34Strood, KentEnglandSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US176MB
Tannous, Mr. Charles R'ad31HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Tannous, Mrs. Thamini Khoury Fa'ud "Thelma"16HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US14
Tannous, Master As'ad Iskandar Fa'ud5 mo.HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, US16
Thomas, Mr. John34UnknownUnknownCherbourgColumbus, Ohio, US
Thomas, Mr. Tannous John16UnknownLebanonCherbourgColumbus, Ohio, US
Thompson, Mr. Alexander Morrison36UnknownScotlandSouthamptonNew York City
Thorneycroft, Mr. Percival Thomas36Maidstone, KentEnglandSouthamptonClinton, New York, US
Thorneycroft, Mrs. Florence Kate (née Stears)32Maidstone, KentEnglandSouthamptonClinton, New York, US10
Tikkanen, Mr. Juho32PielavesiFinlandSouthamptonNew York City
Tobin, Mr. Roger20Cahir, TipperaryIrelandQueenstownNew York City
Todoroff, Mr. Lalio23UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Tomlin, Mr. Ernest Portage22Portage la Prairie, ManitobaCanadaSouthamptonDes Moines, Iowa, US50MB
TorberTörber, Mr. Ernst Wilhelm44UnknownGermanySouthamptonNew York City
Torfa, Mr. Assad20UnknownSyriaCherbourgNew York City
TornquistTörnquist, Mr. William Henry25SundbybergSwedenSouthamptonNew York City15
Touma, Mrs. Hanna Youssef (née Razi)27TibninLebanonCherbourgDowagiac, Michigan, USC
Touma, Miss Marianna Youssef9TibninLebanonCherbourgDowagiac, Michigan, USC
Touma, Master Gerios (George) Youssef8TibninLebanonCherbourgDowagiac, Michigan, USC
Turčin, Mr. Stjepan36BratinaCroatiaSouthamptonYoungstown, Ohio, US
Turja, Miss Anna Sofiia18Oulainen, OuluFinlandSouthamptonAshtabula, Ohio, US15
Turkula, Mrs. Hedvig63Jalasjärvi, Southern OstrobothniaFinlandSouthamptonHibbing, Minnesota, US15
Van Billiard, Mr. Austin Blyler35LondonEnglandSouthamptonNorth Wales, Pennsylvania, US255MB
Van Billiard, Master James William10LondonEnglandSouthamptonNorth Wales, Pennsylvania, US
Van Billiard, Master Walter John9LondonEnglandSouthamptonNorth Wales, Pennsylvania, US1{?}MB[81][82]
Van de Velde, Mr. Johannes Josef35DenderhoutemBelgiumSouthamptonNew York City
Van den Steen, Mr. Leo Peter28HaaltertBelgiumSouthamptonNew York City
Van Impe, Mr. Jean-Baptiste36KerkskenBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Van Impe, Mrs. Rosalie Paula (née Govaert)30KerkskenBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Van Impe, Miss Catharina10KerkskenBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Van Melkebeke, Mr. Philemon Edmund23Haaltert, East FlandersBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Vandercruyssen, Mr. Victor46ZwevezeleBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Vanderplancke, Mr. Julius31ZwevezeleBelgiumSouthamptonFremont, Ohio, US
Vanderplancke, Mrs. Emelie Maria (née Vandemoortele)31PittemBelgiumSouthamptonFremont, Ohio, US
Vanderplancke, Miss Augusta Maria18ZwevezeleBelgiumSouthamptonFremont, Ohio, US
Vanderplancke, Mr. Leo Edmondus15ZwevezeleBelgiumSouthamptonFremont, Ohio, US
Van de Walle, Mr. Nestor Cyriel28WestrozebekeBelgiumSouthamptonNew York City
Vartanian, Mr. Dawud22KiğıTurkeyCherbourgBrantford, Ontario, Canada13
Vendel, Mr. Olof Edvin29Ostra SallerupÖstra Sallerup, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonSt. Paul, Minnesota, US
Veström, Miss Hulda Amanda Adolfina14Salmunds, GotlandSwedenSouthamptonLos Angeles, US
Vovk, Mr. Janko21JeseniceSloveniaSouthamptonSt. Joseph, Minnesota, US
Waelens, Mr. Achille22Ruiselede, West FlandersBelgiumSouthamptonStanton, Ohio, US140MB
Ware, Mr. Frederick William34Greenwich, LondonEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Warren, Mr. Charles William30Portsmouth, HampshireEnglandSouthamptonNew York City
Wazni, Mr. Yousif Ahmed25TebninLebanonCherbourgNew York City
Webber, Mr. James66San FranciscoUSSouthamptonSan Francisco, US
Wennerström, Mr. August Edvard Andersson27Malmö, SkåneSwedenSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, USA
Widegren, Mr. Carl Peter51Algutsrum, KalmarSwedenSouthamptonNew York City
Wiklund, Mr. Jakob Alfred18VaasaFinlandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada314
Wiklund, Mr. Karl Johan21VaasaFinlandSouthamptonMontreal, Quebec, Canada
Wilkes, Mrs. Ellen47Penzance, CornwallEnglandSouthamptonAkron, Ohio, US16
Willer, Mr. Aaron37UnknownRussiaCherbourgChicago, Illinois, US
Willey, Mr. Edward18Market Drayton, ShropshireEnglandSouthamptonSchenectady, New York, US
Williams, Mr. Howard Hugh "Harry"28Guernsey, Channel Islands Channel IslandsSouthamptonNew York City
Williams, Mr. Leslie28Tonypandy, GlamorganWalesSouthamptonNew York City14MB
Windeløv, Mr. Einar21Cape TownSouth AfricaSouthamptonNew York City
Wirz, Mr. Albert27UsterSwitzerlandSouthamptonBeloit, Wisconsin, US131MB
Wiseman, Mr. Phillippe54LondonEnglandSouthamptonQuebec City, Quebec, Canada
Wittevrongel, Mr. Camilius Aloysius36WestrozebekeBelgiumSouthamptonDetroit, Michigan, US
Yasbak, Mr. Antun27UnknownLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Yasbak, Mrs. Silanah Fa'ud (née Iskandar)15UnknownLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, USC
Ylieff, Mr. Ylio32UnknownBulgariaSouthamptonChicago, Illinois, US
Youssef, Mr. Gerios (Abi Saab)26HardîneLebanonCherbourgYoungstown, Ohio, US312M
Youssef, Mr. Gerios (Sam'aan)45HardîneLebanonCherbourgWilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, US
Zajib Qiyamah, Miss Adal "Jane"15El ShweirLebanonCherbourgBrooklyn, New York, USC
Zakarian, Mr. Haroutyun Der27KiğıTurkeyCherbourgBrantford, Ontario, Canada
Zakarian, Mr. Mapri Der22KiğıTurkeyCherbourgBrantford, Ontario, Canada304MB
Zimmermann, Mr. Leo29TodtmoosGermanySouthamptonSaskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Cross-channel passengers

In addition to the above-listed passengers, the Titanic carried 29 cross-channel passengers who boarded at Southampton and disembarked at either Cherbourg, France[83] or Queenstown, Ireland.[84]

Brand, Mr. Karl Birger29FirstFalköping, Västergötland, SwedenSouthamptonCherbourg
Browne, Father Francis Patrick Mary31FirstDublin, IrelandSouthamptonQueenstown
Collis, Mr.--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Davies, Mr. H. V.--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
Davies, Miss K.--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
De Grasse, Mr. J.--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Dyer-Edwardes, Mr. Thomas65FirstKensington, EnglandSouthamptonCherbourg[85]
Dyer-Edwardes, Mrs. Clementina Georgina Lucy53FirstKensington, EnglandSouthamptonCherbourg
Evans, Miss--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
Fletcher, Miss N.--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Forman, Mr. J.--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Forman, Mrs.--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Lenox-Conyngham, Miss Alice Katherine Harriet39First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Lenox-Conyngham, Mrs. Barbara Josephine (née Turton)48First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Lenox-Conyngham, Miss Eileen Mary11First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Lenox-Conyngham, Master Denis Hugh10First--SouthamptonCherbourg
May, Mr. Richard W.--First--SouthamptonQueenstown
May, Mr. Stanley--First--SouthamptonQueenstown
Mullen, Mr.--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
Nichols, Mr. E.--First--SouthamptonQueenstown
Noel, Major Gerard Thomas--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Noel, Master William Henry Middleton13First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Odell, Miss Kate--First--SouthamptonQueenstown
Odell, Mrs. Lily May--First--SouthamptonQueenstown
Odell, Master Jack Dudley11First--SouthamptonQueenstown
Osborne, Miss D.--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
Remesch, Miss--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
Stevens, Mr. G.--First--SouthamptonCherbourg
Tovey, Miss--Second--SouthamptonCherbourg
Wotton, Mr. Henry Swaffin54First--SouthamptonCherbourg

First passenger survivors to die

NameDate of birthDate of deathAge at time of disasterAge at time of deathAdditional notes
Miss Maria Nackid1 May 191030 July 19121 year, 350 days2 years, 90 daysFirst Titanic survivor to die, after contracting meningitis[86]
Miss Eujini Baqulini190930 August 19123 years3 yearsDied a month after Maria Nackid, also of meningitis[87]
Colonel Archibald Gracie IV17 January 18594 December 191253 years, 89 days53 years, 322 daysDied of health complications he suffered due to the sinking; Gracie wrote one of the first accounts of the sinking by a survivor, The Truth about the Titanic
Mrs. Marie Eugenie Spencer186726 October 191345 years46–47 years
Mr. Maximilian Josef Frölicher24 September 185122 November 191360 years, 204 days62 years, 59 days
Miss Kornelia Theodosia Andrews12 August 184914 December 191362 years, 247 days64 years, 124 daysDied of pneumonia[88]

Last passenger survivors to die

NameDate of birthDate of deathAge at time of disasterAge at time of deathAdditional notes
Mrs. Anna F. "Annie" Straube (née McGowan)5 July 189730 January 199014 years, 285 days92 years, 209 days
Mrs. Ruth Elizabeth Blanchard (née Becker)28 October 18996 July 199012 years, 170 days90 years, 251 days
Mr. Bertram Vere Dean21 May 191014 April 19921 year, 330 days81 years, 329 daysSibling of the last living survivor, Millvina Dean
Mrs. Louise Gretchen Pope (née Kink)8 April 190825 August 19924 years, 7 days84 years, 139 days
Mrs. Marjorie Anne Robb (née Newell)12 February 188911 June 199223 years, 63 days103 years, 195 daysLast living survivor who was an adult at the time of the sinking; she was the last living survivor who was a first class passenger.
Miss Beatrice Irene Sandström9 August 19103 September 19951 year, 250 days85 years, 25 days
Miss Eva Miriam Hart31 January 190514 February 19967 years, 75 days91 years, 14 days
Mrs. Edith Eileen Haisman (née Brown)27 October 189620 January 199715 years, 171 days100 years, 85 days
Miss Louise Marguerite Laroche2 July 191028 January 19981 year, 288 days87 years, 210 days
Mrs. Eleanor Ileen Shulman (née Johnson)23 August 19109 March 19981 year, 236 days87 years, 259 days
Mr. Michel Marcel Navratil12 June 190830 January 20013 years, 308 days92 years, 232 daysLast living male survivor. Along with brother Edmond (1910–1953), were the only children rescued without a parent or guardian (known as the Titanic Orphans)
Mrs. Winnifred Vera van Tongerloo (née Quick)23 January 19046 July 20028 years, 83 days98 years, 164 daysLast living survivor who did not lose a relative in the sinking.
Miss Lillian Gertrud Asplund21 October 19066 May 20065 years, 177 days99 years, 197 daysLast living survivor with memories of the accident.
Mrs. Barbara Joyce Dainton (née West)24 May 191116 October 2007327 days96 years, 145 daysLast remaining survivor who was a second class passenger.
Miss Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean2 February 191231 May 200973 days97 years, 118 daysLast living survivor and sibling of Bertram Dean, another one of the last remaining survivors. She was the last remaining survivor who was a third class passenger.


See also


  1. "Titanic Passengers and Crew Listings". encyclopedia titanica. Retrieved 15 July 2011.
  2. Lord, Walter (1976). A Night to Remember. London: Penguin Books. p. 197. ISBN 978-0-14-004757-8.
  3. "Passenger List and Survivors of Steamship Titanic". United States Senate Inquiry. 30 July 1912. Retrieved 15 July 2011.
  4. Lord, Walter. "The Night Lives On".
  5. Hall, Wayne (1986). "Social Class and Survival on the SS Titanic" (PDF). Social Science & Medicine 22 (6): 687–690.
  6. The List: 20 facts about the Titanic - Washington Times
  7. 1 2 Metelko, Karl, "." Web Titanic – Titanic's Maiden Voyage, 2001. Archived 26 February 2015 at the Wayback Machine.
  8. 1 2 Life on 'Board "." BBC Southampton, August 2002.
  9. New York Times, Thursday January 16th, 1913, Titanic Survivors Asking $6,000,000.
  10. Hinkle, Marla, "Behind The Chocolate Curtain." The Morning News, 8 February 2004.
  11. Brewster, Hugh; Coulter, Laurie (1998). 882 1/2 Amazing Answers To Your Questions About The Titanic. Scholastic Paperbacks. p. 18. ISBN 978-0-8117-1814-1.
  12. I Survived the Titanic: Ruth Becker
  13. "Whitaker Centre – ''Titanic Artifact Exhibit: Ministry Through Tragedy''" (PDF). Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  14. "Fr Thomas Roussel Davids Byles". Encyclopedia Titanica. Retrieved 15 July 2011.
  15. "Pastor John Harper and the Titanic Story". Harper Memorial Baptist Church. Retrieved 2 April 2012.
  16. "Lawrence Beesley – Celebrated Titanic Survivor". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  17. A Haitian French Family Which Traveled in Second Class Aboard Titanic, Titanic Historical Society. Retrieved 12 December 2010.
  18. Mr Michel Navratil (Louis M. Hoffman), Encyclopedia Titanica
  19. "Mother is Coming to Claim Sea Waifs". New York Times. 24 April 2012. Retrieved 20 March 2012.
  20. Encyclopedia Titanica
  21. 1 2 3 Geller, Judith B. (October 1998). Titanic: Women and Children First. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 197. ISBN 978-0-393-04666-3.
  22. "Scientists Finally Solve Titanic Mystery". Associated Press. 3 August 2007. Buried in a small plot in a Halifax cemetery, the baby was a poignant symbol of the children who perished on the vessel when it sank in 1912. In 2002, it seemed the mystery was solved; Canadian researchers said he was a thirteen-month-old Finnish boy. However, on Tuesday, a lead researcher said the child was actually the 19-month-old boy from England.
  23. Burgess, Kaya (1 June 2009). "Millvina Dean, last remaining survivor of the Titanic, dies aged 97". The Times. Retrieved 24 October 2009.
  24. Eaton, John P.; Haas, Charles (1996). Titanic: Destination Disaster. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 79. ISBN 0-393-04782-2.
  25. Titanic Museum Attraction: The Legend Lives On
  26. Brewster, Hugh (1998). Inside the Titanic: A Giant Cutaway Book. Little, Brown & Company. ISBN 0-316-55716-1.
  27. Piouffre, Gérard (2009). Le Titanic ne répond plus (in French). W. W. Norton & Company. p. 317. ISBN 978-2-03-584196-4.
  28. "10 People Who Did Not Board the Titanic".
  29. "Seven Famous People Who Missed the Titanic". Smithsonian Magazine'.
  30. 1 2 Kobeissi, Kamal (کمال قبيسى). Translated from the original Arabic by Sonia Farid. "Part II: The story of the forgotten Arab victims of the Titanic, told 100 years later." (Archive) Al Arabiya London. Tuesday 10 April 2012 (Tuesday 18 Jumada al-awwal 1443). Retrieved on 21 March 2013. Original Arabic: "ﺣﻔﻴﺪﺓ ﺃﺣﺪﻫﻢ ﻣﻦ ﺑﻴﺮﻭﺕ: ﺍﻟﺤﻤﺪ ﷲ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻧﺠﺎﺗﻪ ﻭﺇﻻ ﻟﻤﺎ ﻭﻟﺪﺕ ﻭﻭﻟﺪ 200 ﻏﻴﺮﻱ ﺃﻳﻀﺎ ﻋﺮﺏ "ﺗﺎﻳﺘﻨﻚ" ﺍﻟﻤﻨﺴﻴﻮﻥ ﻓﻲ ﺍﻷﻋﻤﺎﻕ ﻣﻨﺬ 100 ﻋﺎﻡ." (Archive, Print friendly at the Wayback Machine (archived April 13, 2012))
  31. Bier, Jess. "How Niqula Nasrallah Became John Jacob Astor: Syrian Emigrants aboard the Titanic and the Materiality of Language". 2009. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 2 (18), pp. 171-191.
  32. Kobeissi, Kamal (کمال قبيسى). "The story of the forgotten Arab victims of the Titanic, told 100 years later." (Archive) Al-Arabiya London. Monday 9 April 2012. Retrieved on 21 March 2013.
  33. Amrieh, Antoine. "Batroun village remembers its own Titanic victims." (Archive) Daily Star. 14 April 2012. Retrieved on 21 March 2013.
  34. al-Fakih, Rakan. "Bekaa village remembers Lebanese Titanic victims." (Archive) Daily Star. 15 April 2012. Retrieved on 18 December 2013.
  35. 1 2 3 4 Al-Tamimi, Jumana. "The untold story of Arabs." Gulf News. 12 April 2012. Retrieved on 25 December 2013.
  36. 1 2 "Boat Reports". British Wreck Commissioner's Inquiry. 30 July 1912. Retrieved 24 May 2011.
  38. W. Garzke et al. [Marine Forensic Panel (SD 7)]: Titanic, The Anatomy of a Disaster. The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, 1997
  39. Eaton, John P.; Haas, Charles (1999). Titanic: A Journey Through Time. W. W. Norton & Company. p. 85. ISBN 0-393-04782-2.
  40. Charles Pellegrino Web – Edith Russell
  41. Butler, Daniel Allen (1998). Unsinkable The Full Story of the RMS Titanic. Stackpole Books. pp. 200–202. ISBN 978-0-8117-1814-1.
  42. "Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Titanic Research Page – Victims". 8 November 2010. Retrieved 29 January 2011.
  43. Mowbray, Jay Henry (1912). "CHAPTER XXI. THE FUNERAL SHIP AND ITS DEAD". The sinking of the Titanic (1912). Retrieved 24 November 2008.
  44. Encyclopedia Titanica. "Titanic Victims buried at Fairview Lawn Cemetery". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  45. Encyclopedia Titanica. "Titanic Victims buried at Mount Olivet Cemetery". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  46. Encyclopedia Titanica. "Titanic Victims buried at Baron De Hirsch Cemetery". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  47. "Government of Nova Scotia – Halifax and the Titanic Victims". 12 June 1912. Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  48. "Testimony of Harold G. Lowe (Fifth Officer, SS Titanic)". British Wreck Commissioner's Inquiry. Retrieved 1 June 2011.
  49. "Echo of Disaster : Boat Picked Up Bodies On Board". Encyclopedia Titanica. Retrieved 1 June 2011.
  50. "Titanic Passenger List". Encyclopedia Titanica. Retrieved 1 December 2011.
  51. "Titanic's Band or Orchestra". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  52. "The Demographics of Titanic Passengers". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  54. "RMS Titanic: List of Bodies and Disposition of Same". Nova Scotia Archives and Records Management. Retrieved 3 March 2008.
  55. 1 2 3 4 Though their employers travelled in first class, this servant was given second class accommodations, as their services were not needed while their employers were on board.
  56. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 See the list of crew members on board RMS Titanic article for further information.
  57. Madeleine Astor was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a son, John Jacob VI, on 14 August 1912.
  58. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bracken, Robert; Findlay, Michael (1998). "Titanic's very youngest survivors". Voyage (Titanic International Society) 7 (27).
  59. Léontine Pauline Aubart was the mistress of Benjamin Guggenheim. Benjamin Guggenheim died on the sinking.
  60. After the Titanic sank, Thomson Beattie was hauled aboard Collapsible A but he died in the night. His body was found when the lifeboat was recovered a month later by the Oceanic.
  61. Helen Bishop was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a son, Randall Walton, on 8 December 1912, who died a day after his birth.
  62. William Hoyt was pulled alive from the water, and onto Lifeboat 14, and thus is counted among the occupants of this boat; Hoyt, however, died during the night and his body was buried at sea by the sailors on board the Carpathia
  63. "One Victim Legally Dead". The New York Times. 27 April 1912. p. 4<!None>
  64. Marion Kenyon was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She miscarried her child sometime in 1912.
  65. "Miss Roberta Elizabeth Mary Maioni". Retrieved 6 July 2011.
  66. Mary Marvin was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Margaret, sometime in 1912.
  67. Traveled using alias: Baron Alfred von Drachstedt; transferred from second to first class
  68. (2013) Alfred Nourney (ref: #220) Encyclopedia Titanica, (accessed 17 December 2013)
  69. Eloise Smith was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a son, Lucien Philip Jr., on 19 November 1912.
  70. Argene del Carlo was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Maria Salvata, on 14 November 1912.
  71. Juliette Laroche was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a son, Joseph Lemercier, on 17 December 1912.
  72. Adele Nasser was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to son Nicholas, on 9 December 1912 who died hours after his birth.
  73. Kate Phillips gave birth to a daughter, Ellen Mary "Betty", on 11 January 1913. Miss Phillips was having an affair with Henry Morley, and the two were running away together
  74. Ada West was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Edwyna, sometime in 1912.
  75. Maria Backström was pregnant while on board the Titanic. She gave birth to a daughter, Alfhild Maria, in June 1912.
  76. 1 2
  77. Mr Joseph Caram. Encyclopedia Titanica.
  78. Graziella Leporati, Quegli otto lombardi inghiottiti dall’oceano la notte del Titanic, Il Giorno.
  79. Known for decades as "The Unknown Child", body number 4 was initially identified after the disaster as two-year-old Gösta Leonard Pålsson (1912). Dental records later identified him as 13-month-old Eino Viljami Panula (2002), until a test on the child's HVS1, a type of mitochondrial DNA molecule, confirmed his identification as that of 19-month-old Sidney Goodwin (2007).
  80. Elias, Leila Salloum. The Dream and then The Nightmare
  81. Due to the effects recovered with the body (a purse containing Danish coins and a handkerchief marked with the letter "A") there has been some doubt over the authenticity of the identification.
  82. "Master Walter John van Billiard". Encyclopedia Titanica. Retrieved 3 March 2008.
  83. "Titanic Cross-Channel Passenger List: Southampton to Cherbourg". Encyclopedia Titanica. Retrieved 19 July 2007.
  84. "Titanic Cross-Channel Passenger List: Southampton to Queenstown". Encyclopedia Titanica. Retrieved 19 July 2007.
  85. Mr. and Mrs. Dyer-Edwardes embarked at Southampton with their daughter, the Countess of Rothes, and niece, Gladys Cherry.
  86. Miss Maria Nackid "."
  87. Miss Eugenie Baclini "."
  88. Miss Kornelia Theodosia Andrews "."

Elias, Leila Salloum. The Dream and Then the Nightmare: The Syrians Who Boarded the Titanic – the story of the Arabic-speaking passengers [ISBN 978-9933-9086-1-4](Damascus/Beirut: Atlas for Publishing and Distribution, 2011

Further reading

External links

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