
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
Tribe: Cichorieae[1]
Genus: Rhagadiolus
Juss. 1789, conserved name not Scop. 1777 nor Zinn 1757 nor Tourn. ex Scop. 1777 nor Vaill. 1754[2][1]

Rhagadiolus is a genus of plants in the dandelion tribe within the daisy family, native to the Mediterranean region of southern Europe, northern Africa, and the Middle East.[3][4]

  1. Rhagadiolus edulis Gaertn. - from Portugal + Morocco to Iran
  2. Rhagadiolus stellatus (L.) Gaertn. - from Britain to Canary Islands + Caucasus; naturalized in California (Sonoma + Napa Counties)[6]
formerly included[1]

numerous species now considered better suited to other genera: Crepis Garhadiolus Hedypnois Hyoseris Koelpinia Leontodon


External links

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