Ricci soliton

In differential geometry, a Ricci soliton is a special type of Riemannian metric. Such metrics evolve under Ricci flow only by symmetries of the flow, and they can be viewed as generalizations of Einstein metrics.[1] The concept is named after Gregorio Ricci-Curbastro.

Ricci flow solutions are invariant under diffeomorphisms and scaling, so one is led to consider solutions that evolve exactly in these ways. A metric g_0 on a smooth manifold M is a Ricci soliton if there exists a function \sigma(t) and a family of diffeomorphisms \{\eta(t)\} \subset \operatorname{Diff}(M) such that

 g(t) = \sigma(t) \, \eta(t)^* g_0

is a solution of Ricci flow. In this expression, \eta(t)^*g_0 refers to the pullback off the metric g_0 by the diffeomorphism \eta(t).

Equivalently, a metric g_0 is a Ricci soliton if and only if

 \operatorname{Rc}(g_0) = \lambda \, g_0 + \mathcal{L}_X g_0,

where \operatorname{Rc} is the Ricci curvature tensor, \lambda \in \mathbb{R}, X is a vector field on M, and \mathcal{L} represents the Lie derivative. This condition is a generalization of the Einstein condition for metrics:

 \operatorname{Rc}(g_0) = \lambda \, g_0.


  1. Cao, HUAI-DONG. "RECENT PROGRESS ON RICCI SOLITONS" (PDF). arxiv.org. Arxiv. Retrieved 12 April 2015.
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