Rivka Oxman

Rivka Oxman is an architect, researcher, professor, and author.
She holds graduate and undergraduate degrees from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, where she has been Vice Dean for Teaching at the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning. Rivka Oxman has been a Visiting Professor at Stanford University, Delft University of Technology and held research appointments at MIT and University of California, Berkeley, and other universities. She has been involved with research and teaching activities with the University of Sydney and Kaiserslautern University of Technology.
Oxman has been invited to deliver keynote lectures around the world in leading conferences, including USA, ACADIA 2000; Europe, CAAD Futures 1997; 2011; South America, SIGraDi 2004, 2009; Australia, CAADRIA 2011; Asia; as well as universities and institutions. She has published more than 100 papers in scientific journals and scientific conferences books and invited chapters in books. Her work is widely cited and influential in this area.
Oxman is an Associate Editor of Design Studies (Elsevier) - the international journal for design research in engineering, architecture, products and systems.[1] She is also a member of numerous editorial boards of leading international scientific journals and conferences on design research and theory and on digital design. In 2006 she was appointed as a Fellow of DRS - the Design Research Society for her established record of achievement in design research, and attainment of peer recognition as a researcher of professional standing and competence.[2] She has received the Design Research Society and Elsevier Science Award for the best paper of the year in Design Studies: (“The Thinking Eye: Visual Re-Cognition in Design Emergence”) for her contribution to the understanding of cognitive aspects of visual reasoning in design emergence. She has been a Jury Member in the yearly Feidad - Far Eastern International Digital Architectural Design Award from 2001–2007.
Recently she has co-edited with Professor R. Oxman a special issue of the Architectural Design (AD) journal on “The New Structuralism: Design, Engineering and Architectural Technologies”.[3] The New Structuralism has broad implications for the way we conceive and undertake architectural design. It describes the convergence of design, engineering and architectural technologies as a new material practice in experimental architecture. In this pioneering publication, this important shift is fully defined as a highly dynamic synthesis of emerging principles of spatial, structural and material ordering integrated through the application of materialization and fabrication technologies.
Research Contribution
Oxman's research interests are related to design and computation, including digital architecture and methodology exploring their contribution to the emergence of new paradigms of architectural design and practice.
Academic papers and writing
- Oxman Rivka (1990). "Design Shells: A Formalism for Prototype Refinement in Knowledge-Based Design Systems". Artificial Intelligence in Engineering Vol. 5, No. 9
- Oxman Rivka (1990). "Prior Knowledge in Design, A Dynamic Knowledge-Based Model of Design and Creativity" Design Studies, Butterworth-Heinemann. Vol.11, No.1
- Oxman Rivka (1994). "Precedents in Design: a Computational Model for the Organization of Precedent Knowledge", Design Studies, Vol. 15 No. 2
- Oxman Rivka (1997). "Design by Re-Representation: A Model of Visual Reasoning in Design" in Akin O. (ed.) a special issue on Prescriptive and Descriptive Models of Design, Design Studies, Vol. 18, No. 4
- Oxman Rivka, Sarid A.*, Bar-Eli S.* and Rotenstreich R.* (1997). "A Conceptual Network for Web Representation of Design Knowledge" in R. Junge (ed.), CAAD Futures 1997 Conference Proceedings ISBN 0-7923-4726-9 Munchen, Germany, Kluwer Academic Publishers
- Oxman Rivka (1999) "Educating the Designerly Thinker” in W.M. McCracken, C.M. Eastman and W. Newsletter (eds.) special issue on Cognition in Design Education, Design Studies Vol. 20, No.2
- Oxman Rivka (2001). “The Mind in Design - A Conceptual Framework for Cognition in Design Education” in C. Eastman, W.M. McCracken and W. Newsletter (Eds.) Knowing and Learning to Design: Cognition in Design Education, Elsevier, Oxford
- Bar-On D.* and Oxman Rivka (2002) “Context Over content: ICPD, A Conceptual Schema for the Building Technology Domain” Automation in Construction, Vol 11, No.4
- Oxman Rivka (2002). “The Thinking Eye: Visual Re-Cognition in Design Emergence”. Design Studies, Vol. 23 No. 2 - this paper received the Annual Design Studies Best Paper Award, granted by the Design Research Society and Elsevier Science.
- Oxman Rivka (2003) “Think-Maps: Teaching Design Thinking in Design Education”. Design Studies, Vol. 25 No. 1
- Oxman Rivka, Palmon O.* Shahar M. and Weiss P. T. (2004). "Beyond the Reality Syndrome: Designing Presence in Virtual Environments" in Architecture in the Network Society, ECAADE 2004, European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, ISBN 0-9541183-2-4 Copenhagen, Denmark
- Oxman Rivka, Kolarevic B. Kvan T. (2004) Editors of a workshop proceeding of the First International Conference on Design Computing and Cognition (DCC’04) on the topic: “Cognition and Computation in Digital Design” MIT Cambridge, USA
- Oxman Rivka and Rotenstreich R.* (2005) "Conceptual Content of Design Paradigms in Digital Architecture" in Digital Design: The Quest for New Paradigms, ECAADE 2005, European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, Portugal, Lisbon, ISBN 0-9541183-2-4
- Palmon O.* Oxman, Rivka Shahar M. and Weiss P. T. (2005) "Virtual Environments in Design and Evaluation: An Aid for Accessible Design of Home Modification" in Learning from the Past, CAAD Futures 05’ International Conference on Computer-Aided Design in Architectural Design, Vienna, Austria, ISBN 1-4020-3460-1
- Oxman Rivka (2006) Guest Editor of a Special Issue on the topic of “Digital Design” in Design Studies - The International Journal for Design Research in Engineering, Architecture, Products and Systems, Elsevier Science, Vol. 27 No 3, May 2006
- Oxman Rivka (2006) “Theory and Design in the First Digital Age” Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3
- Sass L. and Oxman Rivka (2006) “Materializing Design” Design Studies, Vol. 27 No. 3
- Oxman Rivka (2007) "Digital Architecture: Re-thinking Theory, Knowledge, Models and Medium - Challenge to Digital Design and Design Pedagogy"
- Oxman Rivka (2008) “Performance based Design: Current Practices and Research Issues” IJAC International Journal of Architectural Computing Vol. 6 Issue 1
- Oxman Rivka (2010) “Morphogenesis in the theory and methodology of digital tectonics“ in R. Motro (guest editor) a special issue on Morphogenesis IASS: Journal of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 51(3)
- Oxman Rivka and Oxman Robert (2010) Guest Editors, “The New Structuralism: Design, Engineering and Architectural Technologies” AD Architectural Design Wiley Publications, July 2010, ISBN 978-0-470-74227-3
Keynote Lectures
Rivka Oxman has been recently invited to deliver keynote lectures on Design Cognition and Computation; on Digital Design; and on Design Education for Digital Design in the following international conferences and symposia
SIM - Keynote Lecture: "Informed Tectonics in Material-based Design" in SIM 2013: International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, Lisbon, Portugal [4]
CAAD Futures - Keynote Lecture: "The New Structuralism" in CAAD Future 2011: International Conference on Computer Aided Design in Architecture, Liege, Belgium [5]
CAADRIA - Keynote Lecture: "The New Structuralism as a Material Practice" in CAADRIA 2011: International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design in Asia Newcastle, Australia
DIA Dassau - Keynote Lecture: "Content and Media in Digital Design" in International Symposium on Design Education as a Research Laboratory, DIA Dassau Institute of Architecture, Germany
Design Modeling Symposium - Keynote Lecture: "Digital architecture as a challenge for design pedagogy: theory, knowledge, models and medium in Concepts beyond Geometry" in DMS 2009: The International Design Modeling Symposium, Berlin, Germanyl [6]
SIGRADI - Keynote Lecture: "DDNET Conceptual Structures of Digital Design" in Sigradi 2009: the 13th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Design, From Modern to Digital: The Challenges of Transition, São Paulo, Brazil [7]
IASS - Keynote Lecture: "Morphogenesis in Archi-Engineering" in IASS 2008, The 6th International Symposium on Structural Morphology, Workshop on Digital Morphogenesis Acapulco, Mexico
Rhino - Keynote Lecture: "Digital Design Theory and Methodology" in the Rhino Symposium in association with London Metropolitan University, London, UK
Universidad de Chile - Keynote Lecture: "Digital Design Paradigms" under the MECESUP UCH-0217 initiative, Celebration of the 155 year anniversary of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Santiago, Chile
SIGRADI - Keynote Lecture: "Theoretical Foundations of Digital Architecture" in the 8th Iberoamerican Congress of Digital Design, Porto Alegre, Brazil
eCAADe - Keynote Lecture: "The Challenge of Design Computation" in ECAADE 5th International Conference of the European Computer Aided Architectural Design in Education, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
- ↑ Design Studies Editorial Board
- ↑ List of DRS Fellows
- ↑ Wiley Publications, ISBN 978-0-470-74227-3
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- ↑ Design Modeling Symposium, Berlin 2009, Keynote lectures
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External links
- Official Site at the Technion
- Personal Site
- Design Research Society
- Design Research Network
- Design Studies