Road signs in Iceland

A sign displaying the location of scattered villages and homesteads in a rural area of Iceland

Road signs in Iceland conform to the general pattern of those used in most other European countries, with certain design elements borrowed from British and Swedish practice. Signs tend to be more sparsely employed than in other European countries, especially in rural areas.


Distances and other measurements are displayed in metric units. All text within the main signs and on auxiliary signs is exclusively in Icelandic with very few exceptions.

Colours and shapes

Icelandic road signs most closely resemble their Swedish counterparts, with rounded corners and yellow backgrounds. However, there are many differences in detail, especially in the silhouettes used.

Shape and colour are used to indicate the function of signs:

Type of sign Shape Border Background colour Text/Symbol
Warning Triangular Red Yellow Black
Prohibition Circular Red Yellow Black
Mandatory instructions Circular White Blue White
Supplementary Rectangular White
Directions, sometimes Rectangular Black Yellow Black
Information Rectangular White Blue White


A version of the Transport typeface employed on road signs in the UK modified to include accented characters and the Icelandic letters ð (eth) and þ (thorn) is used on Icelandic road signs.


A series

B series

C series

D series

E series

F series

G series

H series

J series

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Tuesday, April 12, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.