Romanization of Telugu

There are several systems for romanization of the Telugu script.


Independent With à°• (k) ISO IPA Independent With à°• (k) ISO IPA
అ క (ka) a /a/ ఆ కా (kā) ā /aː/
ఇ కి (ki) i /i/ ఈ కీ (kī) ī /iː/
ఉ కు (ku) u /u/ ఊ కూ (kū) ū /uː/
ఋ కృ (kr̥) r̥ /ru/ ౠ కౄ (kr̥̄) r̥̄ /ruː/
ఌ ḷ ౡ ḹ
ఎ కె (ke) e /e/ ఏ కే (kē) ē /eː/
ఐ కై (kai) ai /aj/ ఒ కొ (ko) o /o/
ఓ కో (kō) ō /oː/ ఔ కౌ (kau) au /aw/
అం కం (kṁ) ṁ అః కః (kḥ) ḥ


ISO k kh g gh ṅ c ch j jh ñ ṭ ṭh ḍ ḍh ṇ t th d dh n ṉ p ph b bh m y r ṟ l ḷ ḻ v ś ṣ s h
IPA k kʰ ɡ ɡʱ ŋ tʃ tʃʰ dʒ dʒʱ ɲ ʈ ʈʰ ɖ ɖʱ ɳ t̪ t̪ʰ d̪ d̪ʱ n n̪ p pʰ b bʱ m j ɾ ɲ l m ɻ ʋ ʃ ʂ ɳ ɦ
Telugu à°• à°– à°— à°˜ à°™ à°š à°› à°œ ఝ à°ž à°Ÿ à°  à°¡ à°¢ à°£ à°¤ à°¥ à°¦ à°§ à°¨   à°ª à°« à°¬ à°­ à°® à°¯ à°° à°± à°² à°³   à°µ à°¶ à°· à°¸ à°¹

Irregular Consonants

TeluguISO 15919ITRANS

Note: శ్ర(śra) and త్ర(tra) occurs by combining consonants in Telugu script unlike other Indic scripts.

Other diacritics

UN romanization for geographical names

The United Nations romanization systems for geographical names (approved 1972, I1/11; amended in 1977 IH/12) was based on a report prepared by D. N. Sharma.[1]

The UN romanization uses macrons for long vowels ā ī ū, a dot under ṛ for vocalic r, and caron on ĕ and ŏ.

ka kā ki kī ku kū kṛ kĕ ke kai kŏ ko kau


There are differences between the UN system and the ISO transliteration standard ISO 15919: 2001[2]


ITRANS also has transliteration for Telugu.[3]


Used in Vemuri Rao's English-Telugu Dictionary (2002) Rice University's Reverse Transliteration System (RTS) (created by Ramarao Kanneganti and Ananda Kishore) can be used for the transliteration of Telugu into Roman script as an alternative to phonetic alphabet.[4]

The result is a phonetic representation mostly suitable for dictionaries and computer input methods.[5] Examples:


  1. ↑ Technical reference manual for the national standardization of ... 2007- Page 39 " ... Nations recommended system was approved in 1972 (I1/ 11) and amended in 1977 (IH/12), based on a report prepared by D. N. Sharma. ... There is no evidence of the use of the system either in India or in international cartographic products. Telugu uses an alphasyllabic script whereby each character represents a syllable rather than one sound. Vowels and diphthongs are marked in two ways: as independent characters (used syllable-initially) and in an abbreviated form, ......
  2. ↑
  3. ↑ Information Systems for Indian Languages: International ... - Page 131 Chandan Singh, Gurpreet Singh Lehal, Jyotsna Sengupta - 2011 "Table 1. The Indian Language Transliteration (ITRANS) symbols of phonemes common to three languages Hindi, Tamil and Telugu Manual labeling of the recorded data has been carried out."
  4. ↑ English-Telugu Dictionary - Page li ISBN 8120616367 Vemuri Rao - 2002 "Transliteration of Telugu using RTS This dictionary uses RTS (Rice University's Reverse Transliteration System) for the transliteration of Telugu using Roman script. The RTS is defined below. (1) Represent short vowels by the lower case ..."
  5. ↑ "Read / Write Telugu in Linux". e-తెలుగు. 1 July 2010. Retrieved 10 Apr 2014.

External links

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