Ronald Baecker

Ronald Baecker
Born October 7, 1942 (age 70)
Kenosha, Wisconsin
Citizenship U.S.
Fields Computer science; Electrical Engineering
Institutions University of Toronto
Alma mater MIT
Notable awards Named one of the "60 Pioneers of Computer Graphics"

Ronald Baecker (born October 7, 1942) is a tenured professor of Computer Science (cross-appointed to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and to the Faculty of Management) at the University of Toronto, and has held these positions since 1989. He is the founder of the Knowledge Media Design Institute (KMDI) and the Technologies for Aging Gracefully Lab (TAGlab), both at the University of Toronto.

Summary of research interests

Dr. Baecker is an expert in human-computer interaction (“HCI”) and user interface (“UI”) design. His research interests include:

· Extensive work on electronic memory aids and other cognitive prostheses.

· Computer applications in education and computer-supported cooperative learning.

· Multimedia and new media.

· Software visualization.

· Groupware and computer-supported cooperative work.

· Computer animation and interactive computer graphics.

· Computer literacy, as well as, how computers can help us work better and safer.

· Entrepreneurship, the management of small business and the stimulation of innovation.

· The social implications of computing, especially the issue of responsibility when humans and computers interact.


Early life

Ron Baecker was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin on October 7, 1942. When he was four, his family moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. His scientific career got off to an early start, when, in April 1958, he was awarded third prize in the American Chemical Society Chemistry test (Pittsburgh Section). Baecker went on to win several other science honors while at Taylor Allderdice High School, including attending the Westinghouse Science Honors Institute (Oct, 1958 to April 1959), and the Sun-Telegraph, Pittsburgh and Allegheny Count High Schools Scholastic Award in Science (1959).

In 1960, Baecker began work as a summer research assistant at Koppers Company Research Labs. He was awarded a B.S. degree in Physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (“MIT”) in 1963 and received an M.S. degree in the then burgeoning field of Electrical Engineering, again from MIT in 1964. At the end of 1964, Baecker traveled to the University of Heidelberg in Germany to further his studies in applied mathematics where he stayed until July 1965. He returned to his alma mater to study Computer Science at MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and received his Ph.D. in June 1969.


Professional career

Ronald Baecker is Director of the Technologies for Aging Gracefully Laboratory (TAGlab), Professor of Computer Science, and Bell Universities Laboratories Chair in Human-Computer Interaction.

The focus of TAGlab activities is R&D in support of aging throughout the life course including cognition, communication, and social interaction. Collaborators include individuals from Baycrest, Columbia Medical School, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, and Toronto Rehabilitation Institute.

He is also Affiliate Scientist with the Kunin-Lunenfeld Applied Research Unit of Baycrest (formerly, Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care), Adjunct Scientist with Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, and founder of the Knowledge Media Design Instituteat the University of Toronto.

Professor Baecker is an active researcher, lecturer, and consultant on human-computer interaction and user interface design, user support, software visualization, multimedia, computer-supported cooperative work and learning, the Internet, entrepreneurship and strategic planning in the software industry, and the role of information technology in business. He has published over 175 papers and articles on topics in these areas. He is also the author or co-author of two published videotapes and of four books:

He is the co-holder of 2 patents. Professor Baecker was the founder, CEO, and Chairman of HCR Corporation, a Toronto-based UNIX contract R&D and technology development and marketing firm, sold in 1990 to a U.S. competitor. He was also the founder of Expresto Software Corp, a firm specializing in structured visual communication explaining software and other complex technology. Expresto Software was sold in 2002 to Caseware International. Another entrepreneurial venture was a virtual non-profit foundation within the University of Toronto to distribute and support the open source ePresence Interactive Media rich media webcasting and archiving system, which then led to the formation of a start-up delivering ePresence products, services, and solutions, recently sold to Desire2Learn. Most recently, he was instrumental in the founding of MyVoice.

Honors and awards

·Lifetime Achievement Award from the Canadian Association of Computer Science/Association d’informatique Canadienne, the national organization of Canadian Computer Science Departments/Schools/Faculties, May 2015 [3]

·Given the 3rd Canadian Digital Media Pioneer Award, GRAND Network of Centres of Excellence, May 2013.[4]

·Elected as an ACM Fellow, November 2011.[5]

·Together with Alex Levy, Aakash Sahney, and Kevin Tonon, second place recipient of the 2011 University of Toronto Inventor of the Year Award in the Information and Computer Technology, Social Sciences and Humanities category, January 2011.[6]

·Awarded the 2007 Leadership Award of Merit from the Ontario Research and Innovation Optical Network (ORION) in June 2007.[7]

·Awarded the Canadian Human Computer Communications Society Achievement Award in May 2005.[8]

·Elected to the ACM SIGCHI CHI Academy in February 2005.[9]

·Named as one of 60 Pioneers in Computer Graphics by ACM SIGGRAPH, and honoured with a photographic collection exhibited at SIGGRAPH’98 and later at the Boston Computer Museum, July 1998.

Publications and patents

Career Publication Count:

Scholarly books (authored) - 1

Scholarly books (authored & edited) - 3

Chapters in books - 18

Papers in refereed journals - 18

Papers in refereed conferences - 75

Major invited contribution - 8

Other conference abstracts/posters/contributions - 54

Other publications - 40

For a complete list of Dr. Baecker’s contributions to books, articles, papers, and interviews please visit his website


A4. Baecker, R.M., Grudin, J., Buxton, W., and Greenberg, S. (1995). Readings in Human Computer Interaction: Toward the Year 2000, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 950 pp., including 190 pp. of original interpretive material.

A3. Baecker, R.M. (1993). Readings in Groupware and Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Software to Facilitate Human-Human Collaboration, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 882 pp., including 60 pp. of original interpretive material.

A2. Baecker, R.M. and Marcus, A. (1990). Human Factors and Typography for More Readable Programs, ACM Press, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 346 pp.

A1. Baecker, R.M. and Buxton, W. (1987). Readings in Human Computer Interaction: A Multidisciplinary Approach, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 738 pp., including 150 pp. of original interpretive material.]

Articles in books

B18. Moffatt K., David, J., & Baecker, R.M. (2013). Connecting Grandparents and Grandchildren. In C. Neustaedter, S. Harrison, & A. Sellen (Eds.), Connecting Families: The Impact of New Communication Technologies on Domestic Life. Springer.

B17. Birnholtz, J., Baecker, R.M., Laughton, S., Mak, C., Causey, R., Ranking, K., and Wolf, P. (2011) Building Bridges: Combining Webcasting and Videoconferencing in a Multi-campus University Course. In Magoulas, G.D. (Ed.), E-Infrastructures and Technologies for Lifelong Learning: Next Generation Environments, IGI Global, 234-252.

B16. Massimi, M. and Baecker, R.M. (2008). An Empirical Study of Seniors’ Perceptions of Mobile Phones as Memory Aids, In Mihailidis, A., Boger, J., Kautz, H., and Normie, L. (Eds.), Technology and Aging, IOS Press, 59-66.

B15. Baecker, R.M. (2008). Man-Computer Symbiosis. In Erickson, T. and McDonald, D. (Eds.), HCI Remixed, MIT Press, 19-22.

B14. Cohene, T., Baecker, R.M., Marziali, E., and Mindy, S. (2007). Memories of a Life: A Design Case Study for Alzheimer’s Disease. In Lazar, J. (Ed.), Universal Usability, John Wiley & Sons, 357-387.

B13. Wu, M., Baecker, R.M., and Richards, B. (2007). Designing a Cognitive Aid for and with People who have Anterograde Amnesia. In Lazar, J. (Ed.), Universal Usability, John Wiley & Sons, 317-356.

B12. Baecker, R.M., Fono, D., and Wolf, P. (2007). Towards a Video Collaboratory. In Goldman, R., Pea, R., Barron, B., and Derry, S. (Eds.), Video Research in the Learning Sciences, Laurence Erlbaum, 461-78.

B11. Zijdemans, A., Moore, G., Baecker, R.M., and Keating, D.P. (2006). ePresence Interactive Media and Webforum 2001: An Accidental Case Study on the Use of Webcasting as a VLE for Early Child Development. In Weiss, J., Nolan, J., and Trifonas, P. (Eds.), International Handbook of Virtual Learning Environments, Kluwer, 1395-1428.

B10. Moore, G. and Baecker, R.M. (2006). The Knowledge Media Design Institute: An Adventure in Interdisciplinarity. In Stephan, P.F. (Ed.), Knowledge Media Design — Theorie, Methodik, Praxis, Oldenbourg Verlag, 409-420.

B9. Baecker, R.M. and Posner, I. (1999). Children as Digital Motion Picture Authors. In Druin, A. (Ed.), The Design of Children's Technology, Morgan Kaufmann, 169-200.

B8. Baecker, R.M. (1998). The Early History of Software Visualization. In Stasko, J., Domingue, J., Brown, M., and Price, B. (Eds.), Software Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience. MIT Press, 29-34.

B7. Baecker, R.M. (1998). Sorting Out Sorting: A Case Study of Software Visualization for Teaching Computer Science. In Stasko, J., Domingue, J., Brown, M., and Price, B. (Eds.), Software Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience. MIT Press, 369-381.

B6. Baecker, R.M. and Marcus, A. (1998). Printing and Publishing C Programs. In Stasko, J., Domingue, J., Brown, M., and Price, B. (Eds.), Software Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience. MIT Press, 45-61.

B5. Price, B., Baecker, R.M., and Small, I. (1998). An Introduction to Software Visualization. In Stasko, J., Domingue, J., Brown, M., and Price, B. (Eds.), Software Visualization: Programming as a Multimedia Experience. MIT Press, 3-27.

B4. Posner, I.R., Mitchell, A., and Baecker, R.M. (1996). Learning to Write Together. Appears in Computer Supported Cooperative Writing (R. Rada, Editor), Academic Press, 161-185.

B3. Baecker, R.M. and Small, I. S. (1990). Animation at the Interface, appears in The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design (B. Laurel, Editor), Addison-Wesley, 251-267.

B2. Baecker, R.M. (1980). Human-Computer Interactive Systems: A State-of-the-art Review, Proceedings Second International Conference on the Processing of Visible Language, Sept. 1979, appears in Processing of Visible Language 2 (Paul A. Kolers, Merald E. Wrolstad, and Herman Bouma, Editors), Plenum Press, New York, 423-443.

B1. Baecker, R.M. (1974). GENESYS—Interactive Computer-Mediated Animation, appears in Computer Animation (John Halas, Editor), Hastings House, New York, 97-115.

Patents and patent applications

P3. Smith, E.J.M. and Baecker, R.M., System and Method for Publishing, Updating, Navigating, and Searching Documents Containing Digital Video Data, U.S. Patent Application filed Dec. 2001, abandoned in 2005.

P2. Baecker, R.M. and Small, I.S., Content-Based Depiction of Computer Icons, U.S. Patent Number 5,479,602, Dec. 26, 1995.

P1. Baecker, R.M. and Small, I.S., Method for Generating and Displaying Content-Based Depictions of Computer-Generated Objects, U.S. Patent Number 5,586,237, Dec. 17, 1996.

Papers In refereed journals

C18. Crete-Nishihata, M., Baecker, R.M., Massimi, M., Ptak, D., Campigotto, R., Kaufman, L.D., Brickman, A.M., Turner, G.R., Steinerman, J.R., and Black, S.E. (2012). Reconstructing the Past: Personal Memory Technologies are Not Just Personal and Not Just for Memory. Special Issue of Human-Computer Interaction on Designing for Personal Memories. 27, 92-123.

C17. Smith, K.L., Crete-Nishihata, M., Damianakis, T., Baecker, R.M, and Marziali, E. (2009). Multimedia Biographies: A Reminiscence and Social Stimulus Tool for Persons with Cognitive Impairment. Journal of Technology in Human Services 27, 287-306.

C16. Damianakis, T., Crete-Nishihata, M., Smith, K.L., Baecker, R.M, & Marziali, E. (2009). The psychosocial impacts of multimedia biographies on persons with cognitive impairments. The Gerontologist, 50, 23-50.

C15. Massimi, M., Berry, E., Browne, G., Smyth, G., Watson, P., and Baecker, R.M. (2008). An Exploratory Case Study of the Impact of Ambient Biographical Displays on Identity in a Patient with Alzheimer’s Disease, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 18(5-6), 742-765.

C14. McGrenere, J., Baecker, R.M., and Booth, K.S. (2007). A Field Evaluation of an Adaptable Two-Interface Design for Feature-Rich Software, ACM Transactions on CHI 14(1), Article 3, 1-43.

C13. Baecker, R.M., DiGiano, C., and Marcus, A. (1997). Software Visualization for Debugging, Communications of the ACM 40(4), April 1997, 44-54.

C12. Price, B.A., Baecker, R.M., and Small, I.S. (1993). A Principled Taxonomy of Software Visualization, Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 4(3), September 1993, 211-266.

C11. Baecker, R.M., Miller, D., and Reeves, W. (1981). Towards a Laboratory Instrument for Motion Analysis, Computer Graphics, Vol. 15, No. 2, August, 191-197.

C10. Buxton, W., Reeves, W., Fedorkow, G., Smith, K.C., and Baecker, R.M. (1980). A Microcomputer-Based Conducting System, The Computer Music Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1.

C9. Buxton, W., Sniderman, R., Reeves, W., Patel,S., and Baecker, R.M. (1979). The Evolution of the SSSP Score Editing Tools, The Computer Music Journal, Vol. 3, No. 4, 14-25, 60 (Reprinted in C. Roads and J. Strawn (Editors), Foundations of Computer Music, MIT Press, 1985, 376-402).

C8. Baecker, R.M. (1979). Digital Video Display Systems and Dynamic Graphics, Computer Graphics, Vol. 13, No. 2, August, 48-56 (Reprinted in J.C. Beatty and K.S. Booth (Editors), Tutorial: Computer Graphics, Second Edition, IEEE Computer Society, 1982, 522-530).

C7. Buxton, W., Reeves, W., Baecker, R.M., and Mezei, L. (1978). The Use of Hierarchy and Instance in a Data Structure for Computer Music, The Computer Music Journal, Vol. 2, No. 4, 10-20 (Reprinted in C. Roads and J. Strawn (Editors), Foundations of Computer Music, MIT Press, 1985, 443-466).

C6. Baecker, R.M. (1982). Sizing and Positioning Rectangles, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Vol 1, No. 2, April, 184-185.

C5. Baecker, R.M. (1981). Introduction to the Video Panel Session on Interactive Systems, Computer Graphics, Vol. 15, No. 3, August,121-122.

C4. Baecker, R.M., Hauer, E., and Bunt, P.D. (1977). Computer Animated Simulation of Taxi Dispatching Strategies, Transportation Research Record 657, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 14-19.

C3. Baecker, R.M. (1976). A Conversational Extensible System for the Animation of Shaded Images, Computer Graphics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 32-39.

C2. Baecker, R.M. and Horsley, T. (1975). Computer-Animated Simulation Models: A Tool for Transportation Planning, Transportation Research Record 557, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 33-44.

C1. Baecker, R.M. (1974). A Study of Automated Information Processing Systems in Drug Reaction Surveillance and Reaction Prevention, Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol. 7, No. 5, October, 457-488.

Full papers in refereed conference proceedings

D76. Neves, B., Franz, R.L., Munteanu, C., Baecker, R.M., & Ngo, M. (2015). “My hand doesn’t listen to me!”: adoption and evaluation of a communication technology for the ‘oldest old’. Proc. ACM CHI 2015.

D75. Baecker, R.M., Neves, B., Sellen, K., Crosskey, S., & Boscart, V. (2014). Technology to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness. Proc. ACM ASSETS 2014.

D74. Massimi, M., Campigotto, R., Attarwala, A., & Baecker, R. M. (2013). Reading together as a Leisure Activity: Implications for E-reading. Proc. Of Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2013, 19-36.

D73. Benjamin, A., Birnholtz, J., Baecker, R.M., and Gromala, D. (2012). Impression Management Work: How Seniors With Chronic Pain Address Disruptions in Their Interactions. Proc. ACM CSCW 2012, 799-808.

D72. Massimi, M. and Baecker, R.M. (2011). Dealing with Death in Design: Developing Systems for the Bereaved, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2011, 1001-1010.

D71. Wu, M., Baecker, R.M., and Richards, B. (2010). Field Evaluation of a Collaborative Memory Aid for Persons with Amnesia and their Family Members, Proc. ACM ASSETS 2010, 51-58.

D70. Shim, N., Baecker, R.M., and Birnholtz, J. (2010). TableTalk Poker: An Online Social Gaming Environment for Seniors, Proceedings Future Play 2010, 98-104.

D69. Massimi, M. and Baecker, R.M. (2010). A Death in the Family: Opportunities for Designing Technologies for the Bereaved, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2010, nominee for best paper award, honorable mention, 1821-1830.

D68. Blume, L., Baecker, R.M., Collins, C., and Donohue (2009). A “Communication Skills for Computer Scientists” Course, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education (ITiCSE), Paris, July 2009, 65-69.

D67. Wu, M., Birnholtz, J., Baecker, R.M., Richards, B., and Massimi, M. (2008). Collaborating to Remember: A Distributed Cognition Account of Families Coping with Memory Impairments, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2008, 825-834

D66. Munteanu, C., Baecker, R.M., and Penn, G. (2008). Collaborative Editing for Improved Usefulness and Usability of Transcript-Enhanced Webcasts, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2008, 373-382

D65. Massimi, M., Baecker, Ronald M., and Wu, M. (2007). Using Participatory Activities with Seniors to Critique, Build, and Evaluate Mobile Phones, Proc. Ninth International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Tempe Arizona, October 2007, 155-162.

D64. Munteanu, C., Penn, G., and Baecker, R.M. (2007). Web-Based Language Modelling for Automatic Lecture Transcription. Proceedings of the Tenth European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology - EuroSpeech / Eighth INTERSPEECH, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007, 2353 – 2356.

D63. Baecker, R.M., Birnholtz, Causey, R., & Laughton, S. (2007). Webcasting Made Interactive: Integrating Real-time Videoconferencing in Distributed Learning Spaces. Proc. HCI International 2007: Human Interface and the Management of Information — Part II, Beijing, P.R. China, Springer, 269-278.

D62. Baecker, R.M., Fono, D., Blume, L., & Collins, C. (2007). Webcasting Made Interactive: Persistent Chat for Text Dialogue During and About Learning Events. Proc. HCI International 2007: Human Interface and the Management of Information — Part II, Beijing, P.R. China, Springer, 260-268.

D61. Baecker, R.M., Marziali, E., Chatland, S., Easley, K., Crete, M., and Yeung, M. (2007). Multimedia Biographies for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Their Families, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Technology and Aging, June 2007.

D60. Baecker, R.M. (2007). A Taxonomy of Technology for Cognition, Proc. 2nd International Conference on Technology and Aging, June 2007.

D59. Munteanu, C., Penn, G., Baecker, R., Penn, G., and Zhang, Yuecheng (2006). Automatic Speech Recognition for Webcasts: How Good is Good Enough and What to Do When It Isn’t, Proc. Eighth Int’l. Conference on Multimodal Interfaces — ICMI 2006, Banff, Alberta, November, 39-42.

D58. Tohidi, M., Buxton, W., Baecker, R.M., and Sellen, A. (2006). User Sketches: A Quick, Inexpensive, and Effective Way to Elicit More Reflective User Feedback, Proc. NordiCHI 2006, Oslo, Norway, October, 105-114.

D57. Munteanu, C., Baecker, R., Penn, G., Toms, E., and James, D. (2006). Measuring the Acceptable Word Error Rate of Machine-Generated Webcast Transcripts, Proc. Ninth Int’l. Conference on Spoken Language Processing - INTERSPEECH / ICSLP, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September, 157-160.

D56. Munteanu, C., Baecker, R.M., Penn, G., Toms, El. and James, D. (2006). The Effect of Speech Recognition Accuracy on the Usefulness and Usability of Webcast Archives, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2006, Montreal, P.Q. (Best Paper Nomination), 493-502.

D55. Tohidi, M., Buxton, W., Baecker, R.M., and Sellen, A. (2006). Getting the Right Design and the Design Right: Testing Many is Better than One, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2006, Montreal, P.Q., 1243-1252.

D54. Schick, R., Baecker, R.M., and Scheffel-Dunand, D. (2005). Bimodal Text and Speech Conversation During On-line Lectures, Proc. ED-MEDIA 2005, June 27-July 2, 2005, Montreal, P.Q., 822-829.

D53. Toms, E.G., Dufour, C., Lewis, J. and Baecker, R.M. (2005). Assessing Tools for Use with Webcasts, Proc. ACM-IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, June 7–11, 2005, Denver, CO, 79-88.

D52. Wu, M., Baecker, R.M., and Richards, B. (2005). Participatory Design of an Orientation Aid for Amnesics, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2005, April 2–7, 2005, Portland, OR. (Best Paper Nomination), 511-520.

D51. Baecker, R.M., Wolf, P. and Rankin, K. (2004). The ePresence Interactive Webcasting System: Technology Overview and Current Research Issues, Proc. Elearn 2004.

D50. Rankin, K., Baecker, R.M., and Wolf, P. (2004). ePresence: An Open Source Interactive Webcasting and Archiving System for eLearning, Proc. Elearn 2004.

D49. Wu, M., Richards, B., and Baecker, R.M. (2004). Participatory Design with Individuals Who Have Amnesia. Proc. PDC 2004, 214-223.

D48. Baecker, R.M. (2003). A Principled Design for Scalable Internet Visual Communications with Rich Media, Interactivity, and Structured Archives. Proc. CASCON 2003, 83-96.

D47. Baecker, R.M., Moore, G., & Zijdemans, A. (2003). Reinventing the Lecture: Webcasting Made Interactive. Proc. HCI International 2003, June 2003, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Volume 1, 896-900.

D46. Baecker, R.M. and Smith, E. (2003). Modularity and Hierarchical Structure in the Digital Video Lifecycle, Proceedings of Graphics interface 2003, June 2003, 217-224.

D45. Baecker, R.M. (2002). Showing Instead of Telling. Proc. of ACM SIGDOC 2002, 10-16.

D44. McGrenere, J., Baecker, R.M., and Booth, K. (2002). An Evaluation of Multiple Interfaces: A Design Solution for Bloated Software, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI 2002, Apr. 2002, 163-170.

D43. Baecker, R.M., Booth, K., Jovicic, S., McGrenere, J., and Moore, G. (2000). Bridging the Gap Between What Users Know and What They Need to Know, Proceedings ACM CUU2000 Conference on Universal Usability, Nov. 2000, 17-23.

D42. Abrams, D., Baecker, R.M., and Chignell, M. (1998). Information Archiving with Bookmarks: Personal Web Space Construction and Organization, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI '98, 41-48.

D41. Long, B. and Baecker, R.M. (1997). Agora: Shaping Social Space from Information Space, Proceedings of WebNet'97, AACE, 1997.

D40. Long, B. and Baecker, R.M. (1997). A Taxonomy of Internet Communication Tools, Proceedings of WebNet'97, AACE, 1997.

D39. Posner, I., Baecker, R.M., and Mitchell, A. (1997). Evaluating Real Users Using Real Software Performing Real Tasks, in Real Contexts, In Design of Computing Systems: Proceedings of HCI International '97, Volume 2, Elsevier, 1997, 597-600.

D38. Yiu, K., Baecker, R.M., Silver, N., and Long, B. (1997). A Time-based Interface for Electronic Mail and Task Management, In Design of Computing Systems: Proceedings of HCI International '97, Volume 2, Elsevier, 1997, 19-22.

D37. Posner, I., Baecker, R.M., and Homer, B. (1997). Children Learning Filmmaking with Multimedia Tools, Proceedings of Ed-Media'97, 1997.

D36. Baecker, R.M., Rosenthal, A., Friedlander, N., Smith, E., and Cohen, A. (1996). A Multimedia System for Authoring Motion Pictures, Proceedings of ACM Multimedia'96, November 1996, 31-42. (Reprinted in Jaffay, K. and Zhang, H.J. Readings in Multimedia Computing and Networking. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002, 836-847.)

D35. Mitchell, A., Posner, I.R., and Baecker, R.M. (1995). Learning to Write Together Using Groupware. Proceedings CHI'95, April 1995, 288-295.

D34. Baecker, R.M., A New Approach to a University “Computer Literacy” Course (1995). Proceedings 12th International Conference on Technology and Education, March 1995, 247-249.

D33. Rosenthal, A.J. and Baecker, R.M. (1994). Multimedia for Authoring Motion Pictures, Proceedings Graphics Interface '94, 133-140.

D32. Harrison, B., Owen, R., and Baecker, R.M. (1994). Timelines: An Interactive System for the Collection and Visualization of Temporal Data, Proceedings Graphics Interface '94, 141-148.

D31. Baecker, R.M., Nastos, D., Posner, I.R., and Mawby, K.L. (1993). The User-Centred Iterative Design of Collaborative Writing Software, Proceedings INTERCHI ‘93, 399-405, 541.

D30. Harrison, B.L., Chignell, M.H., and Baecker, R.M. (1992). Do Perceptions Match Reality? A Comparison of Objective and Subjective Measures in Video Mediated Communication, Proceedings 25th Annual Conf. Human Factors Assoc. of Canada, Hamilton, Ont., 25–28 October, 35-41.

D29. Harrison, B.L., Chignell, M.H., and Baecker, R.M. (1992). Out of Site, Still in Mind? A Case Study in Video Mediated Communication, Proceedings Human Factors Society 36th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, 12–16 October, 242-246.

D28. DiGiano, C.J., and Baecker, R.M. (1992). Program Auralization: Sound Enhancements to the Programming Environment, Proceedings Graphics Interface '92, Vancouver, B.C., 11–15 May, 44-52.

D27. Harrison, B.L. and Baecker, R.M. (1992). Designing Video Annotation and Analysis Systems, Proceedings Graphics Interface '92, Vancouver, B.C., 11–15 May, 157-166.

D26. Posner, I.R., and Baecker, R.M. (1992). How People Write Together, Proceedings 25th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. IV, 7–10 January, 127-138.

D25. Price, B.A., Small, I. S., and Baecker, R.M. (1992). A Taxonomy of Software Visualization, Proceedings 25th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Vol. II, 7–10 January, 597-606.

D24. Papper, M., Danahy, J., and Baecker, R.M. (1991). Predictable Modelling Interaction Using High-Level Constraints: Making Objects Behave as They Would in Our Environment, Proceedings Assoc. for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (Acadia '91), Los Angeles, October, 211-222.

D23. Price, B.A. and Baecker, R.M. (1991). The Automatic Animation of Concurrent Programs, Proceedings 1st Int’l. Workshop on Computer-Human Interfaces, Moscow, August, 128-137.

D22. Baecker, R.M., Small, I. S., and Mander, R. (1991). Bringing Icons to Life, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI CHI '91, New Orleans, May, 1-6.

D21. Mantei, M.M., Baecker, R.M., Sellen, A.J., Buxton, W.A.S., Milligan, T., and Wellman, B. (1991). Experiences in the Use of a Media Space, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI CHI '91, New Orleans, May, 203-208.

D20. Baecker, R.M., Mantei, M.M., Buxton, W.A.S., and Fiume, E.L. (1991). The University of Toronto Dynamic Graphics Project, A CHI '91 Lab Overview, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI CHI '91, New Orleans, May, 467-468.

D19. Baecker, R.M. and Buchanan, J. (1990). A Programmer's Interface: A Visually Enhanced and Animated Programming Environment, Proceedings 23rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2–5 January, 531-540.

D18. Baecker, R.M. (1988). Enhancing Program Readability and Comprehensibility with Tools for Program Visualization, Proceedings 10th International Conference on Software Engineering, Singapore, 11-15 April356-366.

D17. Baecker, R.M. and Marcus, A., Design Principles for the Enhanced Presentation of Computer Program Source Text, Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI CHI '86, Boston, April 1986, 51-58.

D16. Baecker, R.M. and Marcus, A., On Enhancing the Interface to the Source Code of Computer Programs, Human Factors in Computing Systems, Proceedings ACM SIGCHI CHI '83, Boston, Dec. 1983, 251-255.

D15. Marcus, A. and Baecker, R.M., On the Graphic Design of Program Text, Proceedings Graphics Interface 82, Toronto, May 19–21, 1982, 303-311.

D14. Herot, C.F., Brown, G.P., Carling, R.T., Friedell, M., Kramlich, D., and Baecker, R.M., An Integrated Environment for Program Visualization, Automated Tools for Information Systems Design, Proceedings IFIP Working Conference, New Orleans, USA, Jan. 26-28, 1982, H.-J. Schneider and A.I. Wasserman (Editors), North-Holland, 237-259.

D13. Baecker, R.M., Towards an Effective Characterization of Graphical Interaction, Methodology of Interaction, Proceedings IFIP Workshop, Seillac, France, May 1979, Guedj, R.A., et al. (Editors), North-Holland, 1980, 127-147 (Reprinted in A.I. Wasserman (Ed.), Tutorial: Software Development Environments, IEEE Comp. Soc., 1981, 314-334).

D12. Buxton, W., Reeves, W., Fedorkow, G., Smith, K.C., and Baecker, R.M., A Computer-Based System for the Performance of Electroacoustic Music, Proceedings Audio Engineering Society Convention, 64th Convention, Nov. 1979.

D11. Baecker, R.M. and Duff, T.D.S., A Programming Environment for Conversational Dynamic Modelling, Proceedings 1979 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, July 1979, 32-39.

D10. Baecker, R.M., Buxton, W., and Reeves, W., Towards Facilitating Graphical Interaction: Some Examples from Computer-Aided Musical Composition, Proceedings Sixth NRC Man-Computer Communications Conference, May 29–30, 1979, 197-207.

D9. Reeves, W., Buxton, W., Pike, R., and Baecker, R.M., Ludwig: An Example of Interactive Computer Graphics in a Score Editor, ibid.

D8. Buxton, W., Fedorkow, G., Reeves, W., Smith, K.C., Baecker, R.M., Ciamaga, G., and Mezei, L., An Overview of the Structured Sound Synthesis Project, Proceedings Third International Conference on Computer Music, November, 1978.

D7. Tsotsos, J., Baecker, R.M., Mylopoulos, J., Reeves, W., Covvey, H.D., and Wigle, E.D., An Interactive Knowledge-Based Approach to Ventricular Image Analysis, Proceedings International Conference on Computers in Cardiology, Rotterdam, Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 1977.

D6. Baecker, R.M., Interactive Graphics as a Vehicle for the Enhancement of Human Creativity, Proceedings Fifth NRC Man-Computer Communications Conference, May 26–27, 1977, 93-101.

D5. Baecker, R.M., A Computer Animation Facility for Research and Educational Filmmaking: Design and Application, Proceedings Fourth NRC Man-Computer Communications Conference, May 26–27, 1975, 19.1-19.11.

D4. Baecker, R.M., Two Systems which Produce Animated Representations of the Execution of Computer Programs, SIGCSE Bulletin, Vol. 7, No. 1, February, 1975, 158-167.

D3. Baecker, R.M., Towards Animating Computer Programs: A First Progress Report, Proceedings Third NRC Man-Computer Communications Conference, May 30–31, 1973, 4.1-4.10.

D2. Baecker, R.M., Picture-Driven Animation, Proceedings 1969 Spring Joint Computer Conference, May 1969, 273-288 (Reprinted in H. Freeman (Editor), Tutorial and Selected Readings in Interactive Computer Graphics, IEEE Computer Society, 1980, 332-347).

D1. Baecker, R.M., Experiments in On-Line Graphical Debugging: The Interrogation of Complex Data Structures, Prof. First Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences, Jan, 1968, 128-129. (Proceedings contain only a summary of the paper.)

Recent refereed conference short papers, posters, talks, and demonstrations

E56. Beermann, C., Neves, B.B., & Baecker, R.M. (2015). InTouch: a feasibility study of a new communication technology to reduce social isolation and loneliness among institutionalized older adults, 12th Conf. of the European Sociological Association, 25–28 August 2015, Prague, Czech Republic.

E55. Neves, B.B., Baecker, R.,M. & Beermann, C. (2015). Technology adoption among frail older adults: Family relations in context, accepted for presentation at the "Aging Families, Changing Families: An International Conference", International Sociological Association, June 3, Syracuse, U.S.A.

E54. Dang, Y. & Baecker, R. (2014). Peripheral Interaction in Two Metaphor-based Communication Tools. Workshop position paper presented at “Peripheral Interaction: Shaping the Research and Design Space,” Proc. CHI ’14.

E53. Attarwala, A., Munteanu, C., & Baecker, R.M., & (2013). An Accessible, Large-print, Listening & Talkng e-book to Support Families Reading Together. Proceedings Mobile HCI, ACM, 440-443.

E52. Carrie Demmans Epp, Stephen Tsourounis, Justin Djordjevic, & Ronald M. Baecker. (2013). Interactive Event: Enabling Vocabulary Acquisition while Providing Mobile Communication Support. Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), Memphis, TN, USA. 932-933.

E51. Baecker, R. & Sellen, K. (2013). Design for a diversity of Physical, Cognitive, Emotional, and Spatial Family Challenges. Workshop on Exploring the Diversity of Families: Designing Technologies for the Contemporary Family Life. In Proc. CHI ’13.

E50. Attarwala, A., Baecker, R.M., & Munteanu, C. (2012). Accessible, large-print, listening & talking e-book (ALLT). In Proceedings of the Fiffth ACM workshop on Research advances in large digital book repositories and complementary media (BooksOnline '12). ACM, 19-20. doi=10.1145/2390116.2390129

E49. Demmans Epp, C., & Baecker, R. M. (2012). Employing Adaptive Mobile Phone Applications for Scaffolding the Communication and Vocabulary Acquisition of Language Learners. In LearnLab’s Learning Science Workshop on the Use of Technology Toward Enhancing Achievement and Equity in the 21st Century. Pittsburgh, PA.

E48. Demmans Epp, C., Djordjevic, J., Wu, S., Moffatt, K., & Baecker, R. M. (2012). Towards Providing Just-in-Time Vocabulary Support for Assistive and Augmentative Communication. In ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI) (pp. 33–36). Presented at the Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Lisbon, Portugal: ACM. doi:10.1145/2166966.2166973

E47. Demmans Epp, C., Campigotto, R., Levy, A., and Baecker, R.M. (2011). MarcoPolo: Context-Sensitive Mobile Communication Support, Proc. FICCDAT 2011.

E46. Benjamin, A., David, J., Baecker, R.M., Gromala, D., Birnholtz, J., Furlan, A., and Boscart, V. (2011). Understanding and Reducing Isolation due to Chronic Pain, Proc. FICCDAT 2011.

E45. David, J., Benjamin, A., Baecker, R.M., Gromala, D., and Birnholtz, J. (2011). Living with Pain, Staying in Touch: Exploring the Communication Needs of Older Adults with Chronic Pain, Proc. ACM SIGCHI 2011, 1219-1224.

E44.David, J., Baecker, R., Benjamin, A., Moffatt, K., Macaranas, E., Shihipar, T., Massimi, M., Ptak, D., Birnholtz, J., Gromala, D., Furlan, A., Boscart, V. (2010). Connecting physically and socially isolated individuals to their families. Toronto Rehab's 6th Annual Research Day. (Winner of "Best Interactive Presentation" award.)

E43. Baecker, R.M., Benjamin, A., Moffatt, K., Macaranas, E., Shihipar, T., Massimi, M., Ptak, D., David, J., Birnholtz, J., Gromala, D., Furlan, V., and Boscart, V. (2010). Connecting Physically and Socially Isolated Individuals to their Families, Proc. Group’10 Workshop on Connecting Families: New Technologies, Family Communication, and the Impact on Domestic Space.

E42. Snelgrove, W.X. and Baecker, R.M. (2010). A System for the Collaborative Reading of Digital Books with the Partially Sighted, Proc. BooksOnline’10.

E41. Baecker, R.M., Levy, A., Massimi, M., Tonon, K., Watson, M., Fenwick, K., Scott, W., Rochon, E., Mulholland, D., Laird, L., Black, S.E., Moffatt, K., Poorshahid, G. (2010). Context-aware Mobile Phones to Aid Seniors with Word Recall and Production, Proc. International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference.

E40. Baecker, R.M., Shim, N., Tonon, K., Pandeliev, V., Birnholtz, J., Stern, Y., Steinerman, J.R., Moffatt, K. (2010). “Serious” Online Gaming Environments to Enhance Brain Fitness in Senior Citizens, Proc. International Society for Gerontechnology 7th World Conference.

E39. Pandeliev, V. and Baecker, R.M. (2010). A Framework for the Evaluation of Mental Fitness Games, Proc. 6th Annual Games for Health Conference.

E38. Tonon, K. and Baecker, R.M. (2010). GameSoup: A Two-Stage Game Development Environment, Proc. Future Play 2010.

E37. Pandeliev, V. and Baecker, R.M. (2010). A Framework for the Online Evaluation of Serious Games. Proc. Future Play 2010.

E36. Baecker, R.M. (2010). Technologies for Aging Gracefully: A Systematic Design Space, Workshop on Interactive Systems in Healthcare, April 2010.

E35. Baecker, R., Massimi, M., Levy, A., Tonon, K., Scott, W., Watson, M., et al. (2009). Context-aware mobile communication aids. Toronto Rehab Institute 5th Annual Research Day. (Winner of "Best Interactive Presentation" award)

E34. Baecker, R.M., Crete-Nishihata, M., Ptak, D., Brickman, A., Turner, G., Black, S.E., and Steinerman, J. (2009). Assessing the Cognitive and Psychosocial Impact of Two SenseCam Media Formats on Persons with MCI and Mild AD, SenseCam 2009: Clinical and Technical Advances and the Future of SenseCam Research, October 2009.

E33. Marziali, E., Baecker, R.M. Chatland, S., Crete-Nishihata, M., Smith, K., Damianikis, T., Cohene, T., Easley, K., Yeung, M. (2009). The Psychosocial Impact of Multimedia Digital Biographies (MBs) on Persons with Cognitive Impairment, XIXth IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, July 2009.

E32. Baecker, R.M. Fenwick, K., Massimi, M., Black, S., Rochon, E., and Ryan, D. (2009). Cell Phone Software to Aid Senior Citizens in Recalling Names, XIXth IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, July 2009.

E31. Baecker, R.M. (2009). Technology in Support of Healthy Aging — Innovations in the Design of Electronic Cognitive Prostheses, The Greying Nation Conference, June 2009.

E30. Fenwick, K., Massimi, M., Baecker, R.M., Black, S., Tonon, K., Munteanu, C., Rochon, E., and Ryan, D. (2009). Cell Phone Software Aiding Name Recall, Proc. CHI 2009, 4279-4284.

E29. Birnholtz, J.B., Mak, C., Greenberg, S., and Baecker, R.M. (2008). Attention by Proxy? Issues in Audience Awareness for Webcasts to Distributed Groups, Proc. CHI 2008, 103-106.

E28. Baecker, R.M., Wolf, P., Rankin, K., Causey, R. (2007). ePresence Interactive Media: An Open Source eLearning Infrastructure and Web Portal for Interactive Webcasting, Videoconferencing, and Rich Media Archiving, Poster Presentation, Proc. HCI International 2007, July 2007.

E27. Baecker, R.M., Marziali, E., Chatland, S., Crete-Nishihata, M., Easley, K., and Yeung, M. (2007). Multimedia Biographies to Enhance AD or MCI Quality of Life. Proc. International Conference on the Prevention of Dementia, Poster, June 2007.

E26. Marziali, E., Cohene, T., and Baecker, R.M. (2006), Alzheimer’s Patient’s Response to a Video Family History: A Case Study, Gerontological Society of America’s 59th Annual Scientific Meeting, November 2006.

E25. Munteanu, C., Zhang, Yuecheng, Baecker, R.M., and Penn, G. (2006). Wiki-like Editing of Imperfect Computer-generated Webcast Transcripts, Proc. CSCW2006, Conference Supplement, Nov. 2006, 83-84.

E24. Causey, R., Birnholtz, J.B., and Baecker, R.M. (2006). Increasing Awareness of Remote Audiences in Webcasts, Proc. CSCW2006, Conference Supplement, Nov. 2006, 59-60.

E23. Fono, D. and Baecker, R.M. (2006). Structuring and Supporting Persistent Chat Conversations, Proc. CSCW2006, Nov. 2006, 455-458.

E22. Baecker, R.M., Rankin, K., and Wolf, P. (2006). Interactive Webcasting + Audioconferencing + Media Archiving for Medical eLearning, Proc. MedNet 2006, October 2006.

E21. Baecker, R.M., Marziali, E., Cohene, T., Mindy, S., Ramdeen, K., and Chatland, S. (2006). Multimedia Biographies for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and their Families, Proc. MedNet 2006, October 2006.

E20. Baecker, R.M., Marziali, E., Ramdeen, K., and Chatland, S. (2006). Dementia Patients’ Responses to Videoed Family Histories, Proc. Alzheimer Society of Canada National Conference, October 2006.

E19. Massimi, M. and Baecker, R.M. (2006). Participatory Design Process with Older Users, Proc. Ubicomp 2006 Workshop on Future Networked Interactive Media Systems and Services for the New-Senior Communities, September 2006.

E18. Baecker, R. (2006). Designing Electronic Memory Aids: A Research Framework, Workshop on Designing for People with Cognitive Impairments, Proc. ACM CHI 2006, Montreal, P.Q.

E17. Baecker, R.M., Baran, M., Birnholtz, J., Chan, C., Laszlo, J., Rankin, K., Schick, R., and Wolf, P. (2006). Enhancing Interactivity in Webcasts using VoIP, Proc. ACM CHI 2006, Montreal, P.Q.

E16. Baecker, R.M. (2005). Open Source Strategies for Educational Multimedia, Proc. ED-MEDIA 2005, June 27-July 2, 2005, Montreal, P.Q.

E15. Cohene, T., Baecker, R.M., and Marziali, E. (2005). Designing Interactive Life Story Multimedia for a Family Affected by Alzheimer’s Disease: A Case Study, Proc. ACM CHI 2005, April 2–7, 2005, Portland, OR.

E14. Dufour, C., Toms, E.G., Lewis, J. and Baecker, R.M. (2005). User Strategies for Handling Information Tasks in Webcasts, to appear in Proc. ACM CHI 2005, April 2–7, 2005, Portland, OR, 1343-1346.

E13. Dufour, C., Toms. E.G., Bartlett, J., Ferenbok, J., and Baecker, R.M. Exploring User Interaction with Digital Videos (2004). Proc. Graphics Interface 2004, London, May 2004.

E12. Cohene, T., Baecker, R.M., and Marziali, E. (2004). The Design of Personalized Multimedia Biographies for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease. CHI 2004 Home Technologies to Keep Elders Connected Workshop, Vienna, 26 April 2004.

E11. Moore, G., Baecker, R.M., Zjidemans, A., and Spero, L., The Four Faces of ePresence, Association of Internet Researchers Annual Meeting, Toronto, 16 October 2003.

E10. Baecker, R.M., Highly Interactive Webcasting with Structured Archives, Proceedings of CSCW2002, Conference Supplement, 175-176.

E9. Baecker, R.M., Electronic Memory Prostheses. International Conference on Technology and Aging, Toronto, September 2001.

E8. Jovicic, S. and Baecker, R..M. Time-based Visualization and Management of Email. Workshop on History-Keeping in Computer Applications, University of Maryland, December 1999.

E7. Baecker, R.M., Posner, I., Jevans, I., Homer, B., Cohen, A., and Poplar, S., A Study of Children Learning to Create Motion Pictures. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 1997.

E6. Baecker, R.M., Movie Authoring and Design for Telelearning. First Annual Meeting of the Telelearning Research Network, Montreal, November 1996.

E5. Abrams, D. and Baecker, R.M., Human Factors of a Personal Web Information Space. Conference on Designing for the Web: Empirical Studies, Microsoft, October 1996.

E4. Cohen, A., Friedlander, N., Baecker, R., and Rosenthal, A. MAD: A Movie Authoring and Design System — Making Classroom Process Visible. Proceedings of ICLS 96 International Conference on the Learning Sciences, July 1996.

E3. Friedlander, N., Baecker, R.M., Rosenthal, A., Smith, E., and Posner, I., MAD: A Movie Authoring and Design System, Proceedings of CHI '96, Vancouver, April 1996.

E2. Baecker, R.M., What Should Be Taught in a University “Computer Literacy” Course?, Society and the Future of Computing ‘95, Durango, CO., June 1995.

E1. DiGiano, C.J., Baecker, R.M., and Owen, R.N., LogoMedia: A Sound-Enhanced Programming Environ-ment for Monitoring Programming Behaviour, Proceedings of InterCHI '93, Amsterdam, May 1993, 301-302.

Invited and non-refereed publications

F8. Baecker, R.M., Moffatt, K., and Massimi, M. (2012). Technologies for Aging Gracefully, Interactions, May–June 2012.

F7. Baecker, R.M. (2008). Themes in the Early History of HCI — Some Unanswered Questions. Interactions, March–April 2008, 22-27.

F6. Rankin, K. and Baecker, R.M. (2007). ePresence Interactive Media: Evolution of an Open Source Strategy. The Open Source Business Resource, Talent First Network,, October 2007.

F5. Baecker, R.M. and Rankin, K. (2005). Open Source Webcasting and Media Archiving Software for E-learning, ACM eLearn Magazine,, posted 12 October 2005.

F4. Baecker, R.M., New Paradigms for Computing in the 90's, Proceedings Graphics Interface '91, Calgary, Alberta, June 1991, 224-229.

F3. Baecker, R.M., A Vision of Education in User-centered System and Interface Design, SIGCHI Bulletin 20(3), January 1989.

F2. Baecker, R.M., From the Animated Student to the Animated Computer to the Animated Film to the Animated Student..., Proceedings Purdue 1971 Conference on Applications of Computers to Electrical Engineering Education, April, 1971, 106-113.

F1. Baecker, R.M., Current Issues in Interactive Computer-Mediated Animation, Proceedings 1970 UAIDE Annual Meeting, October 1970, 273-288.

Published films and videotapes

G4. Baecker, R.M., Glass, G., Mitchell, A., and Posner, I.R. (1994). SASSE: The Collaborative Editor, 8 minute refereed video tape presented at the 1994 ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 1994, also published in the SIGGRAPH Video Review 97.

G3. Baecker, R.M., The Dynamic Image, 60 minute colour sound film, Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, 1987. (Distributed by Morgan Kaufmann, Publishers.)

G2. Baecker, R.M., with the assistance of Dave Sherman, Sorting out Sorting, 30 minute colour sound film, Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, 1981. (Excerpted and “reprinted” in SIGGRAPH Video Review 7, 1983.) (Distributed by Morgan Kaufmann, Publishers.)

G1. Baecker, R.M., Tilbrook, D., and Tuori, M., NEWSWHOLE—An Interactive Newspaper Pagination System, 10 minutes, Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, 1976, refereed and presented at Siggraph 79 (“Reprinted” in SIGGRAPH Video Review 1, 1980).

Theses, technical reports, and unpublished papers and talks

H8. McGrenere, J., Baecker, R., and Booth, K. Learning to Use Complex Technology: The Importance of User Interface Design. Technical Report CSRG-403, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of Toronto, 1999.

H7. Baecker, R.M. The Web of Knowledge Media Design (1997). Unpublished speech given 23 January 1997,

H6. Hewett, T., Baecker, R.M., Card, S., Carey, T., Gasen, J., Mantei, M., Perlman, G., Strong, G., and Verplank, W., ACM SIGCHI Curricula for Human-Computer Interaction, Report of the ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction Curriculum Development Group, 1992.

H5. Baecker, R.M., Marcus, A., Arent, M., Longarini, J., Macintosh, A., and Tims, T., Enhancing the Presentation of Computer Program Source Text, Final Report of the Program Visualization Project to DARPA, Human Computing Resources Corp. and Aaron Marcus and Assoc., 6 volumes, 1985.

H4. Baecker, R.M., Interactive Computer-Mediated Animation, Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T. Department of Electrical Engineering, April 1969. Reprinted as M.I.T. Project MAC TR-61. Also available as AD 690 887 from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information.

H3. Baecker, R.M., Planar Representations of Complex Graphs, M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory Technical Note 1967-1, Lexington, Mass., 1967.

H2. Baecker, R.M., Computer Simulation of Mobility Aids (for the Blind) -- A Feasibility Study, M.S. Thesis, M.I.T. Department of Electrical Engineering, August 1964. Reprinted in the Research Bulletin of the American Foundation for the Blind.

H1. Baecker, R.M., Human Discrimination of Auditory Duration, B.S., Physics, M.I.T., June 1963.

Published abstracts, summaries and notes

J9. Baecker, R.M., Designing Technology to Aid Cognition, Proceedings ACM Assets 2008, 1-2.

J8. Baecker, R.M., Forty Years of Human-Computer Interaction and Knowledge Media Design: Twelve Challenges to Meet in Fewer than the Next Forty Years, Abstract only, Proceedings Graphics Interface 2005, Victoria, B.C., May 2005

J7. Baecker, R.M., Research Issues in Program Visualization, Contribution to Panel on “Multi-dimensional Interfaces for Software Design,” Proceedings Interact '90, Aug. 1990, 1064-1065.

J6. Baecker, R.M., Miller, D., and Reeves, W., A Prototype Laboratory Instrument for Motion Analysis, Proc. 7th Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference, June 1981.

J5. Baecker, R.M. and Sherman, D., A Computer Animated Explanation of Internal Sorting Methods, Proceedings 7th Canadian Man-Computer Communications Conference, June 1981.

J4. Baecker, R.M., Reeves, W., Covvey, H.D., Miller, D., and Galloway, D., Interactive Computer-Aided Analysis of Cardiac Motion Sequences, Proceedings Workshop on Computer Analysis of Time-Varying Imagery, Univ. of Pennsylvania, IEEE Computer Society, April 1979.

J3. Baecker, R.M., Towards the Construction of Useful Interactive Graphics Systems, IEEE/ACM Conf. on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition and Data Structure, Los Angeles, May 1975.

J2. Baecker, R.M. and Guerin, M., A System for Computer Animated Film Production in a Batch Processing Environment, Second Annual ACM Computer Science Conference, Feb. 1974, 29.

J1. Baecker, R.M., The Use of LOGO in a ‘Computers and Society’ Course, Proceedings of the 1972 ACM Annual Conference, Aug. 1972, 321.

Other films and videotapes produced

K4. Baecker, R.M., Hill, G., and Tuori, M., Computer-Animated Simulation of Taxi Dispatching Strategies, 10-minute sound film, Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, 1976.

K3. Baecker, R.M. (Producer), Computer-Animated Transit Models, 10-minute black-and-white silent film, Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, 1975.

K2. Baecker, R.M. (Producer), Program Animation Sampler, 20-minute black-and-white silent film, Dynamic Graphics Project, University of Toronto, 1974.

K1. Baecker, R.M., Smith, L., and Martin, E., GENESYS—An Interactive Computer-Mediated Animation System, 17-minute colour sound film, M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory, 1970.

Articles and interviews

L11. Interview with Ron Baecker, first aired Jan. 26, 2015, CBC,

L10. Interview with Ron Baecker and Barbara Neves, first aired Dec. 26, 2014, CBC,

L9. Interview with Ron Baecker, Can Computer Games Improve Brain Fitness,, posted 8 July 2011

L8. Interview with Ron Baecker, Life History Videos as a Tool for Careghivers,, posted 8 July 2011

L7. Interview with Ron Baecker, Mike Massimi, Masashi Crete-Nishihata, and Deb Ptak, Digital Technology Eyed in Fight against Alzheimer’s, The Globe and Mail Update,, 13 October 2009

L6. Conversation with Ron Baecker and Michelle Levesque on Open Source, University of Toronto Radio Program entitled Education Ourselves, 5 May 2004.

L5. Interview with Ron Baecker on Rewriting the Rules of … Writing Rules,, 26 Jan. 2001,,1017,5455,00.html?tag=81&sb=121

L4. Conversation with Ron Baecker, The Video Manual, Univ. of Toronto Radio: The Innovators, 18 Jan. 2001.

L3. In Conversation with Ron Baecker, Computing Canada, Vol. 10, No. 26, Dec. 27, 1984, 11-12.

L2. Baecker, R.M., Interactive Computer Graphics: Ready for the Big Move in the 1980s, Canadian Datasystems, Vol. 12, No. 9, Sept. 1980, 41-47.

L1. Baecker, R.M., Computer Animation: An Aid in Visualizing Complex Processes, Canadian Datasystems, Vol. 5, No. 3, March 1973, 30-32.


Training of highly qualified persons

Baecker's students are or have been professors at the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, the University of Alberta, the Ontario University Institute of Technology, Nipissing University, the Open University (U.K.), Hong Kong University, the National University of Singapore, Georgia Institute of Technology, and several community colleges. Others are or have been researchers or professional staff at the National Research Council, IBM Canada, IBM U.S., Oracle Corp., Microsoft Research, Microsoft, Google, Sun Microsystems, University of Toronto, McMaster University, Xerox, Nynex, Intel, Nortel, SRI International, Pixar/Disney, Alias Research, ATI, Electronic Arts, Matrox, McGraw-Hill, T-Mobile, Amazon, Intuit, McKinsey Corp., Mark Logic, Silk Road Technology, Caseware international, Artez Interactive, Altamont Computers, Nectarine Group, Sapient, and ISS (Singapore). Others have started or been instrumental in the growth of companies such as SideFX, Data Mirror, Inea, Viigo, and TokBox.

Individuals who have been Baecker’s students or who have worked with him are or have been professors at the University of Toronto, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of British Columbia, the University of Alberta, the Ontario Institute of Technology, Nipissing University, The Open University (U.K.), Hong Kong University, the National University of Singapore, Georgia Institute of Technology and several community colleges.

Others are or have been researchers or professional staff at Apple, IBM Canada, IBM U.S., Oracle Corp., Microsoft Research, Microsoft, Google, Sun Microsystems, University of Toronto, McMaster University, Bell Labs, NYIT Computer Graphics Laboratory, Xerox, Nynex, Intel, Nortel, SRI International, Pixar/Disney, Alias Research, ATI, Electronic Arts, Matrox, McGraw-Hill, T-Mobile, Amazon, Intuit, McKinsey Corp., Mark Logic, Silk Road Technology, Strategic Licensing, Caseware international, Artez Interactive, Altamont Computers, Nectarine Group, Sapient, and ISS (Singapore).



  1. Ron Baecker. 18 Nov. 2015. Ph.D., Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T 1969. University of Toronto, Toronto.
  2. Ron Baecker. 18 Nov. 2015. Ph.D., Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T 1969. University of Toronto, Toronto.
  3. "Lifetime Achievement Award: Ronald M. Baecker | CACS/AIC - Canadian Association of Computer Science". Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  4. "Ron Baecker | GRAND NCE". Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  5. "News". Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  6. "Research and Innovation » U of T Inventors of the Year". Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  7. "2007 ORION Awards - Celebrating Ontario's contribution to research, teaching and learning -- June 04,2007". Retrieved 2015-11-24. line feed character in |title= at position 90 (help)
  8. "GI 2005 - Graphics Interface". Graphics Interface. Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  9. "2005 SIGCHI Awards —". Retrieved 2015-11-24.
  10. Ron Baecker. 18 Nov. 2015. Ph.D., Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T 1969. University of Toronto, Toronto.
  11. Ron Baecker. 18 Nov. 2015. Ph.D., Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering, M.I.T 1969. University of Toronto, Toronto.
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