
Rooming-in is the practice followed in hospitals and nursing homes where the baby's crib is kept by the side of the mother's bed.[1] This arrangement gives an opportunity for the mother and father to know their baby.[2] The bond between the parent and the child is well established in roomed-in babies. There is a better chance of success with breast-feeding in roomed-in babies.[3] Parents do not have the fear of baby-switching while roomed-in.

Rooming-in is one of the components of baby-friendly hospitals, devised by WHO.


  1. The Free Dictionary. "Meaning of Rooming-in". Farlex. Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  2. Medical news-nett. ""Rooming-in" benefits both mother and baby: New review". Retrieved 26 August 2013.
  3. Park, K (2011). Rooming-in. Jalandhar: Bhanot Brothers. p. 488.
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