Rosina von Graben von Rain

Rosina von Graben von Rain zu Sommeregg, also called Rosina von Rain (15th century — 1534 (?)) was an Austrian noble woman descending from the House of Graben von Stein, a cadet branch of the Meinhardiner dynasty.
Rosina's father was the Carinthian noble Ernst von Graben (d. 1513), son of Andreas von Graben (d. 1463), who ruled as burgrave at Sommeregg Castle. Andreas had been an official of the Counts of Celje; after their extinction in 1456, his son Ernst had received the Sommeregg estates in Upper Carinthia as a fief from the hands of the Habsburg king Maximilian I of Germany in 1506. Ernst's brother Virgil von Graben was a very powerful Austrian noble, Habsburg stattholder in the County of Görz (Gorizia) and Maximilan's councillor.

Rosina was born at her father's residence Sommeregg near present-day Seeboden in Carinthia. Upon Ernst's death in 1513, she followed him up as Burggräfin (a sort of Viscountess) of the Sommeregg estates. She became also Lady of Doberdò del Lago within the comital lands of Görz. Rosina was married twice: first to the ministerialis Georg Goldacher, her second husband was Haymeran of Rain, a member of the Bavarian nobility who was elevated to the rank of a Freiherr zu Sommeregg by Emperor Charles V in 1530. The couple sold Doberdò del Lago to the Counts of Attimis in 1522 and concentrated on consolidating their Carinthian possessions. However, their eldest son Hans Joachim von Rain returned to Bavaria and in 1550 sold the castle and the lordship of Sommeregg to the Khevenhüller noble family.
Rosina's tomb chapel is to be found of at the „Sankt Michaelskirche“ in Lienz.
External links
- (de) Austro Archiv, "Beiträge zur Familiengeschichte Tirols", Graben von Stein
- (de) Google books: Das Land Tirol: mit einem Anhange: Vorarlberg: ein Handbuch für Reisende. By Beda Weber
- (de) Burg Sommeregg
- Rudolf Granichstaedten-Czerva (1948): "Brixen - Reichsfürstentum und Hofstaat".