Royal Rangers

Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys in grades K-12 providing “Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.”[1] Its uniforms, mottoes, practices and operation is very similar to the Boy Scouts. The Royal Rangers program is active throughout the United States as well as over 90 nations of the world. Although Royal Rangers in the USA is a boys-only program, except in the case that the church does not have a girls ministry program, some nations operate Royal Rangers as a co-ed program allowing both boys and girls to participate.

NOTE: This article refers primarily to the Royal Rangers program as it currently exists in the USA. For information about Royal Rangers in other countries, refer to Royal Rangers International below.


Core Program Elements


The Royal Ranger Emblem. As worn by every Royal Ranger in the world.

The Royal Rangers Emblem consists of a ring of red encircling 16 points, similar to the points of a compass. Each point signifies a particular meaning. The four gold points represent the four ways a boy grows – mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually (based on Luke 2:52). The four red points represent the four Core Beliefs of the Church (Assemblies of God) – Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, Second Coming of Christ. The eight blue points represent the eight points of the Royal Rangers Code – Alert, Clean, Honest, Courageous, Loyal, Courteous, Obedient, and Spiritual.


The Royal Rangers flag is the Royal Rangers emblem centered on a white field.


With God’s help, I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellowman; to live by the Ranger Code; to make the Golden Rule my daily rule.


A Royal Ranger is: Alert, Clean, Honest, Courageous, Loyal, Courteous, Obedient, Spiritual.

ALERT. He is mentally, physically, and spiritually alert. CLEAN. He is clean in body, mind, and speech. HONEST. He does not lie, cheat, or steal. COURAGEOUS. He is brave, in spite of danger, criticism, or threats. LOYAL. He is faithful to his church, family, outpost, and friends. COURTEOUS. He is polite, kind, and thoughtful. OBEDIENT. He obeys his parents, leaders, and those in authority. SPIRITUAL. He prays, reads the Bible, and witnesses.


The Royal Rangers motto is "Ready". The meaning of the motto is "Ready for anything. Ready to work, play, serve, obey, worship, live, etc.

Advancement System & Awards

The Royal Rangers advancement system includes discipleship, leadership, and skills development aspects. Each age group in the program utilizes a unique advancement trail designed to meet the specific needs and interests of boys in that age group. Boys complete advancement steps by earning a specified number of merits and other requirements. Achievement Awards and advancement steps form the advancement trail for Ranger Kids whereas skill, leadership, and Bible merits form the core of the advancement trails for Discovery, Adventure, and Expedition Rangers.

The highest award in Royal Rangers is the Honor Gold Medal of Achievement, which is awarded upon the completion of the entire Royal Rangers advancement system, representing a full 13 years of work. Recipients of this award must earn the highest award in each age group, as well as other requirements as defined in the Royal Rangers Leader Manual and the Expedition Rangers Handbook.

Special programs

Although Royal Rangers leaders, boys, and young men share many common interests, variety and diversity are also common. With these differences in mind the Royal Rangers program features a number of components of special interest to certain types of our membership. These special programs include: Frontiersman Camping Fellowship (FCF), Royal Rangers Alumni, The Outpost Ranger of the Year, The NSSP (National Shooting Sports Program), The National Championships, Brownells/NRA National Youth Shooting Sports Program, and the "Together Plan".

Royal Rangers worldwide

Royal Rangers ministers to young people in the United States and in over 90 countries through the support of Royal Rangers International, the Assemblies of God World Missions organization tasked with the responsibility to support Royal Rangers worldwide (see The largest organization outside the United States is in Australia, with groups in all areas except Northern Territory and Western Australia. The other countries that have a Royal Rangers program are:

The Americas





Training seminars

Royal Rangers has a variety of different training opportunities for adult leaders and boys, or Junior Leaders. Training takes place in various parts of the country and is mostly given at the District and national levels. The following are for adults:

General and new training

In 2013 many elements of training were made available online including; Ranger Safety, Outpost Chaplaincy, Preventing Child and Substance Abuse and more. National Elementary Education Conference and Ranger Safety Course were updated.

Adult leader training

Outpost leaders can participate in spiritual, Royal Ranger skill, and leadership development through opportunities provided to outpost leaders and organizational leaders.

Junior leader training

Equipping the next generation of boys and young men involves preparing them for leadership. In Royal Rangers, the process of preparing boys for leadership and engaging them in leadership roles today is an integral part of what we do. The process of training junior leaders currently takes place both within the local outpost as well as at the district level. Both play a vital role in leadership development in Royal Rangers. Boys can participate in local or district leadership training as well as the Trail of the Saber.

Additional leader training

Additional leadership training is available for instructors, organizational leaders, and more. A full list of national training events are kept updated online.

See also


  1. Royal Rangers Leader Manual, c.2010, Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, MO USA, p12
  2. Obituary, Springfield (MO) News-Leader, June 17, 1989, page 2B

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Sunday, March 27, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.