Royal mottos of Danish monarchs

The use of a royal motto (Danish: valgsprog) is an old tradition among Danish monarchs, dating back at least 500 years. The use of such a motto was a way for a monarch to emphasize values or beliefs he / she held dear. In earlier times, these mottos were often shown on Danish coinage, often in a Latin form.

Royal mottos
Regent Reign Royal motto (in Danish) Latin or other version English translation
Christian II 1513 – 1523 Så var det beskikket - Thus it was ordained
Frederick I 1523 – 1533 Mit håb er Gud alene - My hope is God alone
Christian III 1536 – 1559 Ske Herrens vilje SPES MEA SOLUS DEUS
Zu Gott mein Trost
allein (German)
The Lord's will be done
Frederick II 1559 – 1588 Intet uden Gud DEUS REFUGIU ET FIDUSIA MEA
Mein Hofnung zu
Godt allein (German)
Nothing without God
Christian IV 1588 – 1648 Fromhed styrker rigerne REGNA FIRMAT PIETAS Piety strengthens the realms[1]
Frederick III 1648 – 1670 Herren være mit forsyn DOMINUS PROVIDEBIT The Lord will be my guide
Christian V 1670 – 1699 Med fromhed og retfærdighed PIETATE ET IUSTITIA With piety and justice
Frederick IV 1699 – 1730 Herren være min hjælper DOMINUS MIHI ADIUTOR The Lord be my aid
Christian VI 1730 – 1746 For Gud og folket DEO ET POPULO For God and the people
Frederick V 1746 – 1766 Med klogskab og standhaftighed PRUDENTIA ET CONSTANTIA By prudence and steadfastness
Christian VII 1766 – 1808 Fædrelandets kærlighed er min berømmelse GLORIA EX AMORE PATRIÆ The love of the fatherland
is my reward
Since the time of Frederick VI, Danish monarchs have only used mottos in the Danish language.
Regent Reign Royal motto (in Danish) English translation
Frederick VI 1808 1839 Gud og den retfærdige sag God and the just cause
Christian VIII 1839 1848 Gud og fædrelandet God and the fatherland
Frederick VII 1848 1863 Folkets kærlighed, min styrke The people's love, my strength
Christian IX 1863 1906 Med Gud for ære og ret With God for honour and justice
Frederick VIII 1906 1912 Herren er min hjælper The Lord is my aid
Christian X 1912 1947 Min Gud, mit land, min ære My God, my country, my honour
Frederick IX 1947 1972 Med Gud for Danmark With God for Denmark
Margrethe II 1972 Guds hjælp, folkets
kærlighed, Danmarks styrke
God's help, the people's love,
Denmark's strength


See also

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