Battle Tendency

Battle Tendency

Cover of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure volume 8, featuring the Pillar Men, with Joseph Joestar in the foreground
(Sentō Chōryū)
Written by Hirohiko Araki
Published by Shueisha
English publisher Viz Media
Demographic Shōnen
Magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump
Original run 1987 – 1989

Battle Tendency (戦闘潮流 Sentō Chōryū) is the second story arc of the manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. It was serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1987 to 1989. As it is the second part of the series, the 69 chapters pick up where the first left off and are numbered 45 to 113, with the tankōbon volumes numbered 6 to 12. It was preceded by Phantom Blood and followed by Stardust Crusaders. In its original publication, it was referred to as JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 Joseph Joestar: His Proud Lineage (ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 第二部 ジョセフ・ジョースター ―その誇り高き血統 JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken Dai Ni Bu Josefu Jōsutā Sono Hokoritakaki Kettō).

Battle Tendency was adapted in the 2012 television anime adaptation by David Production between December 7, 2012 and April 5, 2013.


The second arc takes place in 1938 and follows Joseph Joestar, the grandson of Jonathan Joestar, living in New York with his grandmother Erina. Joseph seems to have inherited the power of the Hamon, as he has a natural ability to use it. When old family friend Robert E. O. Speedwagon is reported dead in Mexico, Joseph takes it on himself to go check it out. His curiosity is piqued when he is attacked in New York City by Speedwagon's former ally-turned-foe Straizo, who has used the stone mask upon himself to become a vampire. After an intense battle, Straizo reveals to Joseph that a mysterious "Man in the Pillar" is about to be awakened before proceeding to kill himself by creating a Hamon within his own body. When he goes to Mexico he discovers a secret underground facility where the Nazis are trying to revive a man who seems to have been trapped in a stone pillar for 2,000 years. Here Joseph meets the Nazi Rudol von Stroheim.

The Nazis are successful in awakening the man, who is christened "Santana" before he kills most of them. Joseph and Stroheim battle Santana and manage to defeat him, though Stroheim is fatally wounded.

Joseph then heads to Rome with the rescued Speedwagon, where three more "sleeping pillar men" have been discovered. There, he meets Caesar A. Zeppeli, a trained Hamon user near his age and who is a descendant of Will A. Zeppeli, who was the mentor of Jonathan Joestar. Caesar blames Jonathan Joestar for killing his grandfather with his incompetence. They find themselves present when the three sleeping men awaken after their 2,000 year sleep. These creatures are something like vampire gods; that created the stone mask that turned Dio into a vampire in Part 1. They are named Wamuu, Esidisi, and Kars, and their goal is to find the "Red Stone of Aja", which, when used with a stone mask, will allow them to become ultimate life forms.

As they are extremely powerful, Joseph talks them out of killing him. Wamuu and Esidisi both give him "wedding rings" which are internal time bombs set to release poison into his blood if he doesn't defeat them within a month. Joseph realizes that he'll have to train and so Caesar introduces him to his master, Lisa Lisa. She and her servants, Messina and Loggins, began to train Joseph.

However, before the month is up, Esidisi finds out that Lisa Lisa has the Red Stone of Aja and comes to take it. Joseph uses his new skills to defeat Esidisi, thus earning the wrath of Wamuu and Kars (who previously thought of him as an amusement rather than a threat). While retreating Joseph is reunited with the supposedly deceased Stroheim, who has been rebuilt by Nazi science as a powerful cyborg, but Stroheim's machine body is quickly cut in half by Kars, who uses the "light mode" (a blade that extends from his arm spins so fast that it reflects light in irregular fashion giving the illusion of a glowing sword).

In Switzerland the group discovers the location of Wamuu and Kars. Knowing their vulnerability to sunlight, everyone is eager to face them during the day except Joseph. Caesar can't accept this and he and Joseph fight. Caesar's father disappeared during his youth, growing up hating his father, he later finds him. Caesar is eager to kill his father who has abandoned him, but when following his father to the base of the Colosseum where the three monsters slept, Caesar tries to touch a gem that is embedded in the wall. His father pushes him out of the way and saves Caesar from the wall's trap. Caesar's father is quickly consumed by the flesh of the monsters in their dormant form and leaves a final message to him, telling him to inform Lisa Lisa that the three monsters in the wall will awaken soon.

Going to where Wamuu and Kars are, Caesar is soon greeted by Wamuu and they fight. It appears that Caesar has the advantage as he nearly kills Wamuu with Hamon and refracted sun light, but Wamuu quickly counters with his Holy Sandstorm and Caesar loses his ability to use the Hamon. When Wamuu, satisfied with the victory, tries to leave, Caesar jumps up and tears out his lip piercing that contains the antidote to Joseph's poison ring. Before he dies from being crushed by a stone slab, Caesar uses his final Hamon to make a bubble out of his blood containing the antidote ring. Wamuu sees this but, respecting Caesar as a valiant warrior, lets the bubble float away. When Joseph and Lisa Lisa arrive too-late, Joseph finds the bubble and vows not to drink the antidote until he personally has beaten Wamuu.

Joseph then defeats Wamuu in a deadly chariot race and the final showdown against Kars begins. First keeping his promise, Kars fights Lisa Lisa and though he promised to fight her one-on-one, he sacrifices one of his weaker vampires and is able to defeat her. Angered by Kars' trickery, Joseph challenges him as looks upon Joseph as a weak Hamon user and not even worth fighting seriously. All seems lost against Kars until Stroheim (who has been repaired) and a specially trained SS kommando equipped with ultraviolet projectors which mimic the effect of sunlight on vampires arrive to help Joseph, along with the-presumed dead Speedwagon and a similarly equipped team of Speedwagon Foundation men. It is here that the reader finds out that Lisa Lisa is the biological mother of Joseph. After using the powers of ultraviolet rays of light it seems that Kars has been killed. But Kars was not only able to put on a stone mask that he had been hiding on his person, but also fused with the powers of the Red Stone of Aja and becomes the Ultimate Life Form he always wanted to be: with the abilities to shapeshift at will, to mimic the powers and capabilities of every known life form (be it plant or animal) and even to detach parts of his body using them a remotely controlled drones. After quick-thinking, Joseph devises a plan and sends Kars into an active southern Italian volcano. But Kars is able to cover himself in a mineralized shell-like armor and protect himself from the molten lava, and severs Joseph's hand when he reveals he has learned a version of the Hamon more powerful than Joseph's would ever be. It once again looks like the end, with Kars preparing one final blow when Joseph holds up the Red Stone of Aja just as Kars is about to strike with the Hamon. The energy flows outward, causing the volcano to erupt and send both Joseph and Kars flying into the upper atmosphere. As Kars tries to escape, Joseph bluffs one more time, giving him enough time to distract Kars just as his severed arm flies up and grabs Kars by the throat, sending him in the path of several more boulders that send Kars outside Earth's atmosphere. Kars does all he can to try to reenter the Earth's atmosphere, but his shapeshifting cannot compensate for the frigidness of outer space and he freezes solid. As the years pass, he eventually stops thinking entirely. Meanwhile, Joseph's chunk of rock descends back towards the Earth with him on it and he is assumed dead.

Weeks later, the group of Erina, Lisa Lisa, Messina, Smokey Brown, and Speedwagon hold a funeral service for Joseph Joestar, but Joseph arrives interrupting their mourning. He explains that after falling back down from the sky he ended up in the Mediterranean where he has been helped by some local fishermen. After finding and marrying Lisa Lisa's assistant, Suzi Q, he returned to America to find his friends. He is incredibly annoyed to find out that Suzi had not sent them the message informing that he was still alive. Nearly fifty years later, in 1987, an aging Joseph hurries onto a flight to Japan from John F. Kennedy International Airport in order to visit his daughter and grandson.


The list below first includes the original volumization followed by Shueisha's 2002 re-release, with different titles. In the original volumization, chapters 45-47 are in volume 5, listed on the Phantom Blood page, and chapter 114 is part of Stardust Crusaders.

No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
6JoJo vs. The Ultimate Life-Form
Jojo Tai Kyūkyoku Seibutsu (JoJo Vs.(たい) 究極生物)
October 7, 1988[1]ISBN 978-4-08-851062-0
  1. "Straizo's Ambition" (ストレイツォの野望 Sutoreitso no Yabō)
  2. "The Game Master" (ゲームの達人 Gēmu no Tatsujin)
  3. "The Immortal Monster" (不死身の化け物 Fujimi no Bakemono)
  4. "Cold and Cruel Straizo" (冷酷非情ストレイツォ Reikoku Hijō Sutoreitso)
  5. "Nazis and the 'Pillar Man'" (ナチスと〝柱の男〞 Nachisu to "Hashira no Otoko")
  6. "The 'Pillar Man' Resurrection Project" (〝柱の男〞蘇生実験 "Hashira no Otoko" Sosei Jikken)
  7. "The 'Pillar Man' vs. Man With the Stone Mask" (〝柱の男〞対石仮面の男 "Hashira no Otoko" Tai Ishi Kamen no Okoto)
  8. "The Tracker in the Desert" (砂漠の追尾者 Sabaku no Tsuibisha)
  9. "Santana Vanishes" (消えたサンタナ Kieta Santana)
  10. "JoJo vs. The Ultimate Life-Form" (JoJo Vs.(たい) 究極生物 JoJo Tai Kyūkyoku Seibutsu)
7The Red Stone of Aja
Eija no Sekiseki (エイジャの赤石)
December 6, 1988[2]ISBN 978-4-08-851063-7
  1. "The Hamon and the Ultimate Life-Form!" (究極生物に波紋! Kyūkyoku Seibutsu ni Hamon!)
  2. "The Perfect Plan!!" (完璧なる作戦ッ!! Kanpeki naru Sakusen'!!)
  3. "Stroheim's Determination" (シュトロハイムの覚悟 Shutorohaimu no Kakugo)
  4. "The End of A Proud Man!" (誇り高き男の最期! Hokori Takaki Otoko no Saigo!)
  5. "The Spaghetti Battle" (スパゲッティーの戦い Supagettī no Tatakai)
  6. "The Pigeon and the Girl" (ハトと女の子 Hato to Onna no Ko)
  7. "The Red Stone of Aja" (エイジャの赤石 Eija no Sekiseki)
  8. "The Truth That Hides in the Mouth of Truth" (真実の口にひそむ真実 Shinjitsu no Kuchi ni Hisomu Shinjitsu)
  9. "The Ultimate Warrior: Wamuu" (究極戦士ワムウ Kyūkyoku Senshi Wamū)
  10. "Special Attack! JoJo Clackers!" (必殺JoJoクラッカー Hissatsu JoJo Kurakkā)
8The Final Trial
Saishū Shiren! (最終試練!)
February 10, 1989[3]ISBN 978-4-08-851064-4
  1. "The 'Blood Clock' Battle" (〝血時計〟の闘い "Chidokei" no Tatakai)
  2. "A Hero's Proof" (ヒーローの資格 Hīrō no Shikaku)
  3. "The Wedding Ring of Death" (死の結婚指輪(ウエディングリング) Shi no Uedingu Ringu)
  4. "The Master of Venice" (ヴェネチアの達人 Venechia no Tatsujin)
  5. "The Training of A Hamon Warrior" (波紋戦士の試練 Hamon Senshi no Shiren)
  6. "Concentrated Hamon Power" (一点集中波紋パワー Itten Shūchū Hamon Pawā)
  7. "The All-Or-Nothing Gamble!" (一か八かの賭け! Ichi ka Bachi ka no Kake!)
  8. "Hamon Master JoJo" (波紋達人(マスター)JoJo Hamon Masutā JoJo)
  9. "The Final Trial!" (最終試練! Saishū Shiren!)
  10. "The Fruits of Harassment" (しごきの成果 Shigoki no Seika)
9A Race Towards the Brink
Shi no Gake e Tsuppashire (死の崖へつっ走れ)
April 10, 1989[4]ISBN 978-4-08-851065-1
  1. "The Disturbing Esidisi" (エシディシの不気味 Eshidishi no Bukimi)
  2. "The Deeper Plan" (深く罠をはれ! Fukaku Wana o Hare!)
  3. "An Ensured Victory" (決定されていた勝利 Kettei Sareteita Shōri)
  4. "The Insidious Demon!" (忍び寄る魔! Shinobiyoru Ma!)
  5. "The Stolen Body" (奪われた肉体 Ubawareta Nikutai)
  6. "Chasing the Red Stone to Switzerland" (スイスに赤石を追え Suisu ni Sekiseki o Oe)
  7. "The Mysterious Nazi Officer" (謎のナチス軍人 Nazo no Nachisu Gunjin)
  8. "Kars, Light Mode" (カーズ"光の流法(モード)" Kāzu "Hikari no Mōdo")
  9. "A Race Towards the Brink" (死の崖へつっ走れ Shi no Gake e Tsuppashire)
10The Crimson Bubble
Senseki no Shabon (鮮赤のシャボン)
June 9, 1989[5]ISBN 978-4-08-851066-8
  1. "Fight to the Death For 175 Meters" (死闘175m Shitō Hyaku Nana Jū Go Mētoru)
  2. "Caesar - The Anger From the Past" (シーザー過去からの怒り Shīzā Kako kara no Ikari)
  3. "Caesar's Lonely Youth" (シーザー孤独の青春 Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun)
  4. "The Horrifying Ghostly Man" (鬼気!幻の男 Kiki! Maboroshi no Otoko)
  5. "The Clash Between Light and Wind!!" (光と風の激突!! Hikari to Kaze no Gekitotsu!!)
  6. "The Crimson Bubble" (鮮赤のシャボン Senseki no Shabon)
  7. "Caesar's Final Hamon" (シーザー最期の波紋 Shīzā Saigo no Hamon)
  8. "Lisa Lisa and Her Silk Dance" (絹の舞いリサリサ Shiruku no Mai Risarisa)
  9. "A Hundred Against Two" (100対2のかけ引き Hyaku Tai Ni no Kakehiki)
11The Warrior Returning to the Wind
Kaze ni Kaeru Senshi (風にかえる戦士)
August 10, 1989[6]ISBN 978-4-08-851067-5
  1. "The Skeleton Heel Stone" (骸骨の踵石 Gaikotsu no Kakato Ishi)
  2. "Furious Struggle From Ancient Times" (荒ぶる古の戦 Araburu Inishie no Ikusa)
  3. "Moonlight Start!" (月光のスタート! Gekkō no Sutāto)
  4. "The Pillar and the Hammer!" (柱とハンマー! Hashira to Hanmā)
  5. "A Trickery Genius" (天才的イカサマ師 Tensaiteki Ikasama Shi)
  6. "A True Warrior" (真の格闘者 Shin no Kakutōsha)
  7. "Shoot Symmetrically!" (対称点上を撃て! Taishōtenjō o Ute!)
  8. "The Final Mode of the Wind" (風の最終流法(ファイナルモード) Kaze no Fainaru Mōdo)
  9. "The Warrior Returning to the Wind" (風にかえる戦士 Kaze ni Kaeru Senshi)
12The Birth of a Superbeing!!
Chō Seibutsu no Tanjō!! (超生物の誕生!!)
October 9, 1989[7]ISBN 978-4-08-851068-2
  1. "Treachery at the Temple of Sacrifice" (悪逆!生贄の神殿 Akugyaku! Ikenie no Shinden)
  2. "The Ties That Bind Lisa Lisa and JoJo" (リサリサ、JOJOを結ぶ絆 Risarisa, Jojo o Musubu Kizuna)
  3. "JoJo: The Ultimate Hamon" (JOJO 最期の波紋 Jojo Saigo no Hamon)
  4. "The Tragedy of Jorge Joestar" (ジョージ・ジョースターの悲劇 Jōji Jōsutā no Higeki)
  5. "The Birth of a Superbeing!!" (超生物の誕生!! Chō Seibutsu no Tanjō!!)
  6. "JoJo's Final Bet!" (JOJO 最後の賭け! JoJo Saigo no Kake!)
  7. "The Ascendant One" (神となった男!! Kami to Natta Otoko!!)
  8. "The Phenomenal Power of the Red Stone" (驚異の赤石パワー Kyōi no Sekiseki Pawā)
  9. "The Comeback Kid" (帰ってきた男 Kaettekita Otoko)
  10. "A Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit" (悪霊にとりつかれた男 Akuryō ni Toritsukareta Otoko)
No. Title Japanese release date Japanese ISBN
4Part 2: Battle Tendency 1
Part 2 Sentō Chōryū 1 (Part2 戦闘潮流 1)
April 18, 2002[8]ISBN 4-08-617787-0
  1. "Joseph Joestar of New York (1)" (ニューヨークのジョセフ・ジョースター その① Nyū Yōku no Josefu Jōsutā Sono 1)
  2. "Joseph Joestar of New York (2)" (ニューヨークのジョセフ・ジョースター その② Nyū Yōku no Josefu Jōsutā Sono 2)
  3. "Joseph Joestar of New York (3)" (ニューヨークのジョセフ・ジョースター その③ Nyū Yōku no Josefu Jōsutā Sono 3)
  4. "Straizo vs. Joseph (1)" (ストレイツォVSジョセフ その① Sutoreitso Bāsasu Josefu Sono 1)
  5. "Straizo vs. Joseph (2)" (ストレイツォVSジョセフ その② Sutoreitso Bāsasu Josefu Sono 2)
  6. "Straizo vs. Joseph (3)" (ストレイツォVSジョセフ その③ Sutoreitso Bāsasu Josefu Sono 3)
  7. "Straizo vs. Joseph (4)" (ストレイツォVSジョセフ その④ Sutoreitso Bāsasu Josefu Sono 4)
  8. "Straizo vs. Joseph (5)" (ストレイツォVSジョセフ その⑤ Sutoreitso Bāsasu Josefu Sono 5)
  9. "The 'Pillar Man'" (「柱の男」 "Hashira no Otoko")
  10. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (1)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その① "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 1)
  11. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (2)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その② "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 2)
  12. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (3)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その③ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 3)
  13. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (4)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その④ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 4)
  14. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (5)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その⑤ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 5)
  15. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (6)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その⑥ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 6)
  16. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (7)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その⑦ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 7)
  17. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (8)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その⑧ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 8)
  18. "The 'Pillar Man: Santana' (9)" (「柱の男・サンタナ」 その⑨ "Hashira no Otoko: Santana" Sono 9)
5Part 2: Battle Tendency 2
Part 2 Sentō Chōryū 2 (Part2 戦闘潮流 2)
April 18, 2002[9]ISBN 4-08-617788-9
  1. "Joseph Joestar of Rome" (ローマのジョセフ・ジョースター Rōma no Josefu Jōsutā)
  2. "The Red Stone of Aja" (エイジャの赤石 Eija no Sekiseki)
  3. "Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times (1)" (太古から来た究極戦士 その① Taiko kara Kita Kyūkyoku Senshi Sono 1)
  4. "Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times (2)" (太古から来た究極戦士 その② Taiko kara Kita Kyūkyoku Senshi Sono 2)
  5. "Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times (3)" (太古から来た究極戦士 その③ Taiko kara Kita Kyūkyoku Senshi Sono 3)
  6. "Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times (4)" (太古から来た究極戦士 その④ Taiko kara Kita Kyūkyoku Senshi Sono 4)
  7. "Ultimate Warriors from Ancient Times (5)" (太古から来た究極戦士 その⑤ Taiko kara Kita Kyūkyoku Senshi Sono 5)
  8. "Promise of Death: Wedding Ring" (死の契約・結婚指輪 Shi no Keiyaku: Uedingu Ringu)
  9. "Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach (1)" (波紋教師 リサリサ その① Hamon Kyōshi Risarisa Sono 1)
  10. "Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach (2)" (波紋教師 リサリサ その② Hamon Kyōshi Risarisa Sono 2)
  11. "Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach (3)" (波紋教師 リサリサ その③ Hamon Kyōshi Risarisa Sono 3)
  12. "Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach (4)" (波紋教師 リサリサ その④ Hamon Kyōshi Risarisa Sono 4)
  13. "Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach (5)" (波紋教師 リサリサ その⑤ Hamon Kyōshi Risarisa Sono 5)
  14. "Lisa Lisa, Hamon Coach (6)" (波紋教師 リサリサ その⑥ Hamon Kyōshi Risarisa Sono 6)
  15. "Go! Hamon Master" (行け!波紋マスター Ike! Hamon Masutā)
  16. "Flame Mode Esidisi (1)" (炎・流法(モード) エシディシ その① Honō Mōdo Eshidishi Sono 1)
  17. "Flame Mode Esidisi (2)" (炎・流法(モード) エシディシ その② Honō Mōdo Eshidishi Sono 2)
6Part 2: Battle Tendency 3
Part 2 Sentō Chōryū 3 (Part2 戦闘潮流 3)
May 17, 2002[10]ISBN 4-08-617789-7
  1. "Flame Mode Esidisi (3)" (炎・流法(モード) エシディシ その③ Honō Mōdo Eshidishi Sono 3)
  2. "The Hidden Ruins (1)" (忍びよる残骸 その① Shinobiyoru Zangai Sono 1)
  3. "The Hidden Ruins (2)" (忍びよる残骸 その② Shinobiyoru Zangai Sono 2)
  4. "Von Stroheim's Revenge (1)" (シュトロハイム隊の逆襲 その① Shutorohaimu-tai no Gyakushū Sono 1)
  5. "Von Stroheim's Revenge (2)" (シュトロハイム隊の逆襲 その② Shutorohaimu-tai no Gyakushū Sono 2)
  6. "Von Stroheim's Revenge (3)" (シュトロハイム隊の逆襲 その③ Shutorohaimu-tai no Gyakushū Sono 3)
  7. "Light Mode Kars (1)" (光・流法(モード) カーズ その① Hikari Mōdo Kāzu Sono 1)
  8. "Light Mode Kars (2)" (光・流法(モード) カーズ その② Hikari Mōdo Kāzu Sono 2)
  9. "Caesar's Lonely Youth (1)" (シーザー孤独の青春 その① Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun Sono 1)
  10. "Caesar's Lonely Youth (2)" (シーザー孤独の青春 その② Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun Sono 2)
  11. "Caesar's Lonely Youth (3)" (シーザー孤独の青春 その③ Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun Sono 3)
  12. "Caesar's Lonely Youth (4)" (シーザー孤独の青春 その④ Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun Sono 4)
  13. "Caesar's Lonely Youth (5)" (シーザー孤独の青春 その⑤ Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun Sono 5)
  14. "Caesar's Lonely Youth (6)" (シーザー孤独の青春 その⑥ Shīzā Kodoku no Seishun Sono 6)
  15. "Ascending the Fort Hotel" (要塞ホテルを登り切れ Yōsai Hoteru o Noborikire)
  16. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (1)" (風と戦車とワムウ その① Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 1)
  17. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (2)" (風と戦車とワムウ その② Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 2)
7Part 2: Battle Tendency 4
Part 2 Sentō Chōryū 4 (Part2 戦闘潮流 4)
May 17, 2002[11]ISBN 4-08-617790-0
  1. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (3)" (風と戦車とワムウ その③ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 3)
  2. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (4)" (風と戦車とワムウ その④ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 4)
  3. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (5)" (風と戦車とワムウ その⑤ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 5)
  4. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (6)" (風と戦車とワムウ その⑥ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 6)
  5. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (7)" (風と戦車とワムウ その⑦ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 7)
  6. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (8)" (風と戦車とワムウ その⑧ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 8)
  7. "The Wind, the Chariots, and Wamuu (9)" (風と戦車とワムウ その⑨ Kaze to Sensha to Wamū Sono 9)
  8. "The Warrior Returning to the Wind" (風にかえる戦士 Kaze ni Kaeru Senshi)
  9. "The Ties That Bind Lisa Lisa and JoJo (1)" (リサリサとジョジョを結ぶ絆 その① Risarisa to JoJo o Musubu Kizuna Sono 1)
  10. "The Ties That Bind Lisa Lisa and JoJo (2)" (リサリサとジョジョを結ぶ絆 その② Risarisa to JoJo o Musubu Kizuna Sono 2)
  11. "JoJo: The Ultimate Hamon (1)" (ジョジョ 最後の波紋 その① JoJo Saigo no Hamon Sono 1)
  12. "JoJo: The Ultimate Hamon (2)" (ジョジョ 最後の波紋 その② JoJo Saigo no Hamon Sono 2)
  13. "Superbeing Kars Is Born (1)" (超生物カーズ誕生 その① Chō Seibutsu Kāzu Tanjō Sono 1)
  14. "Superbeing Kars Is Born (2)" (超生物カーズ誕生 その② Chō Seibutsu Kāzu Tanjō Sono 2)
  15. "Joseph's Final Gamble" (ジョセフ最後の賭け Josefu Saigo no Kake)
  16. "The Man Who Became a God" (神となった男 Kami to Natta Otoko)
  17. "The Man Who Crossed the Atlantic Ocean" (大西洋を越えて来た男 Taiseiyō o Koetekita Otoko)

Related media

Ōtarō Maijō's 2012 novel Jorge Joestar, follows the titular character, the father of Joseph Joestar, and his story as a pilot in the Royal Air Force.[12]

The arc was adapted as part of the first season of David Production's television anime adaptation, airing between December 7, 2012 and April 5, 2013. Warner Bros. Entertainment will release this series in English on July 28, 2015.[13]

The young Joseph of this series appears as a playable character, alongside his older self, in Capcom's 1998 arcade fighting game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Joseph, Caesar, Wamuu, Esidisi and Kars appear as playable characters in Bandai Namco Games' 2013 fighting game, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle, with Lisa Lisa later appearing as a downloadable character. Joseph, Caesar, and Stroheim will appear in the upcoming JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Eyes of Heaven, also by Bandai Namco.


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, April 30, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.