Ruffus the Dog

Ruffus The Dog is a Canadian children's television series which aired in 1998; it was created by Robert Mills and developed with Cheryl Wagner. The show was produced through Radical Sheep Productions, a company founded by Robert Mills in 1985. The Ruffus character had previously appeared in the educational video series The Adventures of Ruffus & Andy in the early 1990s, as produced by the Credit Valley Hospital in Mississauga, Ontario, where Ruffus and his owner Andy learned medical lessons.

When Robert Mills left Radical Sheep in 2002, ownership and rights to the award winning series were transferred to his new company, Hunky Dorey Entertainment. Mills, who also performs the title role of Ruffus, is now distributing the original series and subsequent new works online. The first major production was a re-telling of the Charles Dickens classic "A Christmas Carol" with Ruffus playing Scrooge.

Currently the Ruffus Project is embarking on production of a new web series entitled: Ruffus The Dog's Steampunk Adventure.

Also in the works are a series of illustrated book titles and a pre-school web series entitled: Ruffus Rhymes.

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