Rule of the Theotokos

The Rule of the Theotokos is an Eastern Orthodox Christian prayer based on praying Angelic salutation 150 times. This prayer is similar to the prayer of rosary in the West.

The Theotokos showed this rule to people in the 8th century. Later it was forgotten and it was rediscovered for the Orthodox Christians by St. Seraphim of Sarov.[1]

The prayer consists of 150 Angelic salutations, which are divided into 15 decades. Each decade focuses on some important event in the life of the Theotokos. Seraphim Zvezdinsky describes the following structure of the rule:

  1. Birth of the Theotokos
  2. Presentation of the Theotokos
  3. Annunciation
  4. Visitation to Elizabeth
  5. Birth of Christ
  6. Meeting of the Lord
  7. Flight into Egypt
  8. Loss of Jesus in Jerusalem
  9. Miracle in Cana of Galilee
  10. Theotokos standing by the Cross
  11. Resurrection of Christ
  12. Ascension of Christ
  13. Descent of Holy Spirit
  14. Dormition of Theotokos
  15. Glory of Theotokos

The rule of the Theotokos, as prayed today, in addition to Angelic salutations usually includes also some other prayers. Thus usually some corresponding church hymn (e.g. troparion) is added to each decade. Also some introductory and closing prayers are included.


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