List of rulers of Saba and Himyar

This is a list of rulers of Saba and Himyar. It is based on the unabridged book of Dr. Javad Ali "The history of Arab nations before Islam" which derives and reconstructs the lineage of the kings of Saba and Himyar based on inscriptions and other historiographical evidence.[1] This book is in Arabic and has been translated to Persian. Mukaribs which is the plural of the title (Mukrab, Karab), which means "the strong skilled Master", was used by Sabaeans to refer to their Kings or rulers,[2] meanwhile the title Tubba, which means "the one who follows the sun like a shadow" is used by Hymarites to refer to their rulers.[3]

Mukaribs of Saba'

Mukarib Reigned Notes
1 Yatha' Amar Bayin I 950-1000 BC
2 Yada' El Bayin I
3 Samah Ali Yanuf I
4 Yatha' Amar Watar I
5 Yakrib Malek Zarih
6 Yakrib Malek Watar I
7 Samah Ali Yanuf II
8 Yada' El Bayin II
9 Yatha' Amar Watar II Contemporary with Sargon II
10 Yada' Ab I
11 Yada' El Bayin III
12 Yakrib Malek Watar II
13 Yatha' Amar Bayin II
14 Karab El Watar I Contemporary with Sennacherib
15 Yada' Ab II
16 Akh Karab
17 Samah Ali Watar
18 Yada' El Zarih son of 17
19 Samah Ali Yanuf III son of 18
20 Yatha' Amar Watar III son of 18
21 Yada' El Bayin IV son of 20
22 Yada' El Watar I son of 20
23 Zamir Ali Zarih I son of 21
24 Yatha' Amar Watar IV son of Samah Ali Yanuf son of 20
25 Karab El Bayin I son of 24
26 Samah Ali Yanuf IV son of 24
27 Zamir Ali Watar son of 26
28 Samah Ali Yanuf V son of 27
29 Yatha' Amar Bayin III son of 28
30 Yakrib Malek Watar III
31 Zamir Ali Yanuf son of 30

Kings of Saba'

King Reigned Notes
32 Karab El Watar II son of 31 620-600 BC
33 Samah Ali Zarih son of 32 600-580 BC
34 Karab El Watar III son of 33 580-570 BC
35 El Sharih I son of 33 570-560 BC
36 Yada' El Bayin V son of 34 560-540 BC
37 Yakrib Malek Watar IV son of 36 540-520 BC
38 Yatha' Amar Bayin IV son of 37 520-500 BC
39 Karab El Watar IV son of 38 500-480 BC
40 Samah Ali Yanuf VI son of 39 480-460 BC
41 Yada' El Bayin VI son of 39
42 Yatha' Amar Watar V son of 39
43 El Sharih II son of 41 460-445 BC
44 Zamir Ali Bayin I son of 41 445-430 BC
45 Yada' El Watar II son of 44 430-410 BC
46 Zamir Ali Bayin II son of 45 410-390 BC
47 Samah Ali Yanuf VII son of 46
48 Karab El Watar V son of 46? 390-370 BC unknown ruler between 370-350 BC
49 Karab Yuhan'em son of Ham Athat 350-330 BC
50 Karab El Watar VI son of 49 330-310 BC
51 Wahab Shamsam/El Yahiz I 310-290 BC son of Halik Amar or Saraw
52 Anmar Yuha'man I son of 51 290-270 BC
53 Zamir Ali Zarih II son of 52 270-250 BC
54 Nasha Karab Yuha'man son of 53 250-230 BC unknown ruler between 230-200 BC
55 Nasir Yuhan'em 200-180 BC
56 Zamir Ali Bayin III
57 Wahab El Yahiz II 180-160 BC
58 Karab El Watar Yuhan'em I son of 57 160-145 BC
59 Anmar Yuha'man II son of 57
60 Yarim Aymin son of Awsalat Rafshan 145-115 BC He Usurped the throne with his son
61 Alhan Nahfan son of 60
62 Far'am Yanhab 130-125 BC He managed to partially regain the legitimate throne

Kings of Saba' & Raydan 1st Himyarite Kingdom

King Reigned Notes
63 Sha'ram Awtar son of 61
64 El Sharih Yahzib son of 62 Contemporary with Sha'ram Awtar, see # 63
65 Yazil Bayin son of 62 He allied with his brother see # 64 against Sha'ram Awtar see # 63
67 Hayu Athtar Yazi' son of 63?
68 Karab El Watar Yuhan'em II son of 56
69 Watar Yuha'min son of 64
70 Zamir Ali Zarih III son of 68
71 Nasha Karab Yuha'min Yuharhib son of 64
72 Karab El Bayin II son of 68
73 Yasir Yuhasdiq
74 Sa'd Shams Asri' son of 64
75 Murthid Yuhahmid son of 74
76 Zamir Ali Yahbir I son of 73
77 Tharin Ya'ib Yuhan'im son of 76
78 Zamir Ali Yahbir II son of 77
79 Shamdar Yuhan'im
80 Amdan Bayin Yuhaqbiz
81 Hutar Athat Yafish
82 Karab Athat Yuhaqbiz
83 Shahar Aymin
84 Rab Shams Namran
85 El Ez Nawfan Yuhasdiq
86 Sa'd Um Namran
87 Yasir Yuhan'em

Kings of Saba' & Raydan & Hadhramaut & Yamnit 2nd Himyarite Kingdom

King Reigned Notes
88 Shammar Yahr'ish son of 87 275-300 CE
89 Yarim Yuharhib son of 88
90 Yasir Yuhan'im III son of 88
91 Tharin Ayfi' son of 90
92 Zari' Amar Aymin I son of 90
93 Karab El Watar Yuhan'em III
94 Tharin Yakrib son of 88
95 Zamir Ali Yahbir III son of 94
96 Tharin Yuhan'im son of 95
97 Malki Karab Yuha'min son of 96
98 Zari' Amar Aymin II son of 97
99 Abu Karab As'ad son of 97 390–420 CE
100 Hassan Yuha'min son of 99 420–450 CE
101 Sharhib El Ya'fir son of 99 450–465 CE
102 Sharhib El Yakif He ruled with his three sons see # 103,104,105
103 Mu'di Karab Yan'im son of 102
104 Luhay'ath Yanuf Dhū-Shanatir son of 102
105 Nawfim son of 102
106 Murthid Alan Yanuf
107 Mu'di Karab Ya'fir
108 Yusuf Ash'ar Dhu Nuwas 517–527 CE He murdered Luhay'ath Yanuf Dhū-Shanatir see # 104
109 Sumuafa' Ashawa' Appointed by Kaleb
110 Sayf ibn Dhi-Yazan He expelled the Axumite rulers from Yemen

See also


  1.|title=المفصل في تاريخ العرب قبل الإسلام|Author=د. جواد علي|Edition=الجزء الأول – الفصول 1-40
  2.|title=أسماء ومعاني ملوك اليمن الأقدمين ودلالاتها عند العرب
  3. Brannon M. Wheeler (2002). Prophets in the Quran: An Introduction to the Quran and Muslim Exegesis. Continuum International Publishing Group. p. 166. ISBN 0-8264-4956-5.
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