Ryszard Stocki

Ryszard Stocki (born 1960) is an organizational psychologist, educationalist and business consultant, who developed in his habilitation the first nosology of organizational pathologies.[1] analogous to a clinical doctor’s diagnosis. in his more recent work [2] he offered the answer to the question of the amazing oversight [3] i.e. why some companies are exceptionally productive. He proposes that productivity results from total participation which is based on assuming certain anthropological foundations about human beings in organizations. His work is the continuation of the work of McGregor [4] and Maslow [5][6] but he finds the best expression of this anthropology in the works of Karol Wojtyła, particularly his theory of participation[7] The work on total participation complements the work on organizational pathologies as it offers a concrete vision what "a healthy" organization is like.

After obtaining MAs in Psychology and English language, he completed his PhD in Psychology [8] He is head of Managerial and Organizational Department and Associate Professor at National-Louis University Business School in Nowy Sącz, Poland.[9]

Ryszard Stocki holds that total participation may help to "cure" educational systems.[10][11] health care,[12] and business [13][14] [15]

Stocki is a proponent of the professionalization of management in non-governmental organizations, for which he wrote the handbook “Managing the Goods.”[16]


  1. Patologie Organizacyjne - Diagnoza i interwencja (Eng: Organizational pathologies-diagnosis and intervention. Kraków: Oficyna Wydawnicza Wolters Kluwer
  2. Pełna partycypacja w zarządzaniu (Eng. Total Participation in Management. Kraków: Wolters Kluwer. Polish book page: http://pelna.partycypacja.pl
  3. Graham, B. S. & Titus, P. S. (1979). The amazing oversight: Total participation for productivity. New York: Amacom.
  4. McGregor, D. (1960), Human Side of Enterprise, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY.
  5. Maslow A. (1965). Eupsychian Management. Homewood Illinois:Richard D. Irwin, Inc.
  6. Maslow A. (1998) Maslow on Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
  7. Wojtyła, K. (1979). The Acting Person. (English translation edited by A. Tymieniecka and A. Potocki). Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
  8. Stocki, R. (1992). Pauselysis: Application of formal characteristics of speech pausing behavior to the investigation of individual differences. PhD Dissertation, Jagiellonian University
  9. http://www.wsb-nlu.edu.pl/pl/ogolnie/kadra.html
  10. Stocki, R. (2002). From academic achievement to service tasks: An attempt at finding a reliable tool for evaluating the quality of education at Polish universities. Journal for Mental Change 1-2, 43-73.
  11. Stocki, R. (2008). Educating for total participation management: Past Experience and prospect of the future. In Gasparski, W. Responsible management education. Warsaw: Academic and Professional Press.
  12. Bielecki, A. & Stocki, R. (2010). Systems Theory Approach to the Health Care Organization on National Level. Cybernetics and Systems: An International Journal, 41, 7, 489-507.
  13. Stocki, R. (2000). Towards an ideal company: management practices and their influence on employees’ satisfaction with the company. Polish Psychological Bulletin, 31, 362-3
  14. Stocki, R. (January 2006). Niewykorzystane szanse własności pracowniczej. (Eng: Wasted chances of employee ownership) Harvard Business Review – Polska, 88-89.
  15. Stocki, R. (2009). Personalistic psychology of management: An option for critical management studies. Nowy Sącz Academic Review, 5, 4-10.
  16. Zarządzanie dobrami (Eng: Managing Goods) Kraków: Wydawnictwo WAM http://www.poczytaj.pl/5163
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