
Saluc S.A. is a Belgian speciality manufacturing company. Founded in 1923, they are best known for their Aramith brand billiard, pool and snooker balls, and are the manufacturer under license of the Brunswick Centennial pool ball line. The company also manufactures other sorts of balls and bearings with high tolerances for a wide variety of industrial and consumer-product applications, such as Logitech trackballs.
On March 5, 2007, Armand Capital Group, parent company of Saluc, purchased the C. L. Bailey Co. of Marionville, Missouri. They also established new warehousing and office space for their precision ball division, entering the United States industrial ball industry.
Saluc is working on a new prototype table called the Fusion table which features an all-metal frame, and is being developed via the engineering staff of the C. L. Bailey Co.