Samba Italiano

"Samba Italiano" (Italian Samba) is a popular samba song composed in 1965 by Adoniran Barbosa (1912-1982), who was a son of Italian immigrants of the city of Valinhos, Brazil, and knew well the pidgin Italian-Portuguese dialect spoken in the streets of São Paulo, mostly in the sections of Mooca, Brás and Bexiga.

The lyrics are very funny and non-sensical, at least for those Italian-Brazilians who can understand the language (a great number of paulistas).



Gioconda, piccina mia,
Vai brincar ali no mare í no fundo,
Mas atencione co os tubarone, ouviste
Capito, meu San Benedito?

Piove, piove,
Fa tempo que piove qua, Gigi,
E io, sempre io,
Sotto la tua finestra
E vuoi senza mi sentire
Ridere, ridere, ridere
Di questo infelice qui

Ti ricordi, Gioconda,
Di quella sera in Guarujá
Quando il mare ti portava via
E mi chiamasti
Aiuto, Marcello!
La tua Gioconda ha paura di quest'onda

Free translation

Gioconda, my little girl
Go frolicking there, deep into the sea
But pay attention to the sharks, did you hear
Understood, my Saint Benedict?

It rains, it rains
It has rained for a long time here, Gigi
And I, always I,
Under your window
And you, without hearing me,
Laugh, laugh and laugh
At this unhappy one here

Do you remember, Gioconda
That afternoon in Guarujá
When the sea was taking you away
And you called me:
Help, Marcello!
Your Gioconda is afraid of this wave

See also

External links

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