Sang River

Country India
State Gujarat
 - location Gulf of Kutch, Arabian Sea, India
Length 29 km (18 mi)

The Sang river is the name of river which drains through Anjar taluka of Kutch, Gujarat, India.[1]

It rises from the hills behind a small village named Sinugra near Anjar. It flows by villages like Nagalpur, Anjar, Galpadar and Kharirohar. At village Shinai a dam has been built across it, which provides water to Kandla. The total length of river is 29 km. The river drains into Arabian Sea at Nakti Creek in Gulf of Kutch.[2]


  2. Gujarat State Gazetteers: Junagadh. Directorate of Government Print., Stationery and Publications, Gujarat State. 1971. p. 15.
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