Saraswati Vandana Mantra

Saraswati Vandana Mantra is an important hindu mantra that is recited for higher knowledge and wisdom.

The goddess Saraswati is the authority on academics and the arts. Everybody from musicians to scientists following Hinduism pray to her for guidance and knowledge. The Saraswati Vandana Mantra is recited by her devotees every morning for good luck. Everyone has a different version of the vandana which just means holy song. So as a student you ask for physical knowledge as a musician ask for Timing [Tala (music)|Taal]s etc.

या कुंदेंदु तुषारहार धवला, या शुभ्र वस्त्रावृता |

या वीणावर दण्डमंडितकरा, या श्वेतपद्मासना ||

या ब्रह्माच्युतशंकरप्रभ्रृतिभिर्देवै: सदा वन्दिता |

सा मां पातु सरस्वती भगवती निःशेष जाड्यापहा ||

शुक्लां ब्रह्मविचार सार परमां आद्यां जगद्व्यापिनीं |

वीणा पुस्तक धारिणीं अभयदां जाड्यान्धकारापाहां ||

हस्ते स्फाटिक मालीकां विदधतीं पद्मासने संस्थितां |

वन्दे तां परमेश्वरीं भगवतीं बुद्धि प्रदां शारदां ||

सरस्वत्यै नमो नित्यं भद्रकाल्यै नमो नमः ।

वेद वेदान्त वेदांग विद्यास्थानेभ्यः एव च ||

सरस्वती महाभागे विद्ये कमाल लोचने ।

विद्यारूपी विशालाक्षी विद्याम देहि ||

See also

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, April 01, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.