Sayaji Vaibhav Public Library Navsari

Sayaji Vaibhav Public Library

The Sayaji Vaibhav Public Library, located in Navsari. is one of the largest libraries of the Gujarat state. This is the only library in Gujarat to have received the prestigious Late Motibhai Amin Library Award five times by the Government of Gujarat.

The Library


When a public institution completes a long successful journey of 100 years of existence and justifies its presence, the society gets obliged to it. The Shri Sayaji Vaibhav Library, which has spread the aroma of knowledge and inspiration among thousands of people in the vicinity of Navsari since 111 years, has not just been a library but has become a centre of knowledge in true sense with its wide-ranging activities. Today, books have lost the status of primary, first priority of gaining information and entertainment in this world of T.V., cable, video and internet. In such a situation, to incite each citizen of the town towards books, Shri Sayaji Vaibhav Library has made the library a vigorous reading place and centre of information by initiating novel activities. The preeminent among extra activities of this library is “My favourite book” talk series. This talk series has gained reputation due to constancy, punctuality and commitment towards the society. To enhance the range of this activity run constantly for elders and children since 15 years, the library has started arranging such talk series for youth and women since 2003. The city of Navsari is well known for literature, arts, music, culture and learning. Shri Sayaji Vaibhav Sarvajanik Library – regarded as one of the best libraries in Gujarat – is a unique ornament of the civilized affluent city of Navsari. In appreciation of its commendable work for the excellent library services and wide extension of knowledge, this library has been awarded Shri Motibhai Amin Granthalay Seva Paritoshik certificate by the Government of Gujarat for five times i.e. in 1983-83, 1993–94, 2001–02, 2006–07 and 2007–08, which is a matter of pride for the library. This library was established in 1898 by the prosperous Maharaja Sayajirao Gayakwad of Vadodara. Before that a small library named “Sarvajanik Reading Room” had started in 1878. In 1898, both these were amalgamated at the Laxman Hall and jointly “Shri Sayaji Vaibhav Sarvajanik Pustakalaya” was established. In 1907, on the appeal of the then Suba Rao Bahadur Govindbhai Hathibhai Desai, Maharaja Sayajirao Gayakwad allotted the fund surplus from Maharaja Sayajirao’s silver jubilee celebration fund. The library was built in 1910 at the cost of Rs.8100 on the land given by the inheritors of Gokaldas Narsinhdas Parekh, Khushaldas Narsinhdas Parekh and Ramdas Shivdas Modi. The library was declared open for the readers in 1911. Years ago, a branch of this library was run in a school on Bandar Road (Raychand Road). In 1910, the old building of the library was built. Thereafter, a new hall was built on the occasion of 75 years celebration of the institution. In 1973, 3100 sq. ft. construction was done on the occasion of the 75 years celebration of the institution. A part of the north-east side of the library was damaged in the earthquake in 2001. Thereafter, approximately 10,000 sq. ft. construction of first and second floors was done and this new building was inaugurated at the pious hands of Swami Sachchidanand. (20/05/2007)

A Glimpse

According to an interesting information in Baroda Library Handbook (1926), the population in Navsari region at that time was about 19347. Among them 6828 people were educated. 341 people among them were readers of the library. There were 6988 books in circulation in this library and 6549 other books in the reading hall. Today, the population of Navsari city is around 1.5 lacs and the population of surrounding areas like Vijalpore, Jalalpore, Kaliyawadi, Chovisi and Verawal is approximately 1,50,000. The library providing invaluable service in the field of knowledge and literature since 111 years has innumerable, rare and precious books. There is a vast treasure of around 88,000 books in various Indian languages like Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi, Urdu, Sindhi, Sanskrit and even in English. Besides, 185 magazines on subjects like general knowledge, politics, music, performing arts, religion, sculpture, science, astrology, commerce, philosophy, theology, environment and those that are useful to women and children have been subscribed by the library. The library has almost 10,000 books on Gandhian literature donated by Shri Lallubhai Makanji Patel family. There is a collection of countless, exceptional and priceless books in the library. Books on subjects like philosophy, religion, science, literature, children’s literature, travel, geography, economics, history and biographies are available to the readers. Books and magazines in Gujarati, Hindi, English, Marathi, Sindhi and other languages are available here for reading.

Audio-visual Section in the library

Information about all the fields all over the world is available through audio and video cassettes. Around 227 video cassettes and 425 CDs/SVDs produced by reputed institutions like UGC, Indira Gandhi National Open University, ET & T, BBC, National Geographic, Encyclopædia Britannica, World of Survival, etc. are available here. Around 400 audio cassettes including the voices of J. Krishnamurthy, Rajneesh, Swami Sachchidanand, Moraribapu and the best litterateurs and writers of Gujarat are also available here. This audio-visual section was inaugurated at the hands of Shri Gunvant Shah in 1992-93. Various reference books like Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Subject Dictionary, Thesaurus, Gazetteers, Guide Book, Atlas and Maps, etc. are kept separately for the facility of the readers. New books are constantly purchased. The choice of books is done by a sub-committee. The readers’ suggestions are also taken into consideration while choosing the books. The library also receives huge number of books in donation. In order to catch the readers’ attention, new arrivals are arranged and exhibited separately in an attractive show-case. The books have been classified in the library according to the decimal system. There is an open access system in the library so that the reader can find the book himself. The books are arranged mainly according to the subjects. Here, priority has been given to language divisions.

Reader Members

Presently there are about 3069 reader members. This is the only library in Navsari and one of those few libraries in Gujarat which provides free reading without any fee or subscription. Similarly, there are around 3684 members in the children’s section. The number of members in the street library is 1163.

Reading Hall

The facility of Reading Room is provided day and night to those students who do not have the facility of reading at home.

The Computerization of the Library

The library has been computerized on the basis of modern and easy software. All the books can be searched on the basis of subject, author or title.

Various Sections

Shri Lallubhai Makanji Patel Gandhian Literature Section

Late Lallubhai Makanji Patel – native of Matwad, freedom fighter and a committed social worker – was a learned man. He possessed a modern personal library owing to his hobby of reading. After his death, his family members donated all his Gandhian literature and other wonderful books to the Sayaji Vaibhav Library considering the huge community of readers of the Sayaji Vaibhav Library. “Shri Lallubhai Makanji Patel – Gandhian Literature Section” has become invaluable for researchers and lovers of Gandhian literature.

Children’s Section

Presently, the institution has a wonderful Children’s Section. There are total 16780 books in the Children’s Section. An environment where children enjoy is created and necessary educational charts, models, toys, tools improving intelligence skills, games and modern educational equipments are made available here. Moreover, furniture suitable to children is also arranged here.

Chanchalba Women’s Section

In order to increase women’s interest in reading and to make books of their interest easily available, a separate Women’s Section has been started.

Late Manilal Mistry Electronic Library (Audio-visual Section)

The book has been evolving in today’s electronic age. Information is available in different types of media, wherein electronic medium is the chief one. Along with the audio-visual section, a library for CD-ROMs and various compact discs has also been started. Besides, the facility of T.V., tape recorder, DVD player is also made available in the library itself to watch/listen to the cassettes. CDs/DVDs along with multimedia kits of various encyclopedias are also available here.

Career Corner

A separate career corner has been started for providing information on career guidance and choice to the students, wherein, literature related to that subject is available.

Specialties/Special Services

In this institution, books unavailable in the library and recommended by the readers are immediately ordered. Book Reservation System has been implemented to provide the demanded book to the reader promptly.

Photocopy Service

Photocopy of any part of any magazine or book in the library is provided at reasonable cost to any reader.

Telephone Renewal

Readers can renew books on the telephone itself.

Books at Home

Readers can inform the library through telephone or email about the books they wish to read. If the book so demanded is available, arrangement is made to provide that book at the reader’s home within 24 hours. When the reader wishes to return the book, he can inform through telephone or email, so that arrangement is made to fetch the book from his home. A prescribed fee has to be paid to avail this service. A separate cupboard – “Best of Library” – comprising the best books in the library is maintained.

Learned Readers

The institution honours outstanding knowledgeable readers as ‘Learned Readers’ and offers them the right to buy any book they like at any place at any time for the library. Such ‘Learned Readers’ read such books, and can seek the price at the time of returning such book to the library.

Unique Activities

My favourite Book Talk

Since 15 years, every Saturday a talk on ‘My favourite Book’ is arranged for elders, women, college students and children to develop the activity of reading and to create a bridge between the readers and non-readers. In this activity, a talk is presented by intellectual readers on their favourite books. And thereafter, discussion and question-answer sessions take place. Children participate with enthusiasm in this program. Thus, the campaign for directing the children towards books and library has been successful. This is the only library in Gujarat that organizes such activities for the children.

Late Dr. Asmaben Memorial “My Favourite Book” Talk

This may be the only library in the world that provides introduction to around 8 books every month constantly since 15 years. In this talk for elders, 168 speakers have presented talks on books of various topics up to March 2010. Similarly, 69 women have presented talks for women and 104 students have presented talks for college students. Whereas, 422 children presented talks especially for children. Thus, there have been more than 773 talks altogether till date. The library concerned about the senior citizens is also committed for the children. The “My favourite book” talk series has provided a platform/stage to the school children of Navsari. More than 422 children from various schools have presented talks as speakers on their favourite books. Many schools have followed suit after this series in the library. On listening to a child speaker of this talk series, Bhagwatikumar Sharma said, “I have become unwearied about the Gujarati language listening to the child speaker.”

Best Reader Competition – 2002

Best Reader Competition means one of the first novel experiments ever in the world to instigate the children to read books. In order to celebrate the international book year in a special & memorable way and to direct the children towards books, a novel competition in the form of “Best Reader Competition” was organized wherein 25 schools and10,345 children from Navsari participated and read over 35000 books. This was a ‘mega event’ worth noting in the ‘Record Book’.

During the Competition

The achievements of Best Reader Competition:

Floating Books

During the Best Reader Competition, we found a slogan “We shall read and make our parents read”. Taking inspiration from this a plan in the form of “Floating Books” was implemented not only for children but for the whole society.

Aim: 5000 people (including students) from Navsari buy at least one book, read it, and then float it among friends or relatives. 15 people read that book and finally donate it to the library. Thus, 2500 books were floated and 37500 readers got inclined towards reading, started buying and reading books.

Role Model centred Best Reader Competition – 2005: A unique Novel Experiment

A ‘Purpose-oriented’ Reading Campaign

  1. A never before unique experiment for inspiration on book-reading on such a huge scale.
  2. The first mega-campaign of its kind providing inspiration for book- reading and sowing the seeds of culture in children.
  3. A novel experiment providing inspiration to children to set their goals in life and choose their role-models.

Slogans of the Competition

Uniqueness of the Experiment

  1. More than 1,67,681 books were read by more than 18354 students.
  2. Around 47 schools in the Navsari vicinity and almost all their students participated. Around 100 deaf and dumb students from Mamta Mandir also got involved.
  3. The reading festival was celebrated for four days as a part of this seven month campaign.
  4. This campaign started on 23 April – World Book Day.
  5. Approximately 15000 students decided their role models.
  6. In 15000 houses in Navsari, discussions started to decide goals and every house started discussing “Who is your role model and who is my role model”.
  7. Competitions like elocution, essay, drawing, message and personal diary based on “Role Model” were organized, wherein around 10524 students participated in elocution competition, 11500 students participated in essay competition, 12002 students participated in message competition, 11120 students participated in drawing competition and 10122 students participated in personal diary competition with great enthusiasm.
  8. Around 2500 such primary competitions were organized for more than 30000 students in around 500 classes.
  9. Book exhibitions were organized during this four day ‘Book Festival’.
  10. Book processions were held in 47 participating schools.
  11. Thought fairs and blessings by expert learned men were provided before book processions.
  12. Around 2300 children read more than 25 books each.
  13. A book titled “Let us change life” was published to provide choices in life goals and role models.


  1. Total 2500 prizes amounting to approximately Rs.4,00,000.
  2. Various attractions for students who read more than 25 books.
  3. Prizes for best school, best principal and best guide teacher.
  4. Best school prize for maximum participation.
  5. Evaluation of reader competition by more than 500 learned judges and evaluation of other primary competitions by 2500 judges.

In sayaji summer camp each child gets 1 book and 2pens for reading 5 books and writing their review.

Reading Inspiration Campaign

  1. The volunteers of the library provided encouragement and inspiration to participate in the competitions by arranging meetings for teachers and students in each school. 36 such meetings were arranged wherein around 25000 students were addressed.
  2. Around 20 one day ‘thought-reading’ workshops were organized to provide ‘thought and reading training’ wherein around 2500 children took ‘reading oaths’.
  3. Around 2500 students were provided training for book reading and choice of role model through one day thought-reading workshop.
  4. A guide teacher was appointed in every school to guide the participants in reading the books.
  5. Students were inspired by the principals and teachers in the schools to read books.
  6. Reading inspiration campaign started as the first stage of thought-fair. Inspiring speeches were provided by 10 expert speakers in 39 schools.
  7. Five copies of “Let us change life” book were given to students for selecting and studying role models in each class. Thus, 2500 books were provided in 500 classes.
  8. Students were provided the information of around 1000 successful great men from around 51 various fields in the book “Let us change life”.
  9. A list of websites providing life-glimpses of more than 2 million great men was offered to the students.
  10. Helpline was started in the library.
  11. 30000 parents were motivated through letters.
  12. A campaign “Come let’s read – come to the library” was organized during the Diwali Vacation. Four prize workshops were declared for “Star Readers” (Science creation, literary creation, personality development and success in examination).


  1. During the year of competition, new books on biographies worth Rs.3,00,000 were purchased in the city of Navsari.
  2. During the whole campaign, books worth Rs.10,00,000 were purchased in the city of Navsari.
  3. Around 40,000 books from the cupboards of the library got circulated among children. The cupboards of the library became empty; many cupboard locks in school libraries had to be broken.
  4. Long queues of children – as found in amusement parks – were seen in the libraries.
  5. All the children literature in the Sayaji library and the libraries in all the schools in Navsari got issued which itself is a record.
  6. The child who cried for chocolate and ice-cream, cried for books.
  7. To meet the demands of books from children, new books were purchased twice and emergency staff was appointed.
  8. The libraries of many schools remained open even in the vacation. The principals, guide teachers and librarians of the schools also remained present during the vacation.
  9. People started giving ‘books’ as gifts in Diwali – a wonderful effect of the campaign.
  10. Weekly talks on “My favourite Book” started in many schools in Navsari.
  11. During the Diwali campaign, many students and teachers discussed books in the homes and streets.
  12. Parents started reading along with the children, and running to the library. Grandparents also became active.
  13. The children of Navsari are on the verge of setting a new record and setting an example to the children the world over, falsifying the belief that the children only watch T.V. and do not read.

Book study-conception project

A unique experiment for creating thought resurgence and thought revolution through book reading. A unique campaign for encouraging reading thought provoking books in the schools of Navsari area.


Revolutionary books are written on the basis of findings of culture or analysis of history. Many great thinkers of the world have contributed to the society innumerable books welcoming the new era defying the borders of time and place. But the creation of resurgent and post modern civilization is not possible without revolution based on true path.

Today, there is a persistent deficiency of thought in the society and the nation. We therefore require absolute social and national transformation. At the time when the winds of global change are blowing, the need of the hour is that a person should live a principled and cultured life, should develop his thought horizons and become committed for the social and national reconstruction through collective thought transformation. Through this experiment, we have gone beyond purposeful reading and tried to create thought upheavals, and marched towards the study of books that create thought revolutions. The Book study-conception project commenced on World Book Day - 23 April 2007.

Activities organized under the project

The following activities were started by the library for students, schools and parents

Shri Sorabji Wadia Best School Award

In order to memorize and eternalize the death anniversary of the past principal of Navsari School, Sorabji H. Wadia, the past students of Sorabji Wadia declared Sri Sorabji Wadia Best School Award for the schools in Navsari district so that good and ideal schools could blossom all around. Since 10 years, this award is being declared every year. The evaluation work of schools is done by some 15 expert judges based on various criteria after their visit to around all 150 schools of the Navsari district. A wonderful trophy and cash prize of Rs. 21000 are given away as award. Besides, schools are also awarded considering the quality of education, co-curricular activities, cleanliness, discipline, decoration, inculcation of life values, special achievements, social service, infrastructure of the school, etc. among the schools of the whole district. Here, it is noteworthy that due to this award, a concern has generated in some schools of the district and they have become encouraged and committed to enhance the status of the schools. It is indubitable that this award has been and will remain a deciding factor in improving the quality of education in the whole district.

Sorabji Wadia Best Green School Award

From this year, the award will be given to the school working in an ideal manner based on an idea/principle among chosen ideas instead of awarding the school in totality. For example, school doing best work for reading activity, school doing best for the quality of education, school doing best for cultural activities, etc. For the first year, the school doing best work for environment will be presented the "Best Green School" award. Consequently, awareness for environment will be created and various projects for preservation of environment will be undertaken by the school children in around 150 schools.

The Crusade of Self-recreation & Positive Ideas

The library has always been aware towards students and future citizens. The library has always made efforts to keep the students in the centre in various activities of the library. Under the economic support and guidance of visionary industrialist Shri Devendrabhai Naik who was attracted by the various student-centred activities of the library, a novel activity of self-recreation was started by the library. In this long term ambitious plan, efforts will be made to enable the students to recognize the subconscious mind and its strength, and achieve success by cultivating a positive attitude.

This activity is being undertaken in 25 chosen schools of the district. In schools, efforts are being made by experts to expand the horizons of students' minds through lectures and seminars of students, teachers and parents. Further, efforts are being made to encourage students to develop a positive attitude; enable them to aim to achieve goals discarding inferiority complex and laziness; decide the goal of life; choose a role model and keep trying to achieve the goal. This long-term plan and the activities are receiving an encouraging response from the school family.

A Dialogue with the Creator (Courtesy - Gujarati Sahitya Parishad)

By the cooperation of the Gujarati Sahitya Parishad a program, "Dialogue with the Creator", has been started in 2009, wherein the authors present their work and guidance is provided by experienced authors. This program is being organised regularly every second Saturday every month.

Thought Reflection

From January 2010, a thought reflection program has been started every fifth Saturday of the month (or public holiday) so that citizens start thinking and expressing themselves on the current important national, social, cultural issues, consequently contributing in the making of a healthy, vigorous society.

Literature Procession of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad

A wonderful procession was arranged in Navsari under the headship of respected Shri Narayanbhai Desai, wherein debates among teachers and students, fairs in schools, book processions, closing ceremony of successful "Book study-conception" projects and talks on books were organised.

Book Unveiling

The program of unveiling the book "Shikshan Chetana" authored by Shri Harshad Shah was organised. The unveiling ceremony of the book "Shikshan na Samprat Pravaho" authored by Shri Intekhaab Ansari was also organised.

Arrangement of essay, poetry and story writing competitions on the occasion of the 45th conference of Gujarati Sahitya Parishad

When the 45th conference of the Gujarati Sahitya Parishad was organised in Navsari in December 2009, essay, poetry, story writing competitions were organised to create an environment of literature in Navsari and the surrounding areas. In all 372 entries were received in three sections viz. school students, college students and general public.

These topics created much interest among the participants.

'Let's read, let's go to the Library' Campaign-2008

'Thought reading' workshops have become our regular activity during the summer vacation, wherein around 300 students of standard 5 to 12 participate in one day seminars. We also conduct a campaign "Let's read, let's go to the library" between 23 April to 15 June during the vacation to make the children's vacation full of creative activities. A very good response is received from children as well as parents. 641 students read 20,000 books during the vacation of 2008. With the cooperation of Shri Ramji Mandir Trust, a notebook was given as an award to the students who had read more than 10 books. More than 55 students read more than 100 books and thus they managed to acquire books required for the whole year through their persistent reading. Children were appreciated and awarded in public at ceremonies. A CFL lamp was awarded to the child who had read more than 100 books on environmental awareness.

Vacation Reading Festival:2009

In order to make the disadvantaged students aware of the library activities and make them read books, the following activities were organised during the 2009 vacation after making arrangements for bringing and dropping them back at their homes:

During the vacation of 2009, 801 students read 25,000 books under the 'Let's read, let's go to the library' campaign. More than 21 children read more than 100 books. Children were given notebooks and books as awards.

Thought-Reading Seminars

In the seminars organised during the best reader competition, the thought-reading seminars played a major role in motivating children to read. Therefore, thought-reading seminars are regularly arranged for 9/10 days every year before the summer vacations begin. Here, the children are provided unique training to inspire them to read books. Simultaneously, they are provided motivation and guidance for thought exercises and life goals.

Street Library

Libraries by children for children and all.

We have pledged to start around 100 street libraries in Navsari to give momentum to the reading activity and to make the books easily available to children. Such libraries will start in various streets of Navsari and they will be run by children. Altogether, such 11 libraries have simultaneously been established on the eve of Sahitya Parishad Conference (24/12/2009). Our dream is to make Navsari the first city in the world where child is a member of the library.

The following activities will be organised in the street libraries:

  1. My favourite book talk
  2. Stories by children of standard 1 to 4
  3. Children's songs by kindergarten children
  4. Competitions of females for folksongs/Gujarati songs/Marriage songs/lullabies
  5. Quiz competitions/Book quizzes
  6. Discussions
  7. Mock Parliaments
  8. Why they became great men?
  9. Competitions of mind games
  10. Best out of Waste Competitions
  11. Thought-Reading Seminars
  12. Seminars on Success in Examinations
  13. Seminars for Working Committee members
  14. Singing Competition for children (Gujarati songs)

The street libraries have received an unprecedented response. The specialty of the street libraries is that they are managed by the children. Special thought-reading seminars are also arranged for the children of street libraries. These libraries do not just become mere libraries, but the cultural and the spiritual centres of the concerned region.

Book Treasure

Many times there are copies of books donated to the library, and at times they are in a deteriorating condition. Moreover, many people do not know what to do with old books which are already read. At times, good books get sold very cheaply. So, a book treasure section has been started here, where any person may keep a book as donation in the separate cupboard and any person can avail that book to read it. This service is provided totally free of charge.

Our Publications

  1. Let’s Change Life (Chalo Jivan Badaliye)
  2. Let’s Enhance the Pride of Gujarat (Chalo Gujarat nu Gaurav Vadhariye)

Booklovers, especially children can express their opinions or summaries of books they have read by writing on this website. Thus, one can find book introductions of more than 1000 books on this website. The unique features of this website are as follows:

  1. Information available in English as well as Gujarati
  2. Two separate sections for children and self-creation
  3. Facility to write opinions on favourite book
  4. Facility to avail the book after reading the review of the book
  5. Special information and classification of readable books touching particular problems of routine life of common men and the current affairs
  6. Give and take of ideas on prevalent problems
  7. Information on books which have brought changes in the lives of great men and showed a new direction to life
  8. A medium for transaction of old books
  9. A list of book sellers and publishers


The modern age is the age of information explosion. Science has given us new electronic media for the transmission of knowledge and information. The evolution of books and libraries is taking place rapidly. The number of books and magazines in various languages is increasing greatly. The hunger for knowledge and information has highly increased in the society. Libraries are our universities, temples and knowledge treasures. Affluent libraries are extremely essential for the building of future generations enriched by knowledge and culture. Considering the aforesaid aims, the management committee has decided to reconstruct the library. In order to make this library the best, ideal 21st century modern library; to encourage the reading activity and to develop the library, some long term programs have been planned by the management. All these programs will be implemented subsequently as donations are received.

Art Gallery

Navsari is known as the art-city. An art gallery will be established for the noble purpose of encouraging and developing the art of the artists, especially beginners and child artists. This Art Gallery will have facility to exhibit drawing and other arts. Special efforts will be made to provide encouragement to beginners and child artists.


(The life glimpse of Jamshedji Tata, Dadabhai Navrojji and Sayajirao Gaekwad as well as the glimpses of the Gujarat state) The birthplace of Jamshedji Tata and Dadabhai Navrojji is Navsari. These great men took birth in Navsari and honoured Navsari with special pride. There is no memorial in Navsari that provides a life glimpse of either of these great personalities. Moreover, there is lack of information on Sayajirao Gaekwad, who established this library and contributed greatly in the library activity. So to provide the life glimpses of these great men, the museum will be established shortly.

Mobile Library

People are not able to spare time to visit the library from their routine lives due to one or the other reason. A mobile library will be started so that books may reach the reader and thus reading activity may be enhanced. Under this scheme, a vehicle carrying around 500 to 1000 books will visit different areas as well as nearby villages once in a fortnight. In this way, efforts will be made to provide the facility of library to the public at their doorsteps.

Lecture Series

A permanent lecture series has been planned to organize at least three to four lectures every year by nationally and internationally reputed experts in various fields and subjects. For this purpose, various eminent personalities will be invited and lectures will be arranged.

Library Activity – Extension and Training

Necessary discussions – meetings, seminars, workshops, short term courses will be organized to develop the library activity and reading interests.

Music Library

Audio-video cassettes of music will be made available.

Reference Section

In the age of information explosion, to provide the right information to the right reader, reference books like world dictionary, thesaurus, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc. will be kept in this section. Besides, books and photographs which are old, rare and invaluable will be kept separately here.

Thesis Section

In this section, a collection of theses, recognized by the University or other institution, prepared by experts of different subjects will be made. Students pursuing higher education will be able to receive special information on concerned subjects in this section and thus encouragement will be provided to higher education.

National Book Loan Service

This library will be connected with some of the best libraries of India and efforts will be made to avail the books which are not available in this library.

Information Book Service

A person joining this service will be able to receive copy of information regarding his favourite subjects published in different magazines at his doorstep at a reasonable rate.

Our Mission

Navsari gifts 100 great men-women at the world’s feet in the 21st century. Each child in Navsari becomes a member of the library.


Shri Narendra Modi

Sayaji Vaibhav Public Library can be a centre for social wakefulness.

In 2010 Shri Narendra Modi led government of Gujarat appointed the president of the library Shri Mahadev R. Desai as the honorary secretary of Vanche Gujarat campaign. This was an unprecedented step as a non-government person was appointed in an executive position in a government program.

Shri Bhagwatikumar Sharma

I have become unwearied about the Gujarati language listening to the child speakers.

Shri Ramesh Parekh

Accepted by everyone, but abandoned by everyone; a work – of swimming against the current – that may disintegrate any oath swearer has been accomplished.

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Saturday, January 10, 2015. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.