Segre's theorem

In projective geometry Segre's theorem, named after the Italian mathematician Beniamino Segre, is the statement:
- Any oval in a finite pappian projective plane of odd order is a nondegenerate projective conic section.
This statement was assumed 1949 by the two Finnish mathematicians G. Järnefelt and P. Kustaanheimo and its proof was published in 1955 by B. Segre.
A finite pappian projective plane can be imagined as the projective closure of the real plane (by a line at infinity), where the real numbers are replaced by a finite field K. Odd order means that |K| = n is odd. An oval is a curve similar to a circle (see definition below): any line meets it in at most 2 points and through any point of it there is exactly one tangent. The standard examples are the nondegenerate projective conic sections.
For pappian projective planes of even order there are always ovals which are not conics. In an infinite plane there exist ovals, which are not conics. In the real plane one just glues a half of a circle and a suitable ellipse smoothly.
The proof of Segre's theorem, shown below, uses the 3-point version of Pascal's theorem and a property of a finite field of odd order, namely, that the product of all the nonzero elements equals -1.
Definition of an oval
- In a projective plane a set
of points is called oval, if:
- (1) Any line
in at most two points.
If the line
is an exterior (or passing) line; in case
a tangent line and if
the line is a secant line.
- (2) For any point
there exists exactly one tangent
at P, i.e.,
For finite planes (i.e. the set of points is finite) we have a more convenient characterization:
- For a finite projective plane of order n (i.e. any line contains n + 1 points) a set
of points is an oval if and only if
and no three points are collinear (on a commom line).
Pascal's 3-point version

- Theorem
Let be an oval in a pappian projective plane of characteristic
is a nondegenerate conic if and only if statement (P3)
- (P3): Let be
any triangle on
the tangent at point
, then the points
- are collinear.[1]

- Proof
Let the projective plane be coordinatized inhomogeneously over a field
such that
is the tangent at
, the x-axis is the tangent at point point
contains the point
. Furthermore we set
(s. image)
The oval can be described by a function
such that:
The tangent at point will be described using a function
such that its equation is
Hence (s. image)
I: if is a non degenerate conic we have
and one calculates easily that
are collinear.
II: If is an oval with property (P3), the slope of the line
is equal to the slope of the line
, that means:
and hence
- (i):
for all
With one gets
- (ii):
and from
we get
- (iii):
(i) and (ii) yield
- (iv):
and with (iii) at least we get
- (v):
for all
A consequence of (ii) and (v) is
Hence is a nondegenerate conic.
Remark: Property (P3) is fulfilled for any oval in a pappian projective plane of characteristic 2 with a nucleus (all tangents meet at the nucleus). Hence in this case (P3) is also true for non-conic ovals.[2]
Segre's theorem and its proof
- Theorem
Any oval in a finite pappian projective plane of odd order is a nondegenerate conic section.

- Proof
- [3]
For the proof we show that the oval has property (P3) of the 3-point version of Pascal's theorem.
Let be any triangle on
defined as described in (P3).
The pappian plane will be coordinatized inhomogeneously over a finite field
, such that
is the common point of the tangents at
. The oval
can be described using a bijective function
For a point , the expression
is the slope of the secant
Because both the functions
are bijections from
, and
a bijection from
, where
is the slope of the tangent at
, for
we get
(Remark: For we have:
Because the slopes of line and tangent
both are
, it follows that
This is true for any triangle
So: (P3) of the 3-point Pascal theorem holds and the oval is a non degenerate conic.
- ↑ E. Hartmann: Planar Circle Geometries, an Introduction to Moebius-, Laguerre- and Minkowski Planes. Skript, TH Darmstadt (PDF; 891 kB), p. 34.
- ↑ E. Hartmann: Planar Circle Geometries, an Introduction to Moebius-, Laguerre- and Minkowski Planes. Skript, TH Darmstadt (PDF; 891 kB), p. 35.
- ↑ E. Hartmann: Planar Circle Geometries, an Introduction to Moebius-, Laguerre- and Minkowski Planes. Skript, TH Darmstadt (PDF; 891 kB), p. 41.
- B. Segre: Ovals in a finite projective plane, Canadian Journal of Mathematics 7 (1955), pp. 414–416.
- G. Järnefelt & P. Kustaanheimo: An observation on finite Geometries, Den 11 te Skandinaviske Matematikerkongress, Trondheim (1949), pp. 166–182.
- Albrecht Beutelspacher, Ute Rosenbaum: Projektive Geometrie. 2. Auflage. Vieweg, Wiesbaden 2004, ISBN 3-528-17241-X, p. 162.
- P. Dembowski: Finite Geometries. Springer-Verlag, 1968, ISBN 3-540-61786-8, p. 149