Seo Jang-hoon

Seo Jang-hoon

Seo Jang-hoon (Hangul: 서장훈; hanja: 徐章勳; born 3 June 1974) is a former South Korean male professional basketball player, and currently an entertainer in Korean media. His height is 207 cm, and weights 115 kg. He used to be the tallest man before Ha Seung Jin. He went to Yonsei university.

He debuted in KBL in 1998, and is argued as the best center that Korea ever had. From 1998, he played for Seoul SK Knights until 2002. From 2002, he moved to Seoul Samsung Thunders and played for them until 2007. From 2007 to 2008, he went to Jeonju KCC EGIS. From 2008, he went to Incheon Electroland Elephants, and played for them until 2011, and retired.

For his national team career, in 1994, he joined the team and played 1994 FIBA world cup, and 1994 Asian Games and got 2nd place. In 1997, he played ABC world basketball tournament and won the tournament. 1998, He played in 1998 FIBA world cup. He joined 2002 Asian Games, and won the tournament. He took 4th place in 2005 FIBA Asian cup, and 5th place on 2006 Asian Games.

He received lots awards during his whole career. In 1994, he received College All star MVP, Rookie of the Year, Defensive 5 of the Year. In 1995, he got College All star MVP, Most Defensive Player award. 1997, he got College All star MVP. 1998, he got the rebound award. In 2000, he was the KBL Finals MVP. In 2006, he was the MVP, All star MVP, KBL 1st team. 2008, it was KBL 1st team, Rebound award, Korean Basketball Best 5. In 2009, he was Korean Basketball Best 5, and got Special award. In 2013, He got KBL special award. He is the only player in Korea to beat 10000 points. He was a center, but can shoot 3, dunk, and lay it up.

After he retired, he started to join TV programs. He comes out quite often. In 2015, he came out in Infinity Challenge, which is one of the greatest programs. He married with Oh Jeong Yeon, who is announcer, in 2009. However, he divorced in 2012, after 3 years of marriage. However, in 2015, He received Rookie of the Year for SBS entertainment award.

Seo Jang Hoon's all time stats

1213 41 984:26 132 261 50.57 35 91 38.46 47.44 54 69 78.26 35 111 146 21 36 44 6 16 1 47 423 KT
1112 35 745:50 83 193 43.01 18 62 29.03 39.61 43 59 72.88 25 78 103 28 24 20 11 3 2 50 263 LG
1011 54 1582:39 320 598 53.51 31 85 36.47 51.39 166 212 78.30 72 228 300 54 47 65 19 18 3 110 899 Electro land
0910 54 1702:14 343 624 54.97 21 75 28.00 52.07 175 224 78.13 79 279 358 88 63 57 21 15 3 141 924 Electro land
0809 51 1536:18 238 460 51.74 55 133 41.35 49.41 178 227 78.41 60 214 274 82 70 65 19 24 4 102 819 KCC
0708 54 1662:8 311 595 52.27 26 99 26.26 48.56 179 216 82.87 101 295 396 92 67 56 18 25 2 109 879 KCC
0607 33 1036:17 158 289 54.67 40 98 40.82 51.16 101 135 74.81 33 122 155 70 33 37 14 5 1 96 537 Samsung
0506 54 1861:4 329 605 54.38 77 200 38.50 50.43 173 216 80.09 85 229 314 109 69 71 35 22 3 121 1062 Samsung
0405 54 1951:23 464 857 54.14 34 83 40.96 52.98 162 207 78.26 114 395 509 72 79 78 24 43 3 144 1192 Samsung
0304 47 1665:22 392 753 52.06 25 64 39.06 51.04 179 231 77.49 92 312 404 89 74 39 41 42 8 99 1038 Samsung
0203 54 2076:19 530 1015 52.22 11 52 21.15 50.70 190 265 71.70 121 472 593 105 60 55 33 55 4 147 1283 Samsung
0102 54 2121:52 547 1040 52.60 26 65 40.00 51.86 194 281 69.04 104 436 540 90 75 52 38 80 8 165 1366 SK
0001 24 882:14 240 446 53.81 12 36 33.33 52.28 74 107 69.16 43 173 216 33 37 24 19 27 20 57 590 SK
9900 45 1732:34 417 737 56.58 18 43 41.86 55.77 203 250 81.20 95 357 452 67 88 45 37 35 0 93 1091 SK
9899 34 1298:51 343 532 64.47 9 30 30.00 62.63 152 190 80.00 118 357 475 77 55 44 21 53 0 139 865 SK
Career 688 22839:19 4847 9005 53.83 438 1216 36.02 51.71 2223 2889 76.95 1177 4058 5235 1077 877 752 356 463 62 1620 13231

Seo Jang Hoon's average stats

1213 41 24:1 10.32 3.56 0.51 1.15 0.15 0.39 1.95 3.22 6.37 50.57 0.85 2.22 38.46 47.44 1.32 1.68 78.26 0.85 2.71 0.02 KT
1112 35 21:1 7.51 2.94 0.80 1.43 0.31 0.09 1.26 2.37 5.51 43.01 0.51 1.77 29.03 39.61 1.23 1.69 72.88 0.71 2.23 0.06 LG
1011 54 29:1 16.65 5.56 1.00 2.04 0.35 0.33 2.07 5.93 11.07 53.51 0.57 1.57 36.47 51.39 3.07 3.93 78.30 1.33 4.22 0.06 Electro Land
0910 54 32:0 17.11 6.63 1.63 2.61 0.39 0.28 2.22 6.35 11.56 54.97 0.39 1.39 28.00 52.07 3.24 4.15 78.13 1.46 5.17 0.06 Electro Land
0809 51 30:0 16.06 5.37 1.61 2.00 0.37 0.47 2.65 4.67 9.02 51.74 1.08 2.61 41.35 49.41 3.49 4.45 78.41 1.18 4.20 0.08 KCC
0708 54 31:0 16.28 7.33 1.70 2.02 0.33 0.46 2.28 5.76 11.02 52.27 0.48 1.83 26.26 48.56 3.31 4.00 82.87 1.87 5.46 0.04 KCC
0607 33 31:1 16.27 4.70 2.12 2.91 0.42 0.15 2.12 4.79 8.76 54.67 1.21 2.97 40.82 51.16 3.06 4.09 74.81 1.00 3.70 0.03 Samsung
0506 54 34:0 19.67 5.81 2.02 2.24 0.65 0.41 2.59 6.09 11.20 54.38 1.43 3.70 38.50 50.43 3.20 4.00 80.09 1.57 4.24 0.06 Samsung
0405 54 36:0 22.07 9.43 1.33 2.67 0.44 0.80 2.91 8.59 15.87 54.14 0.63 1.54 40.96 52.98 3.00 3.83 78.26 2.11 7.31 0.06 Samsung
0304 47 35:0 22.09 8.60 1.89 2.11 0.87 0.89 2.40 8.34 16.02 52.06 0.53 1.36 39.06 51.04 3.81 4.91 77.49 1.96 6.64 0.17 Samsung
0203 54 38:0 23.76 10.98 1.94 2.72 0.61 1.02 2.13 9.81 18.80 52.22 0.20 0.96 21.15 50.70 3.52 4.91 71.70 2.24 8.74 0.07 Samsung
0102 54 39:1 25.30 10.00 1.67 3.06 0.70 1.48 2.35 10.13 19.26 52.60 0.48 1.20 40.00 51.86 3.59 5.20 69.04 1.93 8.07 0.15 SK
0001 24 37:1 24.58 9.00 1.38 2.38 0.79 1.13 2.54 10.00 18.58 53.81 0.50 1.50 33.33 52.28 3.08 4.46 69.16 1.79 7.21 0.83 SK
9900 45 38:1 24.24 10.04 1.49 2.07 0.82 0.78 2.96 9.27 16.38 56.58 0.40 0.96 41.86 55.77 4.51 5.56 81.20 2.11 7.93 0.00 SK
9899 34 38:2 25.44 13.97 2.26 4.09 0.62 1.56 2.91 10.09 15.65 64.47 0.26 0.88 30.00 62.63 4.47 5.59 80.00 3.47 10.50 0.00 SK
Career average 45.87 33.2 19.23 7.61 1.57 2.35 0.52 0.67 2.37 7.05 13.09 53.83 0.64 1.77 36.02 0.08 3.23 4.2 76.95 1.71 5.9 0.09

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