Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere
Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière (18 January 1916 – 27 December 1962) was a French Initiatic philosopher.
He was born in Paris, France, the son of Georges Constantine Louis Raynaud, who was an engineer, and Virginie Marie Billet. His parents moved to Brussels, Belgium when he was two years old, and his mother died there when he was only five years of age. He studied at several schools, and attended the Université Catholique de Louvain where he graduated as a mining engineer in the footsteps of his father and grandfather. Although he grew up and studied in Belgium he would return to his native France in his early twenties. [he returned to France when he was released from the army, in 1940. This data is registered in the military files.In 1941, he met Louise Baudin to whom he was married in 1944, and with whom he travelled to America, in 1947].
He founded the original Universal Great Brotherhood in 1948 in Caracas, Venezuela that later deformed to have a sectarian nature, to which then emerged the Magna Fraternitas Universalis, World Cultural Institution, with its world headquarters in Lima, that unites Science, Art, Philosophy and Didactics into a public mission for a intellectual re-education and spiritual development.[1]
The Life and Education
At an early age, Dr. de la Ferriere showed interest in psychology and conducted para-scientific investigations. He also investigated man's relationship with the universe, ancient cultures, linguistics, philosophy, medicine, theology, parapsychology, esoterism and metaphysical studies.
During World War II, Dr. de la Ferriere returned to France worked as a psychologist and began his research into the sciences of astronomy and astrology.
Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière presented a list of initiatic and academic titles and degrees to his disciples.
The Universal Great Brotherhood
As Yoga continued to persist as the central point of his interest, Serge, without discarding his responsibilities, public activities, or scientific investigations, slowly began to partake in various initiations within the science and ancient tradition of the Great Rishis and Yogis of India and Tibet.
During 1944-1947 he composed various scientific organizations and held many conferences where he expounded upon his theories.
In 1946, he obtained a doctorate in Natural Medicine During this same year, as President of the International Federation of Scientific Societies, he asked

the French Government to financially sponsor a research expedition to study the ancient civilizations of South America; his request was denied.
In February, 1947, he established The World Organization of Cosmobiology.
On November 12, 1947, Dr. Serge left Europe and traveled to the American Continent. He arrived at New York and established the first center for the Universal Great Brotherhood. The Universal Great Brotherhood was created as a non-sectarian, and non-religious establishment, and all philosophies, religions, and cultures are studied with impartiality and preference is held towards none.
After passing through Guatemala, he arrived in Caracas, Venezuela, on January 17, 1948 with the goal of establishing it the headquarters of the institution. Once the center for the Universal Great Brotherhood in Caracas was well established, Dr. Serge found a beautiful spot in El Limón, Maracay, in the State of Aragua, Venezuela where he decided to construct an Ashram. Here he gratuitously offered an education to the public which encompassed the study and practice of ancient traditional teachings with the purpose of spiritual, artistic, and mental development. He also established an Initiatic College, Esoteric Center, and Study Center free of charge, as well as a Meditation Center, and Yoga Institute together with Jose Manuel Estrada, co-founder.
In Venezuela Serge met his first and most notable disciples and descendant masters: Jose Manuel Estrada,Juan Victor Mejias and Gil Colmenares ("Elder Brothers"). It is primarily these three disciples who are responsible for establishing the basic principles and structures of the Universal Great Brotherhood, which is a public institution, and the Supreme Order of Aquarius, which is the internal esoteric group that contains several streams and approaches to the establishment of these principles.
In 1949, after a stay of 17 months in Venezuela, he traveled to New York to preside over the International Peace Conference held in the month of June. [In New York, he separated from his wife and was taken to court by her, but they never actually got divorced]. From there he departed to Asia through Brussels and France.
He established a center for the Universal Great Brotherhood in Algiers, Africa and registered the Universal Great Brotherhood, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière Foundation with the United Nations DPI (Department of Public Information) in 1949 and met his disciple David Juan Ferriz Olivares after that by letters.
The Universal Great Brotherhood is a member of the United Nations ECOSCOC (Economic and Social Council) and has Consultative Status as of the year 2000.
On April 13, 1950, at Hardward India, he attended the Kumbha Mela, a pilgrimage that occurs every twelve years during which all the holy men, rishis, and sages come together along with their followers with the goal of reconnecting and strengthening that connection with what is considered their source.
He continued on with his pilgrimage to Tibet, where he was given the name of Tdashi Sis-Sgan Cakya Rimpochech [by whom?], and reached in the full moon of May of the same year the almost inaccessible summit of Mount Kailas.
After his visit to the Himalayas, he traveled through Burma, Siam, and other countries of the Far East before arriving in Australia.
Titles and Honors
Serge visited 43 countries establishing the Universal Great Brotherhood and its branches, which include Study Centers of Universal Wisdom, Ashrams, Initiatic Colleges, Institutes for Perfectionment, Yoga Institutes, Social Services, etc., while also giving more than 2,500 lectures and workshops to Universities, Medical Faculties, Rotary Clubs, the Red Cross, The French Alliance, Cultural Center, Public Schools, Churches, Freemasonry Temples, Rosicrucian Chapters as well as Theosophical Society Chapters. [Yet, although he visited many countries, the Brotherhood and some of its ramifications exist in more or less 25 countries, mostly Latin-American, which were not necessarily the ones he visited. For instance, the UGB doesn't exist in the East, and in Europe it only operates in Spain, Italy and Norway].
He was accepted and received everywhere with enthusiasm. He presented a clear and well-balanced teaching, both scientific and metaphysical, neither predominantly orientalist or occidentalist. His teachings were many and varied and included Buddhism, The Bible, Philosophy, Ontology, Geophysics, Cosmobiology, Meta-Astronomy, Medicine, and Hermetic Science.
End of Life
Upon returning to Europe, he no longer wore his white vestments that were worn during his public lectures and lived and blended in among everyone else. He settled down in Nice, France in the French Maritime Alps, where no one could recognize him, and began to write The Psychological Proposals, Volumes 1 through 36, [with the help of this secretary and companion, Catherine Cucchietti] and his 61 circular letters. By this time he had already written the books : The Great Messages, Yug, Yoga Yoghism, Art in The New Age, and The Black Book Of Freemasonry, with black signifying the color of gunpowder. He died in Nice.
External links
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Wikiquote has quotations related to: Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere |
- Serge Raynaud Webpage (Spanish)
- webpage (Spanish)
Elder Brother Jose Manuel Estrada had this to say about the book published by the Drs estranged wife. "Every Spiritual teacher has a Judas".
Further references
- González, O. La Aurora de Una Nueva Era. Ed. GFU, Caracas; 1972
- Alvarez Bravo, Arturo "El Maestre – Cronobiografía", México, D.F; 1988
- Alcalde. C. L. Movimientos Religiosos Libres. Lima; Concynet, 1988
- Siegel, P. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière: Aspectos Biográficos. São Paulo: Author's edition, 2014.