Service Interface for Real Time Information
The Service Interface for Real Time Information or SIRI is an XML protocol to allow distributed computers to exchange real time information about public transport services and vehicles.
The protocol is a CEN technical specification, developed with initial participation by France, Germany (Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen), Scandinavia, and the UK (RTIG)
SIRI is based on the Transmodel abstract model for public transport information, and comprises a general purpose model, and an XML schema for public transport information.
A SIRI White Paper is available for further information on the protocol .
SIRI allows pairs of server computers to exchange structured real-time information about schedules, vehicles, and connections, together with general informational messages related to the operation of the services. The information can be used for many different purposes, for example:
- To provide real time-departure from stop information for display on stops, internet and mobile delivery systems;
- To provide real-time progress information about individual vehicles;
- To manage the movement of buses roaming between areas covered by different servers;
- To manage the synchronisation of guaranteed connections between fetcher and feeder services;
- To exchange planned and real-time timetable updates;
- To distribute status messages about the operation of the services;
- To provide performance information to operational history and other management systems.
SIRI includes a number of optional capabilities. Different countries may specify a country profile of the subset of SIRI capabilities that they wish to adopt.
Current version
Version 2.0 of SIRI , representing the CEN documents as published, is currently available as an XSD file .
SIRI is kept under an informal maintenance regime, with version control. Later versions of the schema are available at the same site, together with change notes.
Example of sites using SIRI

Different SIRI implementations are used in a number of sites globally
Europe and UK
- Leicester Travel: Bus real-time from SIRI-SM
- Transport for London Incidents from SIRI-GMS[1] & Real-time data from LBS River
- Norwegian Railway Administration: All train movements in Norway:
- Ruter/Trafikanten Oslo, Norway: Boats, buses, subway and trams in Eastern Norway
- Several other Norwegian systems support SIRI, for status:
- Västtrafik, PTA for western Sweden, uses SIRI ET and SX for real time information in the travel planner:
- Traveline Scotland: SIRI-SX for disruption information
- Helsingin Seudun Liikenne, Finland uses siri vm
North America
- New York City MTA BusTime - SIRI-SM and SIRI-VM -
- Utah Transit Authority :
- METRO (Houston, TX) :
- Ningbo City - Buses, Real time traffic control systems with SIRI, stations and vehicles elecronic devices 2011-2012
See also
- Identification of Fixed Objects In Public Transport (IFOPT)
- Intermodal Journey Planner
- Transmodel
- TransXChange
- Transport standards organisations
External links
- Official SIRI Website
- RTIG Website
- VDV Website
- CEN Website