Sexual opportunism

Sexual opportunism is the pursuit of sexual opportunities to take advantage of certain situations.

At times, they are performed for selfish reasons.

From Collins dictionary: noun

   the practice of adapting your actions, responses, etc, to take advantage of opportunities, circumstances, etc   ⇒ "The Energy Minister said that the opposition's concern for the environment was political opportunism."

Sexual opportunism can sometimes be defined as the use of sexual favours for selfish purposes quite unrelated to the sexual activity, in which case taking a sexual opportunity is merely the means to achieve a quite different purpose. In example, to advance one's career or obtain status or money.[1] This may be accepted or tolerated, or it may be criticized because the concerns of others are not adequately taken into consideration (or because it is contrary to authentic sexual love).

To the extent that the feelings, wishes, intentions, purposes, interests or norms of others are not adequately considered in the pursuit of sexual gratification, it then conflicts with some or other principle for appropriate behaviour, and it may involve deceit or dishonesty (for example, the deliberate exploitation of sexual innocence). In that case, the sexual opportunist is considered to lack sexual and/or personal integrity.

Sexual opportunism has always been a much disputed concept, because:

In a clinical or scientific sense, sexual opportunism is often straightforwardly described as observable sexual promiscuity or the observable propensity to engage in casual sex, whatever the motive. Such an "objective" description is used, because:

Promiscuous behaviour or the pursuit of casual sex can occur in varying degrees, or be circumstantial, but can also be motivated by some kind of sexual addiction or hypersexuality in which the opportunist actively "preys" on people who are most likely to satisfy his sexual desires, or are easily available for sexual activity ("an easy lay"). The practice is normally considered pathological only if it significantly harms the sexual opportunist himself, and/or significantly harms his (potential) sexual partners – in a physical or psychological sense – or if it involves unlawful activity (see also catholic sex abuse cases). The definition of "harm" involved may however be contested, insofar as it is not obvious and open to interpretation.


  1. ↑ Graham Scambler, "Sex Work Stigma: Opportunist Migrants in London". Sociology, vol. 41, no. 6, December 2007, pp. 1079-1096.
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