Shaganappi Trail
Shaganappi Trail is an arterial road in the northwest quadrant of Calgary, Alberta. It is considered one of the city's expressways. It extends to the south as Montgomery View, a small service road in the neighborhood of Montgomery, and terminates in the neighborhood of Nolan Hill in the north, with city planning maps indicating future northern extension beyond 144th Ave. The name "Shaganappi" is of Cree origin, referring to the bison hide lacings that held Red River ox carts together.
Despite the name, it is not located near the Shaganappi neighborhood, which is located south of the Bow River. Plans to extend Shaganappi Trail southbound past the Bow River and into the Shaganappi neighborhood for transit and emergency use have been met with fierce opposition, as it would cut through Edworthy Park just south of the river. However, it is noted that there are no crossings of the Bow River between Sarcee Trail to the west and Crowchild Trail to the east.
See also