Molavi Abdul Hamid
Molavi AbdolHamid Ismaeelzahi or Shaikh-ul-Islam Abdolhamid Ismaeelzahi (Persian: مولوی عبدالØمید اسماعیل زهی): is a Sunni theologian and the spiritual leader of the Sunni community in Iran. According to a biography published in his website he was born in 1947 (1366 H. Q) in "Galougah" (گلوگاه) village, an area in the vicinity of Zahedan and educated in Badr-ul-Uloom Hammadiya Islamic seminary Rahimyarkhan, Punjab, Pakistan.
After the death of former Sunni leader and member of expert assembly Molavi Abdolaziz Mollazadeh in 1987, Molavi Abdolhamid took the leadership of Grand Makki mosque, its seminary(Jamiah Darul Uloom Zahedan) and other related vigorous religious institutions.
Nowadays Makki and its joint institutions are the strongest Sunni religious institutions in Iran with significant political and social influence on Sunnis in Iran.
Molavi Abdolhamid is well known for his advocacy to Sunni right in Iran. Some of Iranian medias branded him as a moderate Sunni voice in the dominantly Shi'ites nation.
Travel restrictions
In July 2014, Mowlavi Abdolhamid, a senior Sunni leader and the Friday Imam of Zahedan, has been banned from leaving Iran.[1] In 2013, Mowlavi Abdolhamid was also prevented from participating in the International Conference of the World of Islam Association.
See also
External links
- The official website of Shaikh Abdolhamid Ismaeelzahi
- Photograph of Shaikh-ul-Islam Abdolhamid Ismaeelzahi